Technology facilities and health information system resources in the South Buru District Health Service have not been managed and developed efficiently due to the lack of supporting information infrastructure and the lack of supporting resources in managing the health information system. The purpose of this study was to determine the development of technology and health information system resources in supporting the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in the South Buru District Health Office. This type of research is qualitative with a case study approach. The location of this research is the South Buru Health Service. Informants in this study are the heads of the Health Office, employees of the Office of Health Services, Information and Public Relations, and employees of the health information system/operator of the health information system, related fields, service provider operators, and the community. The research data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, document review and observation. The data obtained were analyzed using content analysis. The results showed that information system development facilities and technology and resource development in the South Buru District Health Service were still not well fulfilled, especially in remote areas of South Buru Regency. It is hoped that regional governments will pay more attention in developing health information systems in South Buru Regency.
One of the most salient features of contemporary Eastern African fiction is the recurrent emphasis on civil war and its dehumanizing impact on innocent civilians. The present analysis focuses on wars’ impact on children, as reflected in two selected short stories: “My Parents’ Bedroom” by Uwem Akpan, and “Butterfly Dreams” by Beatrice Lamwaka. The study is carried out using the framework of New Historicism, which posits that a text is an instrument of political awareness, whose understanding involves taking into account the various social concerns around which the text is built. It highlights the various forms of atrocities which leave children with a treble yoke: a memory of unspeakable pain, a wretched life and an unpromising future. These wars leave children orphans, physically and emotionally wounded, abused and helpless, often at the mercy of war lords or hardened criminals who abduct them and initiate them into adult vices. Rape, dropping out of school, and dehumanization, are only a few of the various aspects which child victimization takes in the texts under consideration.
Adolescence is a period of growth and bloom that occurs dynamically and rapidly both physically, psychologically, intellectually, socially. sexual behavior that is associated with the onset of puberty. Health problems in adolescence are one of the important problems in the life cycle. One of the adolescent health problems today is sexual activity before marriage. Premarital sexual behavior is an adolescent health problem that needs attention because this behavior risks in causing unwanted pregnancy, and various diseases such as STIs, or even HIV / AIDS. This study was conducted to determine the factors that influence the behavior of premarital sexual relations of young men in Indonesia by using Indonesian Health Demographic Survey (IDHS) data in 2017. Respondents in this study were unmarried young men aged 15-24 years numbered 12,523 people. The analysis showed that 1,258 young men had sexual relations before marriage (10.0%). There is a relationship between age (0,000), residence (0.005), knowledge (0,000) and attitude (0,000) towards premarital sexual behavior. Knowledge is one of the factors that can underlie a person's attitudes and behavior. It is hoped that adolescents will be given comprehensive reproductive health education to minimize the occurrence of premarital sexual behavior.
Fatigue is a natural signal given by the body due to a decrease in bodily functions caused work processes that will affect work capacity or endurance and it can reduce one's work productivity. The wood processing industry has various risks due to work environment factors around it. This study aimed to determine the Influence of Noise and Hot Work Climate on Fatigue Through Work Pulse on Workers of Production Division at PT. Maruki International Indonesia Makassar in 2019. This type of research was quantitative with a cross-sectional study design. The collection of 120 samples carried out using the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling method. The Path Analysis test used to determine the direct and indirect factors of fatigue. The results showed that 17.5% of respondents experienced severe fatigue, the analysis test showed there was a direct effect of noise, hot work climate, and work pulse on fatigue (p = 0.000) meaning that if noise, hot work climate, work pulse increased by one point then fatigue increased, there is a direct effect of noise and hot work climate on work pulse (p = 0.000) meaning that if the noise and hot work climate has increased by one point, work pulse has increased, while the path analysis coefficient and hypothesis that there is an indirect effect between noise on fatigue through work pulse with indirect effect value of 0.795> from direct effect value of 0.795, there is an indirect effect between hot work climate on fatigue through work pulse with indirect effect value of 2.086> of direct effect value of 0.678. The company should provide standard personal protective equipment.
The increasing population is a big problem for countries in the world, especially developing countries. One of the problems in managing family planning programs is the high number of unmet need for family planning in Indonesia. Unmet need is the number of couples of childbearing age who want to postpone pregnancy or do not want additional children but do not use birth control methods. This research aims to determine the determinants of the occurrence of Unmet Need case on fertile age couples at West Bulotadaa Urban Village, Gorontalo City. The study design was cross sectional with a sample of 146 fertile age couples selected by systematic random sampling. Data collection using questionnaires containing questions from the research variables. Data were analyzed by multiple logistic regression analysis through the SPSS for windows program. The results showed that the quality of family planning services affected the unmet need event with p-value = 0.021 (p <0.05) with OR = 3.037, and there were some variables that were not significant such as educational variables p-value = 0.693 (p> 0, 05), number of children p-value = 0.420 (p> 0.05), knowledge p-value = 0.885 (p> 0.05), and husband's support p-value = 0.389 (p> 0.05). It was concluded that the quality of family planning services affected the unmet need and education events, the number of children, knowledge, husband's support did not affect the unmet need incident in the West Bulotadaa Urban Village, Gorontalo City. It is expected that improvements in terms of quality of family planning services will be of concern to both health workers, Family Planning Field Officers (PLKB), and the government in order to prevent an increase in the prevalence of unmet need.
The aim of the research discussed in this paper was to determine the relationship between the staffing practices – such as recruitment, promotion and transfers- of the Teachers’ Service Commission and pupils’ academic performance in public primary schools in Merti sub-county, Isiolo County, Kenya. The research had one objective and one research question. Using descriptive survey research design the target population consisted of 29 primary schools with 29 Headteachers and 166 teachers all employed by the Teachers’ Service Commission. Purposive and simple random samplings were used to select the respective head-teachers and teachers yielding a total sample size of 29 head-teachers and 145 teachers as actual respondents. Data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using appropriate descriptive statistics including frequencies and percentages which were presented in form of tables, bar graphs and pie charts. The findings revealed that improper staffing practices influenced pupils’ academic performance to a moderate extent. For instance, delay in promoting teachers coupled with ambiguity in teacher transfer procedures negatively affected their morale in teaching. The research recommends that the Teachers’ Service Commission needs to develop fair criteria for deployment, transfer and promotion of teachers