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The perception of the learning environment refers to how students understand, experience, and evaluate their educational surroundings, considering physical, social, and psychological aspects. This concept is important in educational research as it directly impacts students' academic performance, motivation, and overall well-being. This study examined the perception of the learning environment among higher education students in Kolkata, focusing on variations based on gender, habitation, type of institution, educational stream, and educational level. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 257 students from higher education institutions. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze differences in perceptions across these variables. The findings revealed that female students had a significantly higher perception of their learning environment compared to male students (p<0.05). Urban students showed better perceptions than their rural counterparts, although the difference was not statistically significant. Similarly, students from private institutions reported a better perception than those studying in government institutions. Students from the science stream demonstrated a higher perception of the learning environment compared to those from arts and commerce streams. Additionally, undergraduate students exhibited significantly higher perceptions than postgraduate students (p<0.05). This study highlighted key differences in students’ perceptions of their learning environments and emphasizes the need to consider these variations to improve the overall educational experience.
Original Research Article
Internalizing symptoms are becoming increasingly prevalent among adolescent within school settings as a result of social and academic pressures. These result in psychopathology and maladjustments such as anxiety, depression and other psychosomatic conditions. Concerned with the above, this study, investigated psychological sense of school membership and gender as predictors of internalizing symptoms among in-school adolescents in Ibadan. Using a cross-sectional research design, multistage sampling technique was used to select 513 students from public and private secondary schools in Ibadan. Data was collected through the use of structured questionnaires. Findings showed that adolescents’ gender and psychological sense of school membership showed a joint predictive influence on internalizing symptoms (R= .525, R2=.276, F 97.12, P<0.01). There was an independent influence of gender on internalizing symptoms (t (511)=8.069 P<0.01). Adolescents’ psychological sense of school membership also had a significant independent influence on internalizing symptoms (t (511) = 8.867, P<0.01). This study revealed that psychological sense of school membership of adolescents and gender are essential in addressing internalizing symptoms amongst adolescents. Therefore, female adolescent students should be trained on emotional resilience early, psycho-educative training should be offered to teachers and other adults in the school environment and schools should intentionally create a climate that supports high psychological sense of school membership of adolescents. Psychoeducation and the implementation of interventions to prevent and address internalizing symptoms should be a part of the strategies to improve adolescents’ well-being.
Original Research Article
The level of competition in the vehicle washing sector is increasing, because the number of vehicles, both cars and motorbikes, is increasing every year. This is an opportunity for vehicle washing entrepreneurs to increase revenue through customer loyalty. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of vehicle washing location and service quality on customer loyalty in Jakarta. This study successfully collected data through a customer survey of 130 customers. The sampling method used in this study is the non-probability purposive sampling method. We used multiple regression analysis where customer loyalty is the dependent variable and the location of the vehicle washing and service quality as exogenous variables. The collected data were then processed using the Smart PLS data processing tool. Partial Least Square measures two submodels, namely the outer measurement submodel or outer Measurement Model and the structural model or inner Model or inner Measurement Submodel. The results of this study found that the location of the vehicle washing and service quality have a statistically significant effect on customer loyalty. The implications and limitations of this study are also discussed in this article.
Original Research Article
The mental health of university students in Kenya is a pressing concern, with a rising prevalence of stress, anxiety, depression, and other psychological challenges impacting their academic performance, personal development, and overall well-being. This study aims to establish inclusive peer communication coping methods for promoting free peer-to-peer counseling in selected universities in Kenya. The objective of the study was to establish inclusive peer communication coping methods for promoting free peer-to-peer counseling in selected universities in Kenya. Cognitive-Behavioral Theory (CBT) was initially proposed and developed by Aaron T. Beck, an American psychiatrist, in the 1960s. Beck’s work in psychotherapy and mental health led to the formulation of CBT as an effective approach for understanding and treating various psychological disorders. Cognitive-Behavioral Theory offers a comprehensive framework to understand the link between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Anchoring self-destructive habits within this Theory allows for developing effective peer support interventions to challenge negative thought patterns and promote adaptive behaviors. The target population for this study is 8945 individuals. Descriptive statistics including means, percentages, frequencies, and standard deviation were used to analyze the quantitative data. Data was presented using tables. Qualitative data that was generated from open-ended questions, was categorized into themes and patterns of content analysis to determine the adequacy of usefulness, consistencies, and credibility of the information examined. The analyzed data was presented in narratives and direct quotes. Several coping methods were used to provide mental health solutions. Peer–to–peer student counseling adopted approaches such as problem-solving, emotional expression and validation, relaxation techniques, cognitive framing, social support, and creative self-expression. Other coping methods included journaling, ...
Original Research Article
This study was done to examine the psychosocial effects of sexual partner seeking via social media accounts among adolescents; and assess whether sexual partner seeking matches with sexual orientations among adolescents using social media accounts in Dar es Salaam. Correlational research design and questionnaires were used to collect data among 264 adolescents in universities and 234 adolescents in secondary schools, who were sampled using stratified sampling technique. The obtained data were subjected to descriptive and correlational analysis and test using SPSS IBM Version 20 and presented in tables. The results indicate that sexual partner seeking via social media accounts has enhanced adolescents to be sexually overambitious to the extent of engaging in risky sexual debuts, disclosure of adolescents’ privacy/secrecy, demoralization due to postage of naked pictures or their sex videos after breaking up with the partners, together with intimidations, cyber-sexual abuse and sexual insults after meeting with untrustworthy sexual partner seekers. They also indicate that sexual partner seeking is relative to sexual orientations of adolescents as driven by self-interests and sexual feelings. Therefore, it is concluded that sexual partner seeking via social media accounts is done under risky circumstances and affects the psychosocial wellbeing of adolescents. It is also recommended that more studies should be done in order to inform about coping mechanisms for the adolescents who encounter the psychosocial effects after meeting sexual partner seekers via social media accounts.
Original Research Article
The present study was aimed at studying the perceived occupational stress among male and female teachers working in +2 private schools with special reference to Darbhanga district, India. It is undoubtedly fact that in recent years our private educator’s organizations and other groups have sought to improve the public image of the teaching occupation so as to attract more people in to the occupation. Hence, the present piece of research work is of immense value on the problem mentioned above. For the present investigation, total sample consisted of one hundred sixty (N=160) comprising male (n=80) and female (n=80) teachers working in +2 Private Schools were randomly selected from different private schools of Darbhanga district. Data were collected through questionnaire schedules on the sample. Having obtained the data on the items of the schedules, individual scores were summed up and tabulated according to procedure of the scales for giving statistical treatment. Results indicated the fact that there is a significant difference between male and female teachers working in +2 private Schools of Darbhanga district in their degree of perceived reactions on occupational stress as t-value has been found statistically significant at .05 but all the teachers reported more or less moderate level of occupational stress. On the other hand, no significant difference has been found between the groups of males and females in terms of their degree of the dimensions of occupational stress, viz. unreasonable groups and political pressures, under participation, intrinsic impoverishment, low status, and unprofitability. although few dimensions of occupational stress out of twelve dimensions viz., role overload, role ambiguity, responsibility for persons, poor peer relations and strenuous working conditions have been found as the predictors between male and female teachers as these dimensions has been found statistically significant at .01 and ,05 level of confidence although both ...
Original Research Article
The study examined family types and school types as determinants of in-school adolescents’ risky sexual behaviour in Yenagoa educational zone of Bayelsa State, Nigeria. The study adopted a correlational survey research design to determine between family types and school types as determinants of in-school adolescents’ risky sexual behaviour in Yenagoa educational zone of Bayelsa State, Nigeria. The population of the study consisted of thirty five (35) public secondary schools in Yenagoa educational zone of Bayelsa State, Nigeria with a total of eight thousand, nine hundred and thirty nine (8,939) SS1 and SS2 students. Twenty nine (29) private schools with a total of three thousand four hundred and eighty four (3,484) students in private secondary schools in Yenagoa educational zone of Bayelsa State, Nigeria. The simple random sampling technique was adopted to select five (5) public secondary schools and five private secondary schools in Yenagoa educational zone of Bayelsa State, Nigeria. The sample for the study consisted of forty (40) SS1 and SS2 students from five (5) selected public schools and five (5) selected private schools in Yenagoa educational zone of Bayelsa State, Nigeria with a total sample size of four hundred (400) in-school adolescents. A self-designed instrument titled family types and school types on adolescents sexual behaviour questionnaire (FTSTASBQ) was used to collect data for the study. The instrument was validated and yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.86. The research questions were analyzed using mean and standard deviation, while Spearman rank was adopted in analying the stated hypotheses. From the analysis, the study found out that family types and school types have significant relationship with adolescents’ risky sexual behaviour in Yenagoa educational zone, Bayelsa State.