Research Article
Some Nephrotoxic Effects of Commonly Used Mosquito Repellents in Sokoto State, Nigeria
Khadijah, A.A., Gamde, S.M., Hauwa, K.,Perede, A., Musa, A.A., Aisha, A., Dansy, A.D. & Aminu, G
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2020; 3(6):212-217.
1193 Downloads | June 9, 2020
Mosquito repellents are used extensively in Nigeria to prevent mosquito and diseases associated with them. Most active constituents of repellents are well known for their toxicities. The purpose of this study was to determine the nephrotoxic effects of Rambo and Sharp mosquito repellents commonly used in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Exposure of 27 Wistar rats to Rambo and Sharp mosquito repellents for 5 min per day over a period of 21 days induced interstitial haemorrhage, glomerular and tubular degenerations. Glomerular damage is characterized by shrunken glomeruli and widening of bowman space. Sharp repellent containing 70% dichlorvos was the most injurious insecticide. Therefore, repeated exposures to mosquito repellents are deleterious to the kidney.
Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) is a proven high impact and cost-effective approach in large-scale detection and treatment of undernutrition. However, the success of CMAM programmes is usually undermined by lack of adherence to admission and treatment protocols by health workers as a result of poor reporting and follow up. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effectiveness of mobile health (mHealth) in improving the screening and admission outcomes of the CMAM programme. A retrospective hospital-based cross-sectional study was done in 14 health facilities in Binga district, Zimbabwe where both pre- and post-intervention periods were studied. A paper checklist was used to collect the differences in errors between the paper based and mobile application. Project summary reports were used for collecting information on total screening and admission statistics between the comparison groups. Sensitivity and specificity rates were calculated using SPSS version 21. Error rates were 6.5% and 0.2% for the paper-based data management and mHealth application respectively. mHealth approach had a higher (1.0, 0.77) sensitivity in identifying cases with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) compared to the paper-based approach (0.81, 1.0). However, the specificity of the two methods were comparable. CMAM mHealth was effective in improving diagnostic accuracy and treatment outcomes in managing acute malnutrition. Hence, mHealth has the potential to improve the speed of response to surges in caseloads in this and related low-income settings.
The objective of this study was to assessing the nutritional status and its related factors among undergraduate Sudanese University students. As a cross-sectional research, the present study was conducted with the participation of 200 students (111males and 89females) from University of Juba, Sudan . The relevant information was obtained through the anthropometric measurements, a 24-hour diet recall questionnaire were taken for these students. Also, biochemical measurements were taken for 147 students. Majority of the students (61%) were of normal Body Mass Idex (BMI) , 25%, and 14% were underweight, and overweight/obese, respectively. The findings showed that the mean daily intakes of energy, and iron (females only) were less than the RDA(Recommended Dietary Allowances) values. The results showed that 24.49% of the students were anemic, 14.97% iron deficiency anemia, and 3.40% iron deficiency. Hence, a significant relationship was observed between BMI and monthly income, parent's level of education, father occupation, mother occupation, and household size, number of meals, number of snacks, soft drink taken per day, Appetite during exam period, duration daily activities, watching television, anemia (p< 0.05). Regarding BMI categories, some of malnutrition including both underweight and overweight /obese were observed among the students, both these cases are to be considered. Examining the consumed food indicated qualitative and quantitative deficiencies as compared with standard recommendations. The hemoglobin measurement indicated high prevalence of anemia among the students.
Research Article
Moya Moya disease in children
Dr. Hitender Gautam, Dr. Surender Singh, Dr. Priyanka, Dr. Amit Sachdeva
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2020; 3(6):233-235.
951 Downloads | June 15, 2020
Moya Moya Disease (MMD) is a rare cerebrovascular disorder of unknown aetiology. It consists of stenosis or occlusion of main cerebral arteries which causes an abnormal vascular network at the base of the brain, which appears like puff of smoke on MR angiography. Here we report 3 cases of Moya Moya disease presenting to our institute Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla over a period of one year (2017-18) including 1 case of MMS with beta thalassemia .Possibility of Moya Moya disease should be kept in patients with stroke and motor deficit. Gold standard to diagnose the disease is conventional angiography. There is no definitive medical treatment to reverse or stabilize the course of MMD. Early diagnosis and intervention like revascularize surgeries will alter the prognosis.
Research Article
Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria a Rare Cause of Anemia in A Newborn: Report of A Case to the Neonatology Unit of the Mali Hospital
Bourama Kané, Yacouba Lazare Diallo, Guédiouma Dembélé, Baba Fané, Bourama Kamaté, Korotoumou Wélé Diallo1, Tati Simaga, Aboubacar Sangaré, Abdoulaye Kassoum Koné, Diallo Baba, Kané Aboubacar S.T.
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2020; 3(6):236-240.
969 Downloads | June 15, 2020
Introduction: Malaria is a major public health problem in developing countries. In 2018, according to the WHO, there were an estimated 228 million cases of malaria through worldwide with a death toll of 405,000. However, congenital malaria is a rare event in endemic areas thanks to the protection provided by maternal antibodies transmitted to the newborn. We report a case of severe anemic malaria diagnosed and treated in the neonatology unit of the Mali Hospital. Observation: He was a month and 20 day old infant born by scheduled cesarean section hospitalized for pallor and fever. The onset of the disease dates back to the 5th day of life marked by a fever and pallor motivating hospitalization first in their health center then at the CHU Gabriel Touré where he was treated with antibiotics associated with blood transfusions for neonatal infection without success. Faced with the persistence of the signs, he was referred to us for better care. The diagnosis of malaria was made by performing a malaria RDT which confirmed malaria due to P. falciparum. He was put on artesunate at a dose of 3 mg / kg / d IVD for 7 days with an oral relay with artemether 20 mg / lumefantrine 120 mg for 3 days which led to clinical and parasitological improvement. Conclusion: Congenital and neonatal malaria is rare in malaria-endemic countries. Its diagnosis should be considered before any recurrent febrile hemolysis during the neonatal period and confirmed by a rapid and / or thick diagnostic test.
Background: Neonatal deaths constitute major proportion of under-five mortalities in India. Neonatal period is very important and precious period because most of the preventable morbidities and mortalities occur in this period. In our country, prematurity, infection and perinatal asphyxia are three major causes for neonatal mortality. Various SNCU are established in different district hospitals to provide neonatal care which further decrease neonatal mortality. Method: This observational retrospective study was planned to determine the clinical profile and outcome of various neonatal admissions at SNCU, Regional Hospital solan. The data was collected for a time period of one year from 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020. Detailed information was collected from files and registered onto the pre-set proformas and results were compiled. Results: A total of 469 new-borns were enrolled for this study.220 (46.9%) babies were inborn and 249 (53.1%) were out born. There were 270(57.5%) males and 199 (42.5) females. Most of the patients were full term and weight ≥2.5kg. Major indications for admissions were neonatal jaundice 244(52%)], sepsis [48(10.2%)] and respiratory distress [15(0.35%)]. Out of total, 398 newborns was discharged successfully after treatment, 61 new-borns are referred to tertiary centre for further management. Only two newborns were died during treatment. Conclusion: Neonatal period is a very crucial period for development of morbidity and mortality. SNCUs with skilled staff can prevent the worst outcomes by early interventions. Also SNCU at District level will decrease patient load at tertiary centres.
Objective:To observe the therapeutic effect of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) in the kidney intensive care unit (kicu) of our hospital, to explore the opportunity of CRRT treatment, and to observe the efficacy of kicu in the treatment of critical patients. Methods: 190 critical patients who needed CRRT in ICU and KICU of our hospital were analyzed retrospectively, from January 2017 to December 2019. The above patients were divided into 72 cases of acute renal injury (AKI) and 118 cases of chronic kidney disease (CKD).At the same time, patients with AKI and MODS were divided into two groups according to the creatinine value of 355umol/L. The patients with creatinine value < 355umol/L were in the low creatinine group, and the patients with creatinine value ≥ 355umol/L were in the high creatinine group. The outcome of each index in the two groups was compared after CRRT treatment Results: CRRT can significantly reduce the white blood cell (WBC) count and procalcitonin (PCT) in patients with AKI and CKD, but there is no significant positive result between the two groups according to the creatinine value of patients with AKI and MODS.In addition to the known function of detoxification and drainage, CRRT can significantly reduce the circulating inflammatory mediators and play an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory role. Conclusions: Creatinine value is a classical index of renal function, but it can not independently evaluate the time of CRRT treatment. It should be combined with age, mechanical ventilation, organ dysfunction, end-stage disease and other comprehensive evaluation. KICU plays an important role in the treatment of critical patients.
Acute Splanchnic venous thrombosis complication of pancreatitis in non-cirrhotic patients is an uncommon scenario which carries significant morbidity and mortality. Should we anti-coagulate or not in such scenario? We will present evidences about management of such scenario from literature as well as current guidelines.
Adhesive capsulitis is characterized by severe joint pain, stiffness with progressive restriction of movement in all planes of shoulder joint. In the present study, purposively selected 60 patients with adhesive capsulitis aged 40-60 years from the Physiotherapy Center, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, participated in two intervention groups (for 4 weeks each), i.e. 30 subjects who received Maitland mobilization plus interferential therapy (IFT) and 30 subjects who were treated with IFT plus shoulder exercises. Outcome variables were shoulder abduction s. flexion, s. extension, s. external rotation, s. internal rotation, VAS, pain scale, disability and total SPADI. The results indicated significant improvement (p<0.001) in shoulder range of motion and decrement in VAS, disability and total SPADI in patients with adhesive capsulitis after 4-week intervention using both Maitland mobilization plus IFT and IFT plus shoulder exercises, though the combination of IFT plus shoulder exercises showed significantly better improvement than Maitland plus IFT.