Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of uterine cervix with a well documented risk to human papilloma virus infection. There are several morphological variants of squamous cell carcinoma but sarcomatoid squamous cell carcinoma is not included in the recent WHO classification although it is very well described in the literature. We describe an extremely rare case of sarcomatoid squamous cell carcinoma displaying biphasic histomorphology with an epithelioid and sarcomatoid part, an unequivocal HPV infection and an associated precancerous lesion in the cervical mucosa, sarcomatoid part being positive for both cytokeratin and vimentin.
Case Report
Right Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Report of a Clinical Case in a 10-Day-Old Neonate in the Neonatology Unit of the Mali Hospital
Sidibé Souleymane, Kané Bourama, Illiassou Sitta, Diallo Korotoumou Wélé, Tembiné Kalba, Dramé Amadou Ibrahim, Ombotimbé Allaye, Touré Boubacar Mami, Traoré Mohamed Maba, Togo Seydou, Ouattara Moussa
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2021; 4(10): 205-209
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2021.v04i10.002
820 Downloads | Nov. 10, 2021
Introduction: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (HDV) is a rare malformation. The posterolateral or Bochdalek form is the most frequent (80%) and is located on the right in only 15% of cases. It is a rare cause of respiratory distress in newborns. Our objective was to describe the diagnostic and therapeutic aspect of a case in a 10-day-old newborn in the neonatology unit of the Mali hospital. Observation: He was a 10-day-old male infant admitted for dyspnea from birth. He was born from a pregnancy followed to term without major incidents. Syphilis serology was negative. However, toxoplasmosis, rubella, hepatitis B and HIV serologies have not been performed. Four ultrasounds performed during pregnancy returned to normal. He was born by scheduled Cesarean section uterus and resuscitated at birth. The emergency chest X-ray was not informative. The diagnosis of right congenital diaphragmatic hernia was confirmed by the thoracoabdominal CT scan. A treatment combining oxygen therapy, 10% glucose serum: 100 ml / kg / d in infusion and domperidone: 1 ml / kg / d in 3 administrations per os has been established. After one month and 23 days of hospitalization, after stabilization of respiratory distress, he was operated. The aftermath was simple. Conclusion: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is a rare condition. The posterolateral form is more common. Respiratory distress is their main mode of revelation at birth. In the event of any neonatal respiratory distress, the hypothesis of HDC must be evoked and confirmed by an X-ray of the chest.
Depression is a major mental health disease and a leading cause of disability. It is estimated that almost 10% of the world’s population suffer from depression at some time during their life. Major depressive disorder is diagnosed in most patients suffering from depression. It is diagnosed by the presence of a cluster of five symptoms, present within a 2-week period4. These symptoms should occur independently of physical illness, normal bereavement, alcohol or drugs: abnormal depressed mood; abnormal loss of interest and pleasure; appetite or weight disturbance; sleep disturbance; disturbance in activity (agitation or slowing); abnormal fatigue or loss of energy; abnormal self-reproach or inappropriate guilt; poor concentration or indecisiveness; and morbid thoughts of death or suicide The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition requires that one of the symptoms should be either a depressed mood or anhedonia (loss of interest or pleasure). Secondary symptoms may be appetite or weight changes, sleep difficulties (insomnia or hypersomnia), psychomotor agitation or retardation, fatigue or loss of energy, diminished ability to think or concentrate, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, and thoughts or actions of suicide. The etiology of depression is multifactorial5. Besides the emotional suffering and the social repercussions, depression is often a comorbid condition with several major chronic ailments, like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. It deleteriously impacts these ailments and increases premature mortality. Several lifestyle behaviors have a mitigating effect on depression. These include non-smoking, abstinence or low to moderate alcohol intake, a normal body mass index, avoidance of sedentary behavior and regular exercise, and eating a healthy diet. These lifestyles also favorably impact other co-existing diseases.
Arthritis, called the ‘disease of the joints’ in Greek, results from inflammation-induced structural damage. It is a common disease, with estimates that 47% of women and 40% of men develop the ailment during their lifetime. Although over a hundred different types of arthritis are encountered in clinical practice, the most common are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. They are associated with considerable suffering and increased disability. The economic cost to society is tremendous. Lifestyle modification has been shown to play a significant role in the prevention and management of these common forms of arthritis. Healthy lifestyle factors include non-smoking, abstinence or intake in moderation of alcohol, regular exercise, avoidance of excess body weight, and a prudent diet. This manuscript discusses the role of these lifestyle behaviors in the common forms of arthritis.
Original Research Article
Introduction: The surgeon considers abdomen as an enigma because in a good proportion of his cases, the cause of abdominal pain or the nature of the abdominal lump, may not be decided in spite of all possible investigations. But application of anatomical knowledge makes diagnosis more interesting and more rational except in few cases. Objective: To assess the non-traumatic acute abdomen and its diseases spectrum. Materials and Methods: The prospective study was conducted in Department of Surgery, Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh from January 2018 to January-2020. All the patients admitted into the surgery units of DMCH with an initial diagnosis of acute abdomen of nontraumatic origin. Two hundred cases of nontraumatic emergency laparotomy patients were studied in surgical unit. Acute abdominal pain was the constant symptom with different degree of severity, presenting either locally or diffusely. In conditions with peritonitis either local or diffuse, muscle guarding, rigidity or diminished bowel sound were found. Results: In the present study 201 patients were included. All these patients underwent emergency laparotomy with the provisional diagnosis of acute abdomen. Conclusion: The most common cause of acute abdomen in the study was acute appendicitis, affecting young population; this was followed by Hollow viscus perforation with peritonitis and bowel obstruction. To evaluating patients with acute appendicitis and peritonitis, plain x ray abdomen high sensitive in bowel obstruction and peritonitis as well. USG abdomen had high specificity as well as positive and negative predictive value in acute appendicitis. Acute appendicitis was the commonest cause 48% of patients presenting to Emergency and Casualty as acute abdomen. It must be remembered that 'Diagnostic errors at the initial assessment may at best result in unnecessary surgical intervention, and at worst demise of the patient or a protracted illness due to the development of ..............
Original Research Article
Background: The amniotic fluid (AF) is a part of the baby’s life support system. It aids in the development of muscles, limbs, lungs and digestive system. Amniotic fluid is produced soon after the amniotic sac is formed at about 12 days after conception. Objective: To find out factor associated and neonatal outcome with oligohydramnios. Methods: This was a cross-sectional observational study conducted in the Indoor patient Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology in Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh from January to June 2015. Detailed information was obtained in each case according to protocol. Complete history was taken from patients and their accompanying attendants. Thorough clinical examination was done. Relevant investigations report was collected. Collected data was classified, edited, coded and entered into the computer for statistical analysis by using SPSS-19. Results: Out of 50 cases mean age was 24.56 (±4.71) years. Majority 27(54%) delivered by caesarean section and 23(46%) were delivered by normal vaginal delivery. Main indication for caesareansection25.93% fetal distress, 18.52%malpresentation, 18.52% previous LSCS and 37.03% severe Oligohydramnios. Prevalence of SGA babies (62%) is almost double than AGA babies (38%). Factor associated with oligohydramnios were PIH, malpresentation, chronic abruption, prolong pregnancy, post term pregnancy, fetal congenital anomalies were 16%,04%, 18%, 28%, 06%, 20% and 18% respectively. The Neonatal outcomes, including Low birth weight, IUGR babies, perinatal death, APGAR score< 7 at 5 min, admission in neonatal ward etc. Among 50 babies, low birth babies were 62%, APGAR score < 7 was found in 18% of babies, 26% babies were admitted in neonatal intensive care unit and 1 baby born with congenital anomaly (2%). Conclusion: In conclusion factor associated with oligohydramnios were PIH, malpresentation, chronic abruption, prolong pregnancy, post term pregnancy, fetal congenital anomalies. Most of the .......
Liver diseases are a major health burden globally. The sharp increase in obesity has led to a greater prevalence of nonalcoholic liver diseases. NAFLD may progress to NASH, cirrhosis of the liver, and even hepatocellular carcinoma. Alcoholic liver disease is also a common disorder, leading to alcoholic steatohepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis. Alcohol abuse is a risk factor in about 50% of cases of cirrhosis. Cirrhotic patients may present with ascites, portal hypertension-related bleeding, or hepatic encephalopathy. They are also at a higher risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatic viral infections are also rampant. Hepatitis B viral infection is common, with almost 30% of the world’s population showing serological evidence of exposure. These patients can progress to hepatocellular carcinoma. HCV infections also can lead to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Chronic HCV infection is often the primary reason for having a liver transplant. It is estimated to affect over 58 million worldwide and is a major cause of liver disease-related death. No vaccination is available for HCV. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the sixth most common malignant tumor in the world. It is also the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. It usually occurs in patients with a history of viral hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, or nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Since its diagnosis is often made at late stages, mortality is high. Given the ominous nature of these liver diseases, prevention and management via lifestyle modification is an important option. This manuscript discusses five major modifiable lifestyle behaviors that can significantly impact liver diseases.
Diabetes mellitus is a common disease with an increasing prevalence in low- and middle-income countries. It causes significant macrovascular and microvascular complications which result in a considerable amount of human suffering. Further, it also increases premature mortality. Emerging scientific data confirms the mitigating effects of healthy lifestyles on diabetes mellitus. The five major healthy lifestyles with the most impact are non-smoking, alcohol intake in moderation, maintaining normal body weight, exercising regularly, and eating a prudent diet. Following these five lifestyle behaviors are not only beneficial for diabetes mellitus prevention and management but also help in prolonging life expectancy at age 50 years. This has been estimated to be 14.0 years in females and 12.2 years in males when compared with individuals with zero low-risk lifestyles. This manuscript briefly reviews the impact of these five factors on diabetes mellitus.