This brief communication signifies the effectiveness of an organizing
and conducting of a webinar on COVID-19 by the medical students. Method: Due to
COVID-19 outbreak the College of Medicine, King Faisal University decided to shift all
undergraduates as well as postgraduate Courses online. Therefore, all courses were shifted
to on-line courses. The challenge for some courses regarding practical exposure and new
experimentation. In Social Medicine course of fifth year MBBS, a webinar was designed on
current COVID-19 outbreak as a pilot study. It was very well appreciated and students
learned some new items, enhance deep leaning about the topic, and very well verse about the
social dogma related to this issue. Results: Out of total 25 registered participants, 20 have
submitted an evaluation of the webinar. Majority (95%) agreed that presentations
background and design were appropriate, presented almost all objectives, and presentations
contain required knowledge etc., except a few comments are also mentioned regarding
further improvement. Conclusion: It was an exciting experience for enhancing learning by
active experimentation that definitely enhanced the deep learning.
Mentorship is a vital tool in learning and development. It enhances the process of
grooming efficient and productive life style as well as qualitative and capable leadership and
personality. It has been part of the existence and practice of humanity formally and
informally as well as found among animals. It is a major phenomenon that is inherent in the
Bible. But contemporary church has not really taken cognizance of its worth in order to tap
into its efficacy in a well organize system to strengthen relationship, faithfulness, and
growth. Thus, this paper attempts to draw the church‟s attention to the process, strength, and
importance of mentoring in the context of the Bible with a view to adopting its lessons and
approaches for Christian mentorship and development. It observes that much of what is
currently prevailing in the seemingly concept of mentorship though not properly arranged
or systematized, falls less of what it should be in addition to its wrong usage as a subtle
warring, factional and infighting mechanism. Consequently, the church is advised and
encouraged to imbibe the pursuit of the Biblical concept of mentorship as found in the
social, practical, religious and spiritual relationship between Samuel and Eli as well as
Gehazi and Elisha as main characters in the study including several others instances
particularly in the ministry of Jesus for its social, religious, and spiritual advancement.
Grice, a famous American linguist, put forward the Cooperative Principle for the
first time. He stressed that in daily communication, in order to make a smooth conversation,
both sides have to abide by a certain principle without being noticed, that is the Cooperative
Principle. The core of the cooperative principle is its four maxims: quantity, quality, relation
and manner maxim. However, Grice found that people, in reality, is almost impossible to
obey the cooperative principle all the time, and they often said something irrelevant to
current topics to convey their true meaning, which is defined as the Conversational
Implicature by Grice. This paper, taking the dialogues of the characters in Downton Abbey
as the script and the cooperative principle as the theoretical framework, illustrates in detail
the conversational implicature created by violating the cooperative principle in the dialogue
among the characters in the play.
This is an ethnographic study about knowledge proposal and effective usage of
contraception among young females in the extreme north region of Cameroon as there is a
global differentiation in family planning in terms of practice and typology of methods used.
Looking at women‘s unmet needs, some constraints linked to low profile like distance,
knowledge, cost of contraceptives, availability, biases, as well as cultural notions to
unmarried youth plays a very vital role. To mention: cultural and religious disapprovals to
contraception, protests from a partner, in-law or family members, scarce knowledge, dread
and obstructive gender norms restraining procreative agency are evident. Using qualitative
research method, participatory purpose sampling, focus groups, interviews as well as
freelisting, ministered in our data collection, life stories and direct observation besides
documentaries and internet resources were explored to have this write-up. Our objective is:
To unveil women‘s suffering status and the implications of low socio-cultural profile to
health and sexual activities amongst members. This study is vital to hail policymakers to
handle matters of marriage and reproductive health in Cameroon and the Extreme North
region in particular. Speaking concretely about unmet need for family planning entails
employing interferences to wrestle limitations on both the individuals and identifying means
in which sources and request matters touch every party.
Cette étude s’est proposée de contribuer à la compréhension de la situation
actuelle du français dans l’enseignement secondaire et de proposer quelques voies d’issues
aux problèmes que connaissent l’enseignement et l’apprentissage de cette langue. Pour
arriver à ce but, la méthode mixte a été employée. Pour ce faire un questionnaire autodirigé
a été administré à 180 élèves des écoles secondaires du centre-ville du District de Nyanza et
des entretiens individuels ont été menés auprès de 6 enseignants des mêmes écoles. Les
résultats ont montré que les conditions d’apprentissage sont positifs pour les aspects relatifs
à la perception de l’utilité du français, appui matériel des parents et appréciation des
méthodes d’enseignement ; mais négatifs pour les aspects relatifs aux soutiens des parents
dans les devoirs, l’insuffisance d’encouragement des pairs et de l’entourage quant à
l’utilisation du français. Quant à la motivation à apprendre le français, les résultats
montrent que les élèves sont en général motivés à apprendre le français malgré quelques
aspects démotivants comme la perception du français comme langue difficile, peu
d’encouragement à pratiquer la langue et difficiles conditions d’apprentissage comme le
manque du matériel approprié. Eu égards aux résultats, quelques stratégies d’amélioration
des conditions d’enseignement-apprentissage du français ont été formulées comme entre
autres l’amélioration du statut de cette langue et un travail de changement d’attitudes à son
This study sought to evaluate the frequency of use of non-projected media
resources in the teaching Geography in public secondary schools in Koibatek Sub-County. A
sample of 70 Geography teachers, 35 head teachers and 314 students were sampled using
purposive and stratified random sampling. Data collection was done by use of
questionnaires, observation and content analysis. Data was analyzed using descriptive
statistical methods. The results were then presented in pie charts, graphs and tables. The
study established that most schools had non-projected resources, though a limited supply
and were rarely used. However, some schools lacked some important resources such as
Geography rooms, facilities for field work, weather station and library services. Constraints
emanating from heavy work load, heavy curriculum and inept administration were found to
undermine to effective use of these resources in teaching Geography. The study has
recommended for an urgent review of curriculum and increased supervision to ensure that
curriculum is hilly implemented, and refresher courses be given to teachers on the use of
these resources. Geography is one of subjects that can be studied as a physical or social
science at high schools level. In secondary education it is currently an optional subject at
upper secondary education. There have been concerns over declining performance in
Geography at national examination, especially areas that test students’ knowledge of field
work, map work and physical Geography. Coincidentally these are the areas where nonprojected
media resources are most used.