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Poor performance in English in secondary schools in Kenya is a problem that acts as a hindrance for learners to join institution of higher learning; since most courses offered in these institutions require one to have passed highly in the subject. In Emuhaya Sub County, majority of learners have been posting very low mean grades. Between 2013 and 2017 the Sub County posted an average mean of 4.26 compared to the neighboring Hamisi, which had an average mean of 4.51. Studies have revealed that attitudes towards English language can be caused by various factors. The relationship between students’ attitude towards English curriculum learning experiences and achievement in English is however not known. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between students’ attitude towards English curriculum learning experiences and achievement in English. The conceptual framework had the independent variable as attitude towards learning experiences and the dependent variable was achievement. The study concluded that the relationship between students’ attitudes towards the English language curriculum learning experiences and achievement was generally significant with a Pearson’s r of .67. This means that when students are exposed to more learner friendly experiences, they will improve on their attitudes and therefore better achievement will be noted. The study recommended that teachers should employ more learner centered activities in the teaching process. The findings of this study are significant in helping teachers change their approaches to teaching English subject and help curriculum developers in in-servicing teachers on the best approaches to use while teaching. In the long run, an improvement learner achievement is to be noted.
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Thermal fluid is an interdisciplinary subject involving heat transfer, hydrodynamics and thermodynamics. It is an important professional basic course in the field of automobile. Thermal fluid theory is widely used in automobile design and research, this thesis discusses the research method of combining theory and practice from the basic theory of "Thermal Fluids" course and the principle of heat transfer and cooling of electric vehicle power battery in conjunction with the needs of electric vehicle research. This thesis is based on the theoretical content of Thermal Fluids course, with the establishment of practical cases as the core, the reform of teaching means, teaching methods and teaching modes as the breakthrough, and the improvement and guarantee of teaching quality as the purpose, guiding students to apply thermal fluid theory to analyze and solve practical engineering problems, which has achieved good results.
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وضع العلماءُ النحوَ لإقامة الإعراب، والصّرفَ لحفظ الأبنية، وحصّنوا الألفاظ بالمعاجم، وجعلوا للشعر ميزانا يُعرف به صحيحه من مكسوره، فالشعر إذن جوهره الوزن. وإذا أنعمنا النظر إلى الشعر العربي النيجيري القديم أدركنا أنّ الموسيقى الشعرية تتكامل فى أقدم صوره، فالقصيدة منه تتألّف من أبيات تتحد في وزن واحد وقافية واحدة، بحيث لا يفتتحها الشاعر ببيت إلاّ وتتوالى الأبيات بعده على نفس وزنه وقافيته. وليس من شكّ أنّ الشاعر إبراهيم جالو في استخدام هذه الأوزان والقوافي مقلِّد، صار على منهج سلفه الشعراء النيجيريين القدامى، إلاّ أنّ تقليده لم يمنعه من إدخال عناصر تجديدية في شكل القصيدة، ومن هذا المنطلق فإن المقال يهدف إلى دراسة نماذج من تلك العناصر التجديدية الواردة في ديوانه، لإبراز ما بذله من قصارى جهد في تطور وتجديد شكل القصيدة العربية النيجيرية. وقد جاء البحث في هيكله على العناصر التالية: مفهوم التجديد عند النقاد العرب القدامى والمحدثين - نبذة تاريخية عن الشاعر إبراهيم جالو - الاتجاه التقليدي في الموسيقى الخارجية لدى الشاعر جالو - الاتجاه التجديدي في الموسيقى الخارجية لدى الشاعر جالو – الخاتمة - قائمة الهوامش والمراجع.
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Patient or customer satisfaction is a level of patient feeling that arises as a result of the performance of health services obtained after patients compare it with what they expect. The main dimensions which are indicators of customer satisfaction are convenience, information and timeliness of service. The purpose of this study is to determine patient satisfaction with waiting times and infrastructure at the Tarus Health Center, Kupang Regency 2021. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. This study used 7 informants and all of them were patients who had used health services at the Puskesmas. The results showed that patient satisfaction with the first waiting time (first waiting time) and the actual waiting time (true waiting time) for services at the registration section of the Tarus Public Health Center, Kupang Regency still did not meet the minimum service standards based on the Decree of the Minister of Health Number 129/Menkes/SK. /II/2008, namely 30 minutes in the fast category and 60 minutes in the medium category. The condition of the facilities and infrastructure to support the registration counter at the Tarus Health Center is in good condition. Patients still feel dissatisfied with the facilities and infrastructure, namely seats and information facilities such as leaflets and health posters. It is hoped that the Tarus Health Center will ensure service time, especially providing fast, precise and satisfactory service for the smooth registration process so that the time used can be maximized.
Writing is undoubtedly the most difficult skill to master by non-native adult speakers of English. The process of learning to write, by itself, involves invariably knowing how to string words and phrases together to form sentences that make sense and meaning to the reader. Other than the other modalities of learning in a literacy course, the single most complex component of a literacy course for any adult learner is learning the rudimentary forms of writing before embarking on more complex writing forms which may take much time, effort and practice to master over a fairly long time. Aim of Qualitative Study: To explore how some counselling approaches could be used as an alternative to hone writing skills from a basic to a more advanced level for NNASE in a classroom-setting. Writing activities need not be confined to psychological issues alone but can be expanded or extended to include any other matter or topic too without any restriction or parameters for greater autonomy and dynamism of the processes.
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A problem in poetry teaching at the introductory level with second language students is that a large number of difficulties occur simultaneously. The fact that the demands of the Examination bodies' literature syllabus have compelled many teachers and students to study poetry does not seem to have made it as acceptable as it should be. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in secondary and higher education can revolutionize the education sector in Nigeria, thereby making its impact felt in other areas like governance, economy, and administration. Today in the fast pacing world where everything is digitized, the education sector should not lag, because it is education that ensures the future of the citizens and the progress of the country. The use of ICT tools in the so-called 'traditional' subjects of history, literature, political science, economics, and other areas of humanities? The analysis of the data indicated that the majority of students had positive attitudes toward the use of visual aids to reading literary texts. Also, observation by the researcher showed the use of visual aids during the lecture was effective. The use of the ICT tools enhanced the students' motivation to enjoy the lecture processes better and to achieve the lecture goals higher. The study concludes that the use of visual aids enables the students to engage closely with literary texts. That suggests that literature taught by visual aids helps to enhance students' creative and critical thinking skills. Therefore, this study proclaims that teachers changed their attitudes, as well as the students, had positive attitudes for the use of visual aids, the lecture processes would be more interesting and creative. In this paper, we focus on how the use of ICT in the teaching of English literature can make it interesting for students, teachers, research scholars and how the dynamics of the subject can come alive, for the study of literature is studying several subjects ...................
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This study investigated the effect of self-assessment in Oral English Achievement and the moderating effect of preferred learning style. The study used the quasi-experiment research design. The population for this study consisted 24,769 senior secondary school students in class 2 (SS2) in Bayelsa state. The sample for this study consisted of 360 senior secondary school students in class 2 (SS2) of public secondary schools in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Two instruments were used for the study. They were the ‘Oral English Achievement Test (OEAT)’ and the VARK Questionnaire. Face and content validity of the instrument was determined by giving it to three experts in Measurement and Evaluation specialty in the Department of Educational Psychology, Guidance and Counselling in University of Port Harcourt. Reliability of the instrument was determined using KR20. After analysis, a reliability coefficient of 0.79 was realized indicating that the instrument was highly reliable. On the other hand, the reliability of VARK was established using Cronbach Alpha method of reliability with an index of 0.80. Mean, standard deviation, and ANCOVA were used to analyze the data. Research question 1 and 2 were analyzed using mean and standard deviation while their corresponding hypotheses were analyzed using paired sample t-test and ANCOVA. Findings of the study revealed that there is a significant difference (p=0.00>0.05) in the mean (prettest and posttest) score of students in the self-assessment group based on their learning style in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Based on these finding, it was recommended among others that students should be encouraged by the classroom teacher to carry out self-assessment intermittently since it has been seen that it improves the achievement of student especially in oral English.