Original Research Article
Down syndrome or trisomy 21 is a genetic disease resulting from an additional gain of chromosome 21. It predisposes to multiple pathologies including obesity, infections, diabetes, or hypothyroidism, responsible for various biological abnormalities. This work aimed to determine biochemical profile of congolese persons with Down syndrome, living in Brazzaville (Congo). The study was carried out on 25 persons with Down syndrome. They are cared for in four specialized centers for disabled children. The methodology was based on the determination of glycaemia, proteins and lipids by spectrophotometric and electrophoretic methods. Globally, normal values of total cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose (except for one person who had moderate hyperglycaemia), were observed. We noted an hyperlipidemia associated with low levels of HDL, LDL, albumin, and alpha 1 globulin. In Conclusion: there is a disturbance in biochemical profile in subjects with Down syndrome, which predispose to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and opportunistic infections.
Original Research Article
Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of total PSA, free PSA and the ratio of free to total PSA in identifying prostate cancer. Patients and methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study from March 2019 to November 2021. Blood samples were analysed by sandwich ELISA and the ratio of free to total PSA (f/tPSA) was calculated. Prostate biopsies underwent histological analysis and the WHO 2012 Gleason Differentiation Score grading system was used. Results: 54 patients were selected; after histological examination 26 (48.15%) had prostate cancer (PCa) and 28 (51.85%) had Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) (P<0.001). The mean total PSA (tPSA) of patients with PCa (26.1 ± 32.8 ng/ml) was higher than that of patients with BPH (9.64 ± 6.72 ng/ml) (p=0.019). The mean f/tPSA ratio of patients with PCa (14.3 ± 16.3%) was significantly lower than those with BPH (21.8 ± 19.3%). Gleason score was poorly differentiated in patients with tPSA < 4ng/ml and > 10ng/ml in 11.5% and 26.9% respectively. 61.5% of patients with f/tPSA <15% had SG≤6, SG=7 and SG ≥8 in 12.5%, 37.5% and 50.0% respectively. AUC/ROC was significantly higher for f/tPSA ratio (AUC, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.52 to 0.81) than for tPSA (AUC, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.46 to 0.77) and fPSA (AUC, 0.49; 95% CI, 0.34 to 0.65). Conclusion: Early diagnosis of prostate cancer requires the contribution of different PSA derivatives and the use of cut-off values.
Original Research Article
Diabetes in children and adolescents is considered rare in Africa due to a lack of data. We conducted a retrospective analytical study for 12 years, based on patient records between 2010 and 2022, and analyzed the epidemiological and evolutionary aspects of patients. A total of 236 patients were enrolled, including 121 (51.48%) men and 114 (48.51%) women. The average age at the discovery of the disease was 16.29±5.39 years, ranging from 1 year to 19 years. The most represented age group was 10-20 years. The incidence rate was 2.43/10,000 inhabitants/year. The prevalence of childhood diabetes mellitus in Pointe-Noire was 0.20%. We observed 98.29% cases of T1D, 0.85% of secondary diabetes, 0.42% of T2D, and 0.42% cases of MODY. Diabetic ketoacidosis was the most common cause of hospitalization (51.89%). Follow-up was regular for 43.82% of patients but marked by patients lost to follow-up (14.46%) and a significant number of deaths (18.72%). Better biological monitoring of our patients will prevent complications and improve care.
Original Research Article
Biotechnology in Agriculture- Bio- Decomposers, Compost, Kitchen Garden
Ms. Sanskriti Tripathy, Dr. Tridibesh Tripathy, Shankar Das, Dharmendra Pratap Singh, Mr. Anil Dubey, Mr. Anjani Kumar, Mrs. Anjali Tripathy, Rakesh Dwivedi, Dr. Mohini Gautam
EAS J Biotechnol Genet, 2023; 5(4): 88-97
DOI: 10.36349/easjbg.2023.v05i04.004
872 Downloads | Sept. 26, 2023
We all observe World Environment Day on June 5th every year. The issue of recycling cuts across many subjects. The entire process starts under the domain of agriculture. The real process involved comes under the domain of biotechnology. Once the product like a bio-decomposer is out, its use again comes under the umbrella of agriculture & horticulture. Consumption of the output falls under nutrition & its impact is felt in public health. To see the effectiveness of the process, the methods of research are adhered to. The article discusses the vagaries of the monsoon & discusses the importance of bio-decomposers to address these vagaries both at household & community level. The concept of kitchen garden, its cost effectiveness, process of formation of bio-decomposers and biotechnology involvement are described through the literature review mentioned in the article. The crux of the article is the case study of preparing a bio-decomposer, using the bio-decomposer for the plants or vegetables thus enriching them. Finally, the process of formation of soil by using the bio-decomposer on the used tea leaves & used flowers. On the top of it, using only dry cow dung & dry leaves as manures is the key.
Original Research Article
Adimenu is a local herbal mixture made from extracts of selected plants for medicinal purpose. Users of the herb become dizzy after use; there are cases of sudden collapse and hospitalization; headaches, and stomach disorder have been reported. The current study investigates toxicity evaluation of Adimenu using Allium cepa L. chromosomal assay. The herbal mixture was made into different concentrations- 1 to 100%, while distilled water served as the control. Allium cepa bulbs of average sizes were placed on equal volumes of the varying concentrations in beakers prepared for rooting. The following parameters were evaluated- number of roots, length of roots, root Growth Inhibition (%), mitotic Index and cytogenetic analysis. For the cytogenetic study the roots from each bulb were plucked and fixed for 24 hours, then hydrolyzed in 1N HCl at 60OC for 1minute. The root tip was excised using scalpel and placed in orcein stain on glass slide, it was squashed and then covered with cover slip and pressed; the cells were scored under a light microscope for chromosomal aberrations. Results revealed the first experimental set-up, which involved 20 to 100% concentration of Adimenu had no root emergence. The repeated experiment using lower concentrations showed root outgrowths with 2.0 to 8.0%; the length of roots was inversely proportional to the herbal mixture concentrations. The root growth inhibition (RGI) revealed the higher the concentrations, the higher the % inhibition on root outgrowth and the lengths. The mitotic index (MI) reduces as the herbal concentrations increase. The cytogenetic analysis showed two main mitotic defects, namely: (i) Anaphase chromosome bridge and (ii) Cytokinesis defects. The herbal mixture, Adimenu, induced degeneration of the protein regulator of cytokinesis (PRC) which is vital for cytokinesis and normal cell cleavage and thereby caused defects in cytokinesis. The cytokinesis defect is responsible for initiating and promoting chromosomal .......