Original Research Article
Distribution of ABO and Rhesus ‘D’ Blood Groups among Pregnant Women in a Tertiary Hospital in Rivers State, Southern Nigeria
Felix C.C. Wekere, Kenneth E. Okagua, Ifeoma Nwadiuto, Precious K Gbeneol, Leesi Sapira-Ordu, Sotonye Asikimabo-Ofori, Priscilla Ogbonda, Ngozi Monica O. Elenwo
Cross Current Int J Med Biosci, 2024; 6(1): 1-5
DOI: 10.36344/ccijmb.2024.v06i01.001
384 Downloads | Jan. 2, 2024
Background: In recent times, the role of ABO and Rhesus grouping in clinical practice has increased widely. There is a paucity of literature on blood group distribution, and its distribution has not been studied in our centre. This study aimed to determine the distribution of ABO, Rh D blood groups and haemoglobin genotype among pregnant women initiating antenatal care in Rivers State University Teaching Hospital (RSUTH). Methods: This was a cross-sectional study among antenatal clinic attendees in RSUTH, over 6 months. At booking 3ml of venous blood was collected in Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) vacutainer from the pregnant women, and ABO and Rh D typing was done by tile methods forward and reverse grouping methods and confirmed by microscopy. Haemoglobin genotype was done by electrophoresis. Data collected were analyzed using IBM Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS), version 25.0 (Armonk, New York). Results: One thousand one hundred and forty -seven patients were recruited for the study. Their mean age and mean gestational age at booking were 31.6 SD 4.6 years (95% CI: 31.3,31.8), and 21.1 SD 18.6 weeks respectively. Modal parity was para 1. The predominant blood group among pregnant women at the RSUTH was O [667 (58.2%)], followed by A [286 (24.9%)], B [171(14.9%)], and AB [23(2%)]. The prevalences of Rhesus D positive and Rhesus D negative blood group were 95.2% and 4.8% respectively. Concerning genotype, the most predominant was AA 898 (78%) followed by AS [245 (21.4)], SS [4 (0.4%)], and AC [2 (0.2%]. Conclusion: The predominant blood group and genotype among pregnant women in our centre is O Rh D positive and AA respectively. The findings from this study would help plan transfusion services antepartum and post-partum. This will be relevant in transfusion and coagulation management of obstetric haemorrhage.
Original Research Article
Diabetes mellitus is characterized by sustained elevation of blood sugar, which is the main body energy source derived from the food we eat. In Nigeria, diabetic management revolves around blood glucose control and less attention is given to eye care. The aim of the present study was to establish the relationship between Intra Ocular Pressure and Body Mass Index of Diabetics attending a Diabetes Care Centre in Port Harcourt. The Intra Ocular Pressure of the subjects was determined. Body Mass Index, was also determined. Fasting blood glucose was measured. Uncontrolled blood sugar for males were 30(53.6%), females, 23(52.3%). The relationship between fasting blood glucose and gender was not statistically significant (P<0.00). Most subjects were in over weight category (46%), normal (26%), obese (28%) and underweight (1%). 87% of the subjects had normal intra ocular pressure, 9% elevated intra ocular pressure and 4% had pathological condition. No association existed between Intra Ocular Pressure and Body Mass Index. This occurred because; most of the subjects had their blood sugar level under control. More diabetic care centres should be established and equipped by the government to care, educate and manage diabetic patients, thereby preventing them from developing visual impairment and blindness.
Balanitis is the inflammation of the glans penis while balanoposthitis involves both the glans penis and prepuce and occurs only in uncircumcised males. Balanitis is more common in uncircumcised males due to the occlusive effect of the foreskin, which facilitates smegma retention and bacterial and fungal overgrowth. Therefore, balanitis is rare after circumcision and severe balanitis is even rarer. In patients with recurrent balanoposthitis, circumcision is indicated, and the presence of diabetes should be ruled out. Diabetes mellitus is a frequent predisposing factor for Candida balanoposthitis and has been associated with male genital lichen sclerosus, which in progressive stages leads to phimosis. Circumcision is also indicated in the treatment of lichen sclerosus associated with phimosis. Candida albicans stands as the primary culprit in cases of acute infectious balanoposthitis, with aerobic bacteria constituting the second most common etiological factor. Among these bacteria, streptococci particularly groups B and D and staphylococci, notably S. aureus, are prevalent. Mixed infections may also occur. The typical clinical manifestations involve erythema and oedema accompanied by itching and/or pain. In instances of painful, erosive streptococcal balanoposthitis, severe balanopreputial oedema with purulent exudate can be observed. Staphylococcus haemolyticus, a prominent member of the coagulase-negative staphylococci of the skin microbiota, causes infections in the male urogenital tract, such as urinary tract infections, chronic prostatitis and epididymo-orchitis. However, it had not been associated with balanitis. Enterococcus faecalis is part of the normal gastrointestinal microflora and is also a frequent cause of urinary tract infections and of chronic prostatitis. Enterococcus has been associated with mild balanoposthitis in adults and E. faecalis has been described to cause balanoposthitis in young children, but its association with severe balanitis .....
Original Research Article
Depression is a multifactorial disease that globally impacts all ages and sectors of the population. In this sense, it has become a public health problem, since it affects 280 million people in the world, according to information from the World Health Organization. Older adults represent 5.7% of the population that experiences this disease, with the moderate to severe stage being the one that most impacts their health, and, therefore, quality of life. For this reason, the objective of the research is to know the prevalence and psychosocial risk factors associated with depression in older people in the community of Santa Cruz, Hecelchakán, Campeche. The methodology used is with a quantitative approach because information was collected, based on the application of the Yesavage scale of geriatric depression, and the sociodemographic registry of 60 older adults of both sexes, in order to measure the percentage of prevalence through its respective epidemiological formula. Likewise, it is cross-sectional because it collected data in a single time: November 2022 – October 2023. Results: 46.7% experienced mild depression, 41.7% moderate depression and 11.6% severe depression. 55% of those interviewed were male and 45% female. The actual prevalence of depression is 100%. Likewise, the psychosocial risk factors identified were: the absence of recreational activities and social support networks, the economy, health services and family disintegration. Finally, it is necessary to design and implement socio-health intervention projects in the locality and with a socio-cultural perspective that impacts this age group, the family and from an intergenerational perspective, with the promotion of mental health being a priority goal in their execution.
Original Research Article
Sexual and haematological abnormalities are on the increase, hence the need to identify possible ameliorative agents. The present study evaluates the effects of the hydromethanol leaf extract of Craterispermum schweinfurthi on sperm characteristics and haematological indices in male wistar rats. A total of 20 male wistar rats weighing between 100-250g were randomly divided into 4 groups of 5 rats each and treated as follows for 28days: Group A: Negative control: Group B, C and D received 250mg/kgbw, 500mg/kg bw and 750mg/kg bw of extract. On day 29, the rats were placed under chloroform anaesthesia and blood samples collected for the estimation of serum total white blood cell, red blood cell and platelet counts. Also, rats caudal epididymides were isolated for sperm characteristics estimation. Compared to Group A rats, significantly higher values of sperm count, active sperm, and population of normal sperm were observed amongst Groups B-D rats in a dose dependent manner (p<0.05). For sperm volume and viability, significant increases were observed amongst Group D rats only compared to Group A rats (p<0.05): Suggesting a possible greater potency of the extract at 750mg/kg body weight. Population of abnormal sperm, sluggish sperm and dead sperm were significantly decreased amongst Groups B-D rats compared to Group A rats (p<0.05). Similarly, a significant and dose dependent increase in total WBC, RBC and PLT counts following graded extract doses administration were observed amongst rats in B, C and D Groups compared to Group A rats: Demonstrating a possible blood boosting potentials of the extract in male wistar rats. The extract apparently exhibits potential beneficial effects on sperm characteristics and haematopoiesis in male wistar rats.
Original Research Article
Knowledge and Practice of Vector Control against Malaria by Mothers of Children Aged 06 to 59 Months Hospitalized for Severe Malaria in the Pediatric Department of the Reference Health Center of Commune I of Bamako
Ouazoun Coulibaly, Daouda Camara, Yacouba Sylla, Fatoumata Diakite, Amadou Landouré, Bakary Keita, Chaka Keita, Kadiatou Ba, Belco Maiga, Oumar Coulibaly, Diakaridia Kone, Nouhoum Traore, Ousmane Diam
Cross Current Int J Med Biosci, 2024; 6(1): 26-32
DOI: 10.36344/ccijmb.2024.v06i01.006
444 Downloads | Feb. 14, 2024
Introduction: Severe malaria is a public health problem that causes a real socio-economic burden in developing countries. It is associated with high but avoidable mortality thanks to preventive and curative measures. Methodology: This is a descriptive and cross-sectional study with a prospective survey for the benefit of mothers of children aged 06 to 59 months hospitalized for serious malaria in the pediatric department of the Reference Health Center of Commune I of Bamako from October 2021 to September 2022. Results: In 12 months, 624 children were hospitalized, including 151 children aged 6 to 59 months suffering from severe malaria. The hospital frequency of severe malaria in this age group from 06 to 59 months was 24.2%. The average age of the mothers interviewed was 27.8 years with a range of 15 to 48 years. Mothers were educated in 84.1%, married in 98.7% and working as housewives in 81.5%. The reason for consulting children was fever (91.4%), anorexia (90.1%), prostration (79.5%). Mothers knew about impregnated mosquito nets and smoke coils as means of prevention against malaria at the same frequency of 99.3%, repellent creams 96.7%, and indoor spraying in 92.7%. In practice, they used smoke coils in 64.2%, repellent cream in 44.4% and mosquito nets impregnated with insecticide in 40.4%. Mothers attributed the cause of malaria to mosquito bites in 91.4%; They had readjusted the way sick children were fed by giving more food than usual (29.8%), splitting meals (21.8%) or using active feeding (14.6%). Most children had severe malaria, neurological form or anemic form at the same proportion of 37.1%. The assessment of the nutritional status of children revealed 18.5% acute malnutrition. The children had received conventional and traditional self-medication in 63.58 and 58.94% of cases respectively before admission. In children, a significant relationship was noted between severe anemic malaria and acute malnutrition (Fisher's exact test = 18.41; p = 0.01). ....