Original Research Article
Childbirth Among Primiparous Versus Multiparous Women in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of the “Major Moussa Diakité” Reference Health Center in Kati/Mali
Camara Daouda, Traoré Mamadou Salia, Sylla Yacouba, Yssouf Sanogo, Sima Mamadou, Ouologèm Aly Daouda, Ongoiba Amadou Hamadoun, Samaké Bintou, Bocoum Amadou, Dao Seydou Z, Koné Bocary Sidi, Drissa Trao
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2024; 7(5): 149-155
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2024.v07i05.001
326 Downloads | May 7, 2024
Introduction: The relationship between parity and pregnancy complications continues to arouse interest for obstetricians. Objective: To study childbirth among primiparous versus multiparous women in the gynecology and obstetrics department of the Kati reference health center. Method: We carried out a comparative, cross-sectional retrospective collection study covering primiparous and multiparous women over a period of 12 months (from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021) in the gynecology and obstetrics department of the health center. Reference “Major Moussa DIAKITE” from Kati. Results: out of a total of 3050 deliveries, primiparous women represented 12.8% and multiparous women 11.4%. The average age for primiparous women was 18.9 years with the extremes ranging from 15 years to 30 years and for multiparous women 29.3 years with the extremes ranging from 20 years to 45 years. They were almost completely married (primiparous 89.9% and multiparous 100%) and housewives (primiparous 65.0%; multiparous 87.7%), not in school (primiparous 63.0% and multiparous 74.5%). The total duration of labor was between 06-08 hours (primiparous 83% and multiparous 79.1%). The delivery was carried out vaginally (primiparous 87.8% and multiparous 79.1%). The APGAR score at the 1st minute was good (primiparous 89.8% and multiparous 93.4%). The complications found were dominated in first-time mothers by severe anemia (45.8%), and high blood pressure (47.9%). While in multiparous women they were severe anemia (45.8%), high blood pressure (41.7%) and postpartum hemorrhage (12.5%). We recorded no maternal deaths in either group. Conclusion: the maternal and perinatal prognosis of childbirth in primiparous women was almost similar to multiparous women. He was generally good in both groups.
Original Research Article
Epidemiological and Clinical Profile of Ectopic Pregnancy at the “Major Moussa Diakité” Reference Health Center in Kati
Ouologuem Aly Daouda, Camara Daouda, Haidara Ramatoullaye, Keita Mamadou Almamy, Koné Assitan, Sylla Yacouba, Samaké Bintou, Sidibé abdoulaye, Ongoiba Amadou Hamadoun, Koné Boukary Sidi, Bocoum Amadou
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2024; 7(5): 156-159
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2024.v07i05.002
226 Downloads | May 7, 2024
Introduction: Ectopic pregnancy is a common cause of morbidity and sometimes mortality in women of childbearing age [1]. Method: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study with retrospective data collection over a five-year period from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2023. All cases of ectopic pregnancy received and taken were included in the study. In charge at the “Major Moussa DIAKITE” Reference Health Center in Kati during the study period. Results: out of a total of 26,133 live births, we managed 67 cases of ectopic pregnancy, i.e. a frequency of 2.5%. Married women (92.5%) and those with a history of sexually transmitted infections (35.8%) were the most affected. The average time from onset of symptoms to admission was 120 hours. The average gestational age at diagnosis was 14 weeks of amenorrhea (8 -20 weeks). The diagnosis was clinical in 62.2% of cases and in 37.8% on ultrasound coupled with hormonal dosage (B HCG). On admission the general condition of the patients was good in 60% of cases; with an average hemoglobin level estimated at 8.5 g/dl and the average hemoperitoneum volume was 925 milliliters. The ectopic pregnancy was ruptured in 98%, it involved the tubal ampulla in 88.1% of cases and the ovary in 2.9%. The contralateral appendix was clinically healthy in 91% of cases. The treatment was surgical from the outset in 98% of cases and one (01) case was medical (i.e. 2%) without success. Seven (07) patients or 10% were transfused. No maternal death was observed postoperatively. Conclusion: ectopic pregnancy was frequent in our structure; the diagnosis was essentially clinical and the treatment was surgical by laparotomy.
Original Research Article
Aim/objective: This study assess the effect of combined oral administration of tigernut, datefruit, soybean extract and liquid codliver oil on semen and hormonal indices such as sperm count, viability, ph., testosterone, FSH, LH, PSA etc using male wistar rats. Methods: The Tiet and Layman methods were used to determine the concerned hormones analyzed while the PSA and semen was calculated using calibrated curve method and hemocytometer Method. The animals were grouped into two phases. Hormonal (1) phase: This consist of 25 animals with group (1) serving as the control, (2) received 1000mg/kg soybean, (3) received 800mg/kg tigernut and datefruit, (4) 800mg/kg of combined extract of tigernut, datefruit, and soybean daily while group5 received a standard drug of 500mg/kg codliver oil daily. Phase (2) Semen analysis: This phase consist of 35 animals with group (1) also serving as control but group (2) receive 1400mg/kg tigernut, (3) receive 800mg/kg datefruit, (4) receive 1000mg/kg soybean, (5) receive 800mg/kg datefruit/tigernut, (6) receive 800mg/kg of tigernut, datefruit, and soybean extract each daily while group7 was administered 500mg/kg codliver oil daily for 35days. Results: The outcome of this study indicate an increase mean values for insulin, LH and testosterone among the test group compared with control. The FSH level was significantly higher in group2 (3.60m/u/ml) but decreases in group3 - group5 compared with the control (3.00m/u/ml) level. There was a significant positive correlation that exist between FSH and LH while the PSA levels are within normal range. Both active and sperm count were increased in percentage and in millions among group5 and group6 administered the combined extract of the fruits daily in comparison with control group. A significant increase level of testosterone and improved normal/active sperm count among the test group administered soybean extract and codliver oil daily was observed. Conclusion: This study is a break through on ..
Original Research Article
Background: In 1972, Zambia made abortion lawful on a broad basis. However, safe abortion services are still limited, and the necessary standards and requirements for executing an abortion remain stringent. Due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of abortion law, many women and girls continue to seek unsafe abortion methods outside of health facilities. Healthcare providers play a key role in the provision of safe abortion care to eligible girls and women, but little is known about how they handle it. The aim of this study was to Assess and Explore the Knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of adolescent girls and young women, and healthcare providers on abortion in the Lusaka district. Data was collected from Chawama, Chilenje, Chipata Kanyama, and Matero Level 1 Hospitals in Lusaka District. Method: To answer the research topic, the study used Exploratory mixed approaches. Statistical Package for Social Science, Versioni20.0 (SPSS) was used. The matic analysis was used to examine qualitative data by extracting themes from the responses. To see if there were any differences or correlations between the variables' knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes, cross-tabulations were used. This was demonstrated using Chi-square tests, which were all done at a 95ipercenticonfidenceiinterval with ai 0.05 significance level as the crucial level. For reporting, the SPSS frequencies were exported to Microsoft Word. Results: The study indicated that the knowledge levels on abortion among participants were high (93.25%). However, some participants on the other hand did not have sufficient information regarding the legality of abortion in Zambia. The theme analysis of reasons why they do not favor abortion revealed that one of them is religious, believing that abortion is comparable to murder. The findings also reveal that a person's religious affiliation influences their decision-making and thought process regarding abortion. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest.......
Original Research Article
Healthcare financing is one of the major challenges that faces the emergence of non-communicable diseases. This study describes and analyzes the inclusive organization of cardiovascular disease care in Biyem-Assi Health District. From December 2022 to February 2023, we conducted a qualitative study in the Biyem-Assi Health District. Medical anthropology research techniques were used to collect data through interview guides. The sample consisted of patients admitted and followed during the study period. The epidemiological variables studied included age, sex, diagnosis, length of hospital stay, lifestyle, socioeconomic status, knowledge, and modalities of cardiovascular disease (CVD) management, as well as practices aimed at eradicating this scourge. Cardiovascular disease mortality is currently the highest. It affects a young population, so diagnosis is often made late. Very few international technical and financial partners have a real strategy to support prevention and management programs for non-communicable diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases. Faced with the growing incidence of cardiovascular diseases in sub-Saharan Africa, mainly in Cameroon, it is urgent to develop a response or rethink a new organization of cardiovascular disease care, involving and mobilizing numerous technical and financial partners, public authorities, and directly concerned healthcare professionals.
Original Research Article
Chronic Lead Exposure Impairment of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis in Adult Male Wistar Rats: Biochemical and Histomorphological Evidence
Adetunji Opeyemi Adebola, Linus Chiamaka Marvellous, Adeoye Bayo Olufunso, Akano Oyedayo Phillips, Ogunsanya Sanmi Tunde, Oyewumi Samson Oluwole, Adeoye Ayodeji David, Olayinka Olugbenga Olawole, Adeo
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2024; 7(5): 191-198
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2024.v07i05.006
317 Downloads | May 10, 2024
Introduction: The upsurge in male infertility has been associated with impaired hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. There is a dearth of conclusive empirical data as to the deleterious impacts of heavy metal intoxication on male reproductive functioning through the HPG axis. Objective: This study seeks to elucidate the possible effects of chronic lead exposure on HPG signalling activities via biochemical and histopathological assessment. Experimental Section/Material and Methods: Forty adult male Wistar rats were randomised into four experimental groups (n=10). Group A, the control group received standard feed and water ad libitume. In Groups B, C and D, animals were orally administered lead acetate at concentrations of 2.5% 3.0% and 3.5%, respectively, using a stock solution of 150mg/kg once daily for 35 days. After the treatment period, all animals were fasted overnight and euthanized by cervical dislocation. Blood levels of anterior pituitary hormones (FSH and LH) were analysed using standard methods. Statistical analyses was done on graph pad prism. Testicular tissue was processed routinely for histopathological analyses using different stains. Results: Hormonal assays showed no significant changes in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) (p>0.05) levels across groups. However, histological examination revealed alterations in testicular architecture, including disrupted spermatogonia cell arrangement and reduced Sertoli cell numbers, indicative of adverse effects on spermatogenesis. Conclusion: Chronic lead exposure adversely affects testicular histomorphology in adult male Wistar rats, potentially impacting reproductive function. While hormonal levels remain relatively unaffected, alterations in testicular structure suggest a direct impact on gonadal functions at a cellular level.
Original Research Article
Profile of MicroRNAs in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Positive for COVID-19 in Nasopharyngeal Secretions in Pointe-Noire
Freddy Saturnin POUKI, Luc Magloire Anicet BOUMBA, Rebecca Frédérique DUSSAUD, Charley ELENGA-BONGO, Aladin ATANDI BATCHY, Parode Ragive TAKALE, Colombe Sagesse LUZAYISU, Jean idrice aymar keletela, A
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2024; 7(5): 199-206
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2024.v07i05.007
297 Downloads | May 16, 2024
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on people with certain underlying conditions, including type 2 diabetes (T2D). It is therefore essential to identify biomarkers such as microRNAs allowing patient stratification and thus contributing to better care. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the profile of microRNAs in type 2 diabetic patients with COVID-19 in nasopharyngeal secretions in Pointe-Noire. Methods: We recruited a total of 206 participants for this study. Detailed information on participants' age, gender, body mass, and health status was collected from medical records. MicroRNAs were quantified from the nasopharyngeal samples using qPCR. The study consisted of researching 17 microRNAs. Results: The majority of patients were men (70.39%), aged 40 – 69 years (77.69%) and obese (66.02%). Severe symptoms (67%) of COVID-19 and comorbidities (57.77%) were more common. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) was calculated to analyse the prognostic performance of microRNAs associated with a COVID-19+DT2 microRNA hsa-miR-33a-5p (AUC 0.85; CI 0.75 to 0.95 and p<0.000) and hsa-miR-486-5p (AUC 0.93; CI 0.85 to 1.00 and p<0. 000) were significant predictors of mortality and three hsa-miR21-3p (AUC 0.90; CI 0.83 to 0.98 and p<0.000), miR33b-5p (AUC 0.83; CI 0.72 to 0.94 and p<0.000) and miR29a-5p (AUC 0.85; CI 0.76 to 0.94 and p<0.000) as biomarkers predicting cure. Conclusion: This study showed that hsa-miR33a-5p, hsa-miR486-5p, hsa-miR21-3p, has-miR33b-5p and miR29a-5p in nasopharyngeal secretions with excellent discrimination could be used as prognostic biomarkers in subjects with covid-19 in the context of type 2 diabetes.
Original Research Article
Cake is a sweet and tasty baked product consumed globally and can be a source of food poisoning or microbial food contamination. The aim of this study is to isolate and identify pathogenic microorganisms in cakes. Ten (10) cake samples obtained from major bakers in Yenagoa metropolis, Bayelsa state, Nigeria were analyzed, and the Isolation and identification of microorganisms was done using standard microbiological procedures. A total of ninety (90) isolates were isolated in this study on Day 1, Day 3 and Day 7 based on microscopic and biochemical characteristics. The percentage occurrence of micro-organisms isolated on Day1, Day3 and Day7 respectively were Aeromonas Spp (3.1%, 0% and 34%); Bacillus Spp (6.3%,3.5% and 0%); Candida albicans (21.9%,27.6% and 27.6%);Escherichia coli (31.2%, 17.2% and 13.8%); Klebsiella spp (0%,3.5% and 0%); Micrococcus spp (0%,0% and 10.3%); Proteus spp (6.3%, 6.9% and 0%); Pseudomonas spp (9.4%,6.9% and 0%); Salmonella spp (0%,10.3% and 20.7%); Staphylococcus aureus (9.4%,10.3% and 6.9%); Staphylococcus epidermidis (3.1%, 6.9% and 17.2%) and Streptococcus spp (9.4%,6.9% and 0%). E.coli was the highest occurring microbe from cake samples in Day 1 (31.2%), and second highest in Day 3 (17.2%); while Candida albicans was the second highest in Day 1 (21.9%) , highest in Day 3 (27.6%) and highest in Day 7 (27.6%).The findings from this study depicts that cakes used in parties and events can be contaminated by several microorganisms and this can serve as a source of food contamination and poisoning. However, bakers should be deliberate regarding proper personal hygiene, storage containers/conditions and vending equipment to avoid the contamination of cakes by microorganisms.
Original Research Article
Introduction: It has been reported that inflammation on Pap smear is quite common. Chronic inflammation, whether specific or nonspecific, has been linked to cancer development and is considered one of the factors responsible for carcinogenesis. Women who have persistent inflammation on Pap smear should undergo further evaluation and treatment. Objective: This research aims to study the effectiveness of colposcopy in terms of assessing persistent inflammatory changes in cervical cytology e.g., Pap smear. Methods: Between January 2021 and January 2024, this prospective study was carried out in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The study involved screening 320 women with Pap smear tests. Women who received an inflammatory Pap smear report, aged between 20 years and 65 years, were included in the study. Both partners were treated and advised to use barrier contraception for the same duration. These women were asked to come back after six weeks for Pap smear and VIA follow-up tests. Patients with persistent inflammation, even if VIA negative, were then referred for colposcopy and guided biopsy. Results: Out of a group of 320 women, 234 (73.13%) had an initial Pap smear report suggesting inflammation. Out of all the women who were examined, 21% had normal colposcopic findings while 79% had abnormal findings. After a histopathological examination (HPE), it was found that 69% of women had cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1, 23% had CIN II, 6% had CIN III, and 3% had SCC. Additionally, 25% of women tested positive for HPV DNA and 75% of women tested negative for HPV DNA. Conclusion: It is important to repeat an inflammatory smear test because persistent inflammation can cause dysplasia. Patients with persistent inflammatory Pap smears despite undergoing treatment show changes on Colposcopic directed biopsies. In addition to a Pap smear, VIA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid) ......
Original Research Article
Background: Allergic transfusion reactions (ATRs) are common adverse events during blood transfusions, ranging from mild urticaria to severe anaphylactic shock. Elevated serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels are known to mediate these reactions. This study aimed to assess the relationship between serum IgE levels and the Presence of ATRs in patients receiving fresh frozen plasma (FFP) transfusions. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted at the Department of Transfusion Medicine, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, from March 2019 to August 2021. The study included 55 patients aged 5-60 years who received FFP transfusions. Demographic data, clinical symptoms, and IgE levels were recorded. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 26, with statistical significance set at p<0.05. Result: The majority of participants were males (94.55%) and aged 11-20 years (45.45%). Most patients (85.45%) received multiple units of FFP. Clinical symptoms included itching (56.36%), urticarial rash (29.09%), vomiting (7.27%), and hypotension (7.27%). Raised IgE levels were found in 52.73% of participants, and a significant association was observed between elevated IgE levels and the presence of allergic reactions (p<0.01). Patients with allergic reactions had significantly higher mean IgE levels (521.4±434.6 IU/mL) compared to those without allergic reactions (67.8±33.2 IU/mL). Conclusion: Elevated serum IgE levels are significantly associated with the Presence of ATRs in patients receiving FFP transfusions. Monitoring IgE levels can help predict and manage allergic reactions, thereby improving transfusion safety and patient outcomes.