Aim: This paper addresses the toxicity, microbial and phytochemical and physicochemical studies of R-Mixture, an herbal product formulated by one student studying Naturopathic and Holistic Medicine at Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine, Tema community, 7, Ghana for Malaria treatment. Method: Six (6) samples of R-Mixture were sent to the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, KNUST, Ashanti region, Ghana to the Department of Herbal Medicine for analysis Result: The Product, R-Mixture have been established for quality control purposes and is safe in laboratory animals. Conclusion: The Product is safe for use in Ghana.
Aim:This paper addresses the toxicity, microbial and phytochemical and physicochemical studies of Prostalinic, an herbal prostate product formulated by one student studying Naturopathic and Holistic Medicine at Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine, Tema community, 7, Ghana for Prostate health. Method: Six (6) samples of the Product, Prostalinic were sent to the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, KNUST, Ashanti region, Ghana to the Department of Herbal Medicine for analysis. Result: The toxicological findings revealed that the product have been established for quality control purposes Conclusion: None of the animals died in the course of the toxicity studies.
Aim:This study was conducted to assess the toxicity and microbial studies of an herbal product P-Tonic formulated by one student studying Naturopathic and Holistic Medicine at Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine. Method: Six (6) samples of P-Tonic were sent to the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, KNUST, Ashanti region, Ghana to the Department of Herbal Medicine for analysis Result: The Product, P-Tonic have been established for quality control purposes and is safe in laboratory animals. No harmful microorganisms were detected. Conclusion: The Product is safe for use in Ghana.
Aim: This study was conducted to assess the toxicity and physicochemical studies of an herbal product Women Tonic formulated for gynecological health. Method: Six (6) samples of Women Tonic were sent to the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, KNUST, Ashanti region, Ghana to the Department of Herbal Medicine for analysis. Result: The Product, Women Tonic have been established for quality control purposes and is safe in laboratory animals. Conclusion: The Product is safe for use in Ghana.
Aim:This study was conducted to assess the toxicity and physicochemical studies of an herbal product Antimicrobia formulated by one student studying Naturopathic and Holistic Medicine at Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine.Method: Six (6) samples of Antimicrobia-Mixture were sent to the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, KNUST, Ashanti region, Ghana to the Department of Herbal Medicine for analysis. Result: The Product, Antimicrobia Mixture have been established for quality control purposes and is safe in laboratory animals. Conclusion: The Product is safe for use in Ghana.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is classified as a type of joint pain which results when the breakdown of joint ligament and underlying bone occurred. This study was conducted to assess the determinants, symptoms and consequences among patients with osteoarthritis visiting Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and University of Lahore Teaching Hospital, Lahore. 100 patients with osteoarthritis were selected using non-probability convenient sampling technique. The study was completed in 4 months. With the aid standardized WOMAC tool and pretested questionnaire, the data were collected. Version 24.0 of SPSS was used to evaluate data. Findings showed that 62 % patients were females and they were more prone toward developing disease as compared to male. Female had shown high degree of pain in joints and more symptoms leading toward osteoarthritis as compared to male. Old age was a major determinant of osteoarthritis; the mean ± SD age of patients was 61year. BMI above 25kg/m2 also influence joints pain about 61 out of 100 patients was overweight and obese. The lack of awareness about disease, poor practices, sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity are the major factors causing joints pain. Older age, female gender, overweight and obesity, muscle weakness, joint injury, joints stiffness, low bone mineral density, and joint laxity all play role osteoarthritis growth. It was concluded that obesity, old age, females, poor dietary practices and lack of knowledge are the risk factors of osteoarthritis. Inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D were the associated factors of arthritis.
Background: This research work is carried out to evaluate the anti biotic sensitivity profile of bacterial nasal isolates from Delta State University students. Materials and Methods: To determine this, nose swabs of were obtained from two hundred (200) students in site 2 and site 3 of Abraka campus of Delta State University and were immediately cultured and identified using bacteriological methods according to the laid down procedure. Antibiotic sensitivity test (AST) was performed on their sensitivity pattern. Results and Discussions: Of the 200 nose swabs collected, 94 distinct colonies were obtained and analyzed. Fifty (54) were identified to be Gram-positive organisms, of which 19 (41.5%) were identified to be Staphylococcus aureus , 13 (13.8%) to be Stahpylococcus epidermis and 2 (2.1%) to be Staphylococcus species) while 40 isolates were identified to be Gram-negative organisms, (of which 3(3.2%) were identified to be Esherichia coli, 1 (1.06%) to be Proteus species, 5( 5.32%) to be Enterobacter spp, 24 (25.553%) to be Citrobacter spp, and 7(7.45%) to be Klebsiella species. Amongst the Gram-negative antibiotics susceptibility was highest with the Streptomycin, levofloxacin, ampiclox, Chloramphenicol and rifampicin, but lowest with ciprofloxacin and erythromycin. Amongst the Gram –negative antibiotics, susceptibility was highest with Streptomycin, Ofloxacin, Trimethoprim/ sulmethoxazole and perfloxacin but lowest with augmentin and nalidixic acid. Conclusion: It should be noted that the presence of different species in the nares is in accordance with the fact that microorganisms are ubiquitous meaning it can be found everywhere in nature.
Diabetic foot is one of the complications of diabetes which was often neglected. Recently, there has been a surge in understanding this condition in view of advances that has taken place in this field due development of various new concepts. The author over years have given various new concepts through new principle and practice of diabetic foot and pioneered the concept of modern diabetic foot. Amit Jain’s diabetic foot pentagon is one such new concept proposed by author. This pentagon covers in brief the entire framework of diabetic foot
Background :This study was conducted to assess the accuracy and feasibility of diagnostic hysteroscopy in the evaluation of women with abnormal uterine bleeding. Methods:This is retrospective study conducted at Multispecialty Hospital. Data collection and analysis :Analysis was performed according to validity criteria, study quality, menopausal state, time, setting and performance of the procedure. The pooled sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, post-test probabilities and feasibility of diagnostic hysteroscopy on the prediction of uterine cavity abnormalities. Post-test probabilities were derived from the likelihood ratios and prevalence of intrauterine abnormalities among included studies. Feasibility included technical success rate and complication rate. Conclusion: This systematic review and meta-analysis shows that diagnostic hysteroscopy is both accurate and feasible in the diagnosis of intrauterine abnormalities
Review Article
Novel Adjuncts in Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics
Kishan Agarwal MDS, Dr. Praveen Singh Samant, BDS, MDS, Dr. Ayush Razdan Singh, BDS, MDS and Dr. Raju Chauhan, BDS, MDS
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2020; 3(4):162-168.
1464 Downloads | April 30, 2020
Management of any problem starts with an accurate diagnosis and this is not different in the field of endodontics. The diagnosis of dental pulp status should be seen as a synthesis of history, clinical examination, special tests and radiological examination, and not as the outcome of any one specific test. With the advent of technologies in our day to day life we need the help of technologies in dentistry also. Conventional radiographs used for the management of endodontic problems yield limited information because of the two-dimensional nature of images produced, geometric distortion and anatomical noise. This review paper seeks to clarify the recent advances and three-dimensional imaging techniques that have been suggested as adjuncts to conventional diagnostic techniques. Few of these include tuned aperture computed tomography (TACT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, computed tomography and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT).