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Original Research Article
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of agricultural production on security sector reforms (SSR), economic development, and stability in South Sudan. Since gaining independence on July 9, 2011, SSR has remained a central goal, yet significant challenges persist. While the importance of SSR in establishing lasting peace post-conflict is widely acknowledged, there exists a notable gap in literature concerning the integration of economic development and security in South Sudan. This study is grounded in several theoretical frameworks, including Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Peacebuilding, Conflict Theory, Human Security, and the Copenhagen School of Security Studies. Adopting a pragmatic research paradigm, the study utilized a mixed-methods approach, drawing data from a target population of 27,570 respondents, including ex-combatants, security personnel involved in SSR initiatives, and key stakeholders. A sample of 450 was derived using Yamane's formula, ensuring comprehensive representation. Data collection involved structured questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, and document analysis, with subsequent analysis conducted using SPSS version 26. The findings reveal that agricultural production significantly influences SSR, economic development, and overall stability in South Sudan. Strong positive correlations between agricultural output and SSR outcomes highlight the critical importance of economic stability in reform efforts. The study underscores that enhancing the agricultural sector is not purely an economic initiative but is fundamentally linked to the broader objectives of SSR, conflict resolution, and sustainable peace. The significance of this study lies in its exploration of agriculture as a vital component of SSR processes. Its originality is marked by the integration of agricultural production into the discourse on security reform, a largely overlooked area in South Sudanese scholarship. Recommendations include strengthening ...
Original Research Article
In Ethiopia, common bean is grown predominantly under smallholder farmers for household consumption, cash crops and to improve soil fertility status. The crop has health benefits being rich in protein and a good source of iron and zinc. In the Amhara region, the crop had many constraints which are limited improved seed supply, poor extension service resulting in quality deterioration, price volatility, the prevalence of white common bean diseases, and rainfall scarcity. Also, the consumption and production of common beans in the West Belesa district weren’t well known. To improve production constraints and consumption problems Gondar Agricultural Research Center (GARC) conducted a demonstration trial in West Belesa district. The main objective was to provide the best adaptive and high-yielder common bean variety; to assess farmers’ and extension workers' reactions to the technology, and to enhance demand-driven technology dissemination. During the experiment, 3 common bean varieties (SER-119, Awash-1, and local) were demonstrated on a 300 m2 plot of land. To evaluate the technology Farmer Research and Extension Group (FREG) was established. The FREG members got training about common bean production, consumption, and crop management as well as the FREG concept and participatory research approaches. The FREG members evaluated the demonstrated technology based on their selection criteria. The selected varieties were SER-119 and Awash-1 varieties were given a mean grain yield of 2200 kg ha-1 and 2783 kg ha-1 respectively. The technology is also visited by farmers and stakeholders. Because of food taste farmers were motivated to produce SER-119 variety in the coming season. So SER-119 variety with a full production package should be promoted to improve income and consumption habits in the district and similar agroecology.
Original Research Article
A field experiment was made to evaluate the effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of wheat and soil chemical properties. The study was conducted for two consecutive cropping seasons (2023-2024) on farmers’ fields in the Sinana district of Oromia National Regional State. Therefore, this study has attempted to evaluate the effect of the integrated use of vermicompost and inorganic fertilizer on bread wheat production and soil fertility improvement in the study area. Fertilizer source organic Sources of nutrients both included (vermicompost) and inorganic fertilizer (urea and NPS) were used in the integrated form. These treatments consist of: T1 = Control (no input) T2 = Recommend NP, T3 =25% RVC + 75% N + Rec P, T4 =100% RVC + rec P, T5 =50% RVC + 50% N + rec P and T6 =75% RVC + 25% N + Rec P. The experiment was a randomized complete block design with three replications. Soil sampling and agronomic data on wheat grain yield and yield components were collected. Accordingly, the highest mean grain yield (5403.67kgha-1) was recorded from the plot of T2 (Recommended rate from inorganic) flowed by (5186.00 kgha-1) was recorded from T3 (25% RVC + 75% N + Rec P) while the lowest grain yield (2637.67 kgha-1) was recorded from control plot. The partial budget analysis was performed for alternative uses of integrated organic and inorganic fertilizer applications for bread wheat production. The results showed that the application of integrated vermicompost with recommended rates of inorganic NP significantly increased the yield and yield components. It can be concluded that the application of integrated vermicompost and recommended rate of inorganic NP fertilizers (25 % Equivalent N from + 75 % N + Rec P is desirable) based on environmental sustainability for future productivity. This experiment has to be repeated over seasons and locations to make conclusive recommendations for the study area.
Original Research Article
One of the fundamental goals of plant breeding is to evaluate genetic diversity in crop species, which aids in the development of breeding approaches. Therefore, this field experiment was conducted to assess mean performance, the genetic variability in garlic genotypes on bulb yield and related traits. The field evaluation of thirteen garlic genotypes and one released variety Holetta local (HL) was conducted at Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center using a randomized complete block design with three replications during the main growing seasons of 2020 and 2021. The analysis of variance indicated there were significant differences among the genotypes for all traits except days to physiological maturity in 2020 season, while only some growth and yield traits are significant in 2021 production season. Some of the genotypes GOG-065/18, GOG-057/18, GOG-047/18, GOG-064/18, GOG-068/18, GOG-045/18, and GOG-018/18 had mean performances higher than the standard check variety Holetta local (HL). Highest phenotypic (PCV) and genotypic (GCV) coefficients of variation recorded for total bulb yield tons per hectare and number of cloves per bulb, while the days to physiological maturity had the lowest heritability (h2b) in broad sense and genetic advance as a percent of mean (GAM), 67% and 33.89% (total bulb yield per hectare) and 1.13% to 0.08% (day to physiological maturity) respectively. High phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation coupled with high heritability and genetic advance as percent of mean were observed for total bulb yield tons per hectare number of cloves per bulb and clove weight. Therefore, selection for these characters would be effective for selecting genotypes for future garlic breeding programs.
Original Research Article
Growth Characteristics and Yield Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Coffee (Coffea Arabica L.) Genotypes in Sidama, Southern Ethiopia
Meseret Degefa Regassa, Habtamu Gebreselassie, Dejene Bekele, Kidist Shewangezaw, Ketema Manaye, Leta Ajema, Wondagegnehu G/tsaddik, Desalegn Alemayhu, Lemi Beksisa, Tadesse Benti, Ashenafi Ayano
Cross Current Int J Agri Vet Sci, 2024; 6(5): 134-140
954 Downloads | Dec. 24, 2024
Despite Ethiopia is endowed with diverse genetic base for the Arabica coffee and is the center of origin, there is still a limited availability of yield competitive improved variety; hence, the national average productivity is far below the world’s average. Due to this reason, the national average productivity is very low. From the various sets of pure lines variety development program in Ethiopia, it had been observed that it is rarely possible to improve yield above 1800-2000 kg/ha through direct selection indicating the need to look heterotic hybrids to maximize yield as high as 2500- 3000 kg/ha. Thus, it could be useful to further evaluate the performance of the best performing hybrids for yield and growth characters at full bearing stage to identify high yielding hybrids for commercial use. Therefore, to bridge this gap and improve coffee productivity, it is essential to develop hybrid coffee varieties that are high yielding, stable and disease resistant. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate coffee hybrid genotypes for yield and yield components. The experiment was conducted at Awada and Leku to depict the growth and yield characteristics of four Arabica coffee promising hybrid genotypes). The experiment was conducted by using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications during the years from 2016 to 2021. Data were collected for plant height, number of primary branches, number of secondary branches, length of the longest primary branch, number of main stem nodes, stem girth, internode length on the main stem, canopy diameter and yield for three consecutive years (2019 to 2021) per hectare basis. The results revealed the existence of statistically significant variations among the growth characters. Total plant height (1.99-2.45m), stem diameter (2.82–3.45cm), canopy diameter (199– 221.77cm), number of main stem nodes (27.96 – 30.66), number of primary branches (52.08 – 58.83), number of secondary branches (148.23 – 179.25), average ...
Original Research Article
Coffee is one of the commercial crops grown in many countries including Ethiopia. It contributes for 60% of total GDP in the country. Eight specialty coffee varieties with recommended packages were distributed among farmers in Sidama region and Gedeo zone. This study examines the status of these varieties managed by farmers on their field. Status was investigated against seedling survival rate and varietal uniformity with the objective of establishing specialty coffee seed source. A multistage sampling technique was applied from zonal to kebele levels of administration. Samples were taken purposively at zonal and Woreda levels. Since all Kebeles in the selected Woredas grow specialty coffee, random sampling of these units was done including specific farmer sites. Semi structured questionnaire was applied to generate quantitative data while field level observation and group discussions were conducted to elicit qualitative data. For data analysis, SPSS version 20 was used. Survival rates of the coffee seedlings were 93 and 94.5% for Gedeo and Sidama zones, respectively. Only 5.04% of the respondents planted the distributed seedlings between existing coffee varieties. Hence, 94.96% specialty coffee uniformity was achieved. Finally, it is concluded that nearly 95% of the coffee growers have met the target to serve as specialty coffee seed source in both zones. However, more studies are needed for precise judgment of the surveyed farmers as specialty coffee seed sources of a uniform variety.
Agriculture and its products are being negatively impacted by climate change, which is concerning the entire world. The production of coffee is heavily reliant on a predictable series of meteorological conditions. Coffee quality and productivity levels are directly impacted by changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, storms, strong winds, and other extreme weather occurrences. This study evaluated coffee production, growth requirements, climate change factors, and the effects of climate change on coffee yields and quality. There is also discussion of potential ways to lessen the impact of climate change on coffee quality and productivity.