Le goitre ovarien est un tératome monotissulaire constitué de tissu thyroidien représentant 0,3 à 1 % des tumeurs ovariennes. C’est une pathologie rare et de diagnostic difficile car exclusivement histologique. Cette tumeur, le plus souvent bénigne, a la particularité de pouvoir mimer en tout point une tumeur maligne ovarienne, d'avoir parfois un potentiel de malignité proche du carcinome thyroïdien et de pouvoir s'accompagner d'anomalies du bilan thyroïdien
Objective: Splenic cysts are very rare with reported incidence of only 0.07% in a large autopsy study.It can be either primary or secondary cyst.The purpose of this paper is to describe the various cystic lesions of the spleen diagnosed in the Department of Pathology, Government Medical College, Kottayam. Methods: All splenic lesions received in our department between January 2016 and January 2018 were retrieved and reviewed for splenic cysts. There were 4 cases of splenic cysts. The history, radiological findings, all the relevant investigations and treatment given were collected. All histological materials were reviewed in detail. Results: Among 4 cases, 3 were primary epithelial splenic cyst and 1 case was secondary (pseudocyst) splenic cyst. Primary epithelial cyst showed cyst wall lining by cuboidal / squamous epithelium. In secondary cyst there was no definite lining epithelium. Conclusion: Splenic cysts are rare with only 4 cases diagnosed in our department for the past 2 years. The etiological diagnosis of the cysts is not easy always. It is usually arrived from the exclusion of infectious causes (bacterial, parasitic), exclusion of trauma and neoplastic disorders. Splenectomy was the treatment of choice in the past. Nowadays it is replaced by conservative surgeries.
The present study has been out in 50 adult human skull for metopic sutures in the department of anatomy, Vinayaka missions medical college, Karaikal. The metopic sutures were found in 7 skulls. The complete suture was seen in 2% and incomplete lower sutures was in 12% of the subjects. Though the number of the skulls was, the study showed a rare morphological variety which was well correlated with the earlier studies.
Short Article
Non-Compaction in a Homozygous NPHP1 Deletion Carrier
Josef Finsterer, MD, PhD, Ritwik Ghosh, MD, Ana C Fiorini, MD, Carla A. Scorza and Fulvio A. Scorza, MD
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2019; 2(11):642-643.
DOI: 10.36349/EASMS.2019.v02i11.012
746 Downloads | Nov. 16, 2019
This paper examines the factors that cause the professional stress of teachers in Secondary Education of Greece. It records several factors that are found in recent international literature and focuses on the main factors of Modern Greek education. A research gap emerges from this review of the literature, regarding various factors. Thus, a proposal for a new research is being formulated, focusing on the approach of school performance as a factor of professional anxiety for secondary school teachers, as well as on the inventory of effective ways of limiting this phenomenon.
Background: Nanotechnology is a fast growing field that provides for the development of materials that have new dimensions, novel properties, and a broader array of applications. Various scientific groups are keen about this technology and are devoting themselves to the development of more, new, and better nanomaterials. In the near future, expectations are that no field will be left untouched by the magical benefits available through application of nanotechnology. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the hepatic toxicity induced by nano-CuO and Zn-O mixture in male rats. Materials and Methods: Twenty adult male rats were grouped randomly into four groups (n=5 each group). Group I (control): Rats were injected with saline intraperitoneally and at a dose of 1.0 ml/kg b.w. for 28 days. Group II (ZnONPs): Rats were administrated orally with ZnONPs (10mg/kg/day) for 28 days. Group III (CuONPs): Rats were injected with CuONPs (0.5 mg/kg/day, in saline; intraperitoneally) for 28 days. Group IV (ZnONPs + CuONPs): Rats were given orally ZnONPs (10mg/kg/day) follwed by injected with CuONPs (0.5 mg/kg/day, in saline; intraperitoneally), for 28 days. At the end of the experimental period, rats were anesthetized using light ether. Blood and liver tissue samples were taken and prepared for biochemical and histological measurements. Results: Serum total protein, albumin, and globulin concentrations in rats treated with CuONPs, ZnONPs and their mixture were significantly lower compared to the control group. On the other hand, significant increase in total bilirubin levels in rats treated with CuONPs, ZnONPs and their mixture treated groups compared to the control group. Pronounced increase in total bilirubin due treatments of rats with nanoparticles mixture compared to the individual treatemnts of each nanoparticles tested. The ALT, AST and AlP values in the CuONPs rats group were significantly higher compared to the control group.
Among all the neurological diseases, the cerebrovascular clearly rank the first in frequency and importance. At least 50% of the neurological disorders in a general hospital are of this type. Stroke, after heart disease and cancer is the most common cause of death in tertiary health center. Various studies have shown that uric acid can result in endothelial dysfunction which can lead to vascular disease. An association between SUA and inflammatory markers has also been discovered moreover therapeutic modalities with a SUA lowering potential have been shown to reduce CV disease morbidity and mortality.Aim: To study the role of Serum Uric Acid (SUA) in acute ischemic stroke and the association between SUA and other risk factors namely hypertension, diabetes mellitus, CAD and adverse lipid profile.Methods: The present study was conducted in Navodaya Medical College, Raichur over a period of one year. 100 patients of first ever in life time acute ischemic stroke were included. The blood samples were taken within 24 hrs of onset of stroke and sent for detailed biochemical analysis. The patients were further evaluated for risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease, adverse lipid profile, smoking and alcoholism.Results: Out of 100 patients of acute ischemic stroke included in our study, 50 were males and 50 were females. The mean serum uric acids level in our study of 100 patients with acute ischemic stroke was 5.51 mg/dl and the overall mean age for stoke in our study was 60.57. The age distribution showed that the majority of our patients i.e. 61% were above 50-69 years of age. Thus our study supports the fact that prevalence of stroke is more in elderly people and it is associated with raised serum uric acid levels with upper limit of normal value. Hypertension constitutes major risk factor with 65% study population being hypertensive. Diabetes Mellitus ranks second as risk factor, constitutes 51% of study population.
Vitamin D deficiency has become a major public health problem as it is prevalent in all age groups and ethnicities. The higher rates of hypovitaminosis D in the sunniest areas of the world, including the Middle East, Asian, and North Africa countries, such as Libya. Rickets and osteomalacia still occur in this sunny region. Hypovitaminosis D prevails, with rates varying 30–90%. Objectives: The aim of our study was to evaluate the vitamin D status among populations in Alejelat region in Western Libya. Methods: An observational study was conducted among 733 subjects (141 males & 236 Females) in Alejelat region in Western Libya, over a period of six months from first March 2019 to 30th August 2019. The subjects participating in the study were requested to complete a questionnaire that covered socio-demographic data. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH) D) level was measured using an enzyme immunoassay method. The associations of the levels of 25(OH)D3 with gender, and age groups were assessed throughout using the Chi-square test. Results: Out of 377 subjects; 236 subjects (62.6%) were females, and 141 subjects (37.4%) were males. The higher percentage of subjects were 56.78% in females and 31.21% in males in those aged (21-40) years. The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was 57.45% in males and 69.49% in females. Overall, the estimated prevalence of severe vitamin D deficiency (˂ 10 ng/ml) was 39.26%, Moderate vitamin D deficiency (10-20 ng/ml) was 25.73%, insufficiency (21-29 ng/ml) was 17.77% and the proportion of the sample population with adequacy of vitamin D concentrations (≥30 ng/ml) was 17.24%. The higher prevalence of vitamin D deficiency were 37.59% moderate vitamin D deficiency in male subjects and 39.26% severe vitamin D deficiency in female subjects.
Drug availability is a crucial part of patients healing, especially for chronic patient such as hypertension patients. Studies in the area of drug supply for JKN patients with hypertension was lacking. The objective of this study were to explore the causes of drug shortage through the perspective of the drug production and the hospital’s realization process of Drug Needs Plan (RKO). We interviewed respondents from 7 manufacturers the winner of JKN drug tender, consisted of 2 government pharmaceutical manufacturers (BUMN), 2 international pharmaceutical manufacturers and the last 3 national private manufacturers. The involved informant were those who directly deal with the production process of JKN drug hypertension. The result of this research data collection was processed in content analysis.Result shown that the process between JKN drug and non-JKN drug production were similar. If the raw and the packaging materials were readily available, the manufacturer takes a month to produce the drug, otherwise the manufacturer takes three up to six months. The manufacturing process were done together in one production time. Before starting to produce drug, the manufacturer must collected several order form hospitals to fulfill one production time. The driving factors of JKN drug production were production of the same type of drug in one production time and high quantity of drug to be produced (high demand). The hurdle of JKN drug production short period between the number of production quantity and the production process, procurement beyond e-purchasing system, instability of foreign exchange rate, 2 years expired date regulation and availability of raw materials.In conclusion, according to respondents the quality of JKN and non-JKN drug were similar, there was no differences in the production process. The duration of production times depends on the raw materials availability in manufacturer was the major problem caused drug shortage in the hospital.