Taxes are the obligations of citizens to the country, not least for the owners of companies in carrying out their business. This study discusses the effect of tax on pricing in minimarkets in Bone Regency. This study is an explanatory study with a quantitative approach using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics using the application AMOS version 23. This study shows that there is no significant effect of tax on pricing. This means that taxes are not a consideration in setting prices. The tax is applied after the price is set by the company. Taxes are based on income from minimarkets.
This study aims to determine the effect of transformational leadership and job satisfaction on organizational performance, the effect of transformational leadership on organizational performance, the effect of job satisfaction on organizational performance, the effect of organizational commitment on organizational performance and transformational leadership and job satisfaction on organizational performance through organizational commitment. The study was conducted on secure parking in Jakarta. Sampling using accidental samples involving 122 employees. Data analysis uses path analysis. Based on data analysis, it is known that transformational leadership and job satisfaction variables affect organizational performance, transformational leadership affects organizational performance, organizational commitment influences organizational performance, transformational leadership and job satisfaction affect organizational performance through organizational commitment.
This research is to examine and analyze the integrity and compensation of organizational performance through job satisfaction at PT Puji Bijak Prestasi. The population and study sample were all company employees as many as 122 people. The sampling technique uses a saturated sample technique with data analysis using path analysis. The results showed that integrity variables affect organizational performance partially. The work compensation variable influences partially organizational performance. Job satisfaction variables partially affect organizational performance. Integrity variables affect job satisfaction partially. The compensation variable influences job satisfaction partially. The effect of integrity on organizational performance is 0.581. The effect of integrity on performance through job satisfaction is 0.676 x 0.868 = 0.585. In this case, the indirect effect is greater than the direct effect so it can be said that the job satisfaction variable is intervening. The effect of worker's compensation on organizational performance through job satisfaction is 0.767 x 0.868 = 0.672. In this case, the direct effect is smaller than the indirect effect so it can be said that the job satisfaction variable is intervening.
The objective of research is investigate the effect of self-efficacy, training, and motivation on employee performance and its implications on the performance of the government work unit of Aceh Jaya Regency. The population employed in this study ia all employees of the Aceh Jaya District Government Work Unit, amounting to 139 people, all of whom are civil servants with no honorarium or contract workers. Sampling was carried out by census techniques for all employees in the Unit. The results indicated that self-efficacy, training, and motivation have a significant effect on employee performance either partially or simultaneously. Similarly, self-efficacy, training, motivation, and employee performance also have an partial and simultaneous influence on organizational performance. Meanwhile, regarding the mediation effects, it is found that employee performance mediated the effect of self-efficacy, training, and motivation on organizational performance.
This paper analyzes racial and gender trauma evoking the tormented state of the narrator, Maya in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Based on the cultural trauma, the researcher analyzes the experiences of depressed African American women without identities. The narrator struggles to develop her dignified self and nonconformist outlook comes to block her after she was raped by her mother’s boyfriend Mr. Freeeman. The mysterious murder of her rapist creates the guilt, shame in her psychic as she thinks that she is responsible for his murder. The narrator suffering from the guilt and self-loathing results in her psychic turmoil. She stops speaking to people except her brother, Bailey. In the novel, Angelou tries to raise the voice of Black women to achieve dignified identity in the white racist and sexist America looking back on her childhood experiences. In this regard, this research aims to show reasons that cause the traumatic situation in the narrator due to several events that erupt in African American societies. Not only this, this research work explores issues related to the cause of racial and gender trauma and discusses how the narrator succeeds in working through trauma while in some cases the narrator just acts out it.
This research is aimed at determining the effect ofobrand experienceuon brand loyalty mediatedrby brand trust andysatisfaction with empirical studies taken on the body shop brand in Banda Aceh. The samples used in this study were consumers who are registered as members. Questionnaire as a research instrument was used this research. Purposiversampling was useduas a sampling technique. The method was Hierarchical Linear Theoretical framework in this study was suggested by Modeling Barony& Kenny (1986). It was used toyexamine the effect of independentrvariables with the dependentevariable. The resultshof this study showed that brand experience had a positivehand significant effect ondbrand trust and satisfaction. Brand experience variables also showed a partial relationship, positivefand significant towards brand loyalty. For trustworthy variable brand and satisfaction with brand loyalty also showed partial, positive and significant influence. This research also showed that brandfexperience variables have a significant, positive and partial effecthon brand loyalty mediated by trustworthy brand. Furthermore, the influence of brandgexperience on brandkloyalty is mediated by partial satisfaction, positive and significant.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of : (1) CSR on reputation (2) CSR on customer trust, (3) CSR on customer satisfaction (4) customer trust on reputation, (6) customer satisfaction on reputation (7) customer trust on brand equity (8) customer satisfaction on brand equity. Data analytical tool used is structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis of which supported by the Amos program. The results of the study show that all independent variables employed in research have a significant influence on dependent variable either directly or indirectly through intervening variable.
The aim of research is to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence on the performance of employees directly and indirectly through job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The sampling technique used simple random sampling, with sample size of 140 employees at Aceh Jaya District’s Work Unit (SKPK). The Analytical technique used in this study is path analysis and sobel test. The outcome indicated that emotional intelligence has positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and employee performance. Meanwhile, indirectly, emotional intelligence has positive but not significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
This research aimed to analyze the effect of transformational leadership and job satisfaction on work motivation and their impact on employee performance. The sampling technique used was census, with the size of respondents as many 132 employees of Tax Service Office Pratama Banda Aceh. Data analysis technique used was Structural Equation Model. The results showed that transformational leadership has no significant effect on work motivation, while job satisfaction has a significant effect on work motivation; transformational leadership and job satisfaction have a significant effect on employee performance; transformational leadership indirectly has no significant effect on employee performance through work motivation, while job satisfaction indirectly has a significant effect on employee performance through work motivation.
The purpose of this study is to describe the level of service quality, religiosity, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty and to investigate the effect of service quality and religiosity on customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as a mediating variable at PT. Pegadaian Syariah in Banda Aceh branch, Indonesia. The research employs Structural Equation Model (SEM) and AMOS Software for analytical and processing research collected data. The outcome of research indicated that all research variables are has been relatively good, service quality has an effect on customer satisfaction, service quality can increase customer satisfaction using sharia pawnshops in Banda Aceh, religiosity has an effect on customer satisfaction. The results of researchalso prove that service quality has an effect on customer loyalty ,religiosity has a significant effect on customer loyalty, then customer satisfaction also has an influence on customer customer loyalty, there are direct and indirect effects of service quality on customer satisfaction and an impact on customer loyalty and there are direct and indirect effects of religiosity on customer satisfaction and impact on customer loyalty at PT. Pegadaian Syariah in Banda Aceh City.
Research Article
The Effect of Work Environment, Work Motivation, And Quality of Work Life on Employee Performance And Its Implications on Performance of Staffing And Human Resource Development Agency In The Districts of Aceh Jaya, Aceh Barat, Nagan Raya, Province of Aceh, Indonesia
Cut Intan Fadhilla, Said Musnadi, Syafruddin Chan
East African Scholars J Econ Bus Manag, 2020; 3(2):176-182
998 Downloads | Feb. 28, 2020
This research aimed to analyze the effect of work environment, work motivation, and quality of work life on employee performance and their impact on organizational performance. The sampling technique used was census, with the size of respondents as many 116 employees of Staffing and Human Resource Development Agency District (Aceh Jaya, Aceh Barat, Nagan Raya). Data analysis technique used was Structural Equation Model. The results showed that work environment, work motivation, and quality of work life have a significant effect on employee performance; work motivation and employee performance have a significant effect on organizational performance, while work environment and quality of work life have no significant effect on organizational performance; work environment, work motivation, and quality of work life indirectly have a significant effect on organizational performance through employee performance.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of : (1) CSR on reputation (2) CSR on customer trust, (3) CSR on customer satisfaction (4) customer trust on reputation, (6) customer satisfaction on reputation (7) customer trust on brand equity (8) customer satisfaction on brand equity. Data analytical tool used is structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis of which supported by the Amos program. The results of the study show that all independent variables employed in research have a significant influence on dependent variable either directly or indirectly through intervening variable.
This study aims to determine the effect of Transformational Leadership, Organization Learning, and Compensation toward Employee Engagement with Trust as Mediating Variable. The Methods of This study used questionnaires as research instrument. Total sampling was used as the sampling technique in this research. Partial Least Square (PLS) is used to determine the effect of mediation involved. The results of this study indicate that the Transformational Leadership, Organization Learning, Compensation and Trust towards significantly Employee Engagement.
In these past years, Korean pop or commonly called as K-Pop becomes the most trending topic in the Internet. Starting from its first presence, K-Pop never subsided reported. As everyone is talking about this genre, K-Pop fans are known as their loyalty. Whereupon, this research examined the factors that driven fans become loyal. Adopted from the previous research, it was found that vanity trait, peer norm and variety seeking were the causes which influenced the loyalty. While in this research, the researcher assessed the possible next stage after loyalty which was customer advocacy. A total of 400 valid questionnaires were analyzed and it was filled in by respondents aged 15 to 24 widely spread in Indonesia. By using the SPPS and AMOS software, this research found that vanity trait and peer norm positively affected the customer loyalty. Afterward, the loyal customer would spread their positive experience to the society and this was called customer advocacy.
Conducted in 2019, this study sought to examine the effect of third party intervention on employee performance on Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). Quantitative descriptive cross-sectional survey design was employed in this study. The study targeted 498 technical staff using simple random sampling. Mean and Standard Deviations were used to compute the central tendency and measure of dispersion of conflict resolution and employee performance respectively. Specifically, linear regression analysis was used to determine the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The findings reveal that the effect of third party intervention on employee performance (F=47.245, p=0.000) is significant and confirmed that every unit change in third party intervention would significantly predict a variance in employee performance by 42% (Beta=0.420, p=0.000). It was concluded that third party intervention significantly affects employee performance at KCCA due to the involvement of the third party whom the conflicting parties are well acquainted with hence the best way of resolving conflicts. KCCA management should encourage the use of third party intervention as a form of conflict resolution strategy is a recommendation from this study. It was also advised that the intervening party must maintain a neutral attitude to avoid worsening the problem.