Loneliness has profound harmful effects on health. This includes the respiratory system. Several studies have documented its deleterious effects on COPD, asthma, lung cancer, respiratory infections, and even interstitial lung diseases. Further, these patients are often burdened with several chronic co-morbidities, which often further worsen respiratory ailments. Lonely individuals also are noncompliant with several lifestyles which may negatively affect the respiratory system. And finally, lonely people tend to delay health evaluation and are often noncompliant with health recommendations. All these factors make lonely individuals at greater risk, increased severity, and poorer prognosis of respiratory disorders. Further, chronic respiratory diseases can also induce or worsen preexisting loneliness. This narrative manuscript narratively reviews the harmful effects of loneliness on the commonly seen respiratory disorders.
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Background: In vaccine delivery, a health worker (HW), particularly primary care physicians’ knowledge and behavior in handling AEFI on COVID-19 vaccine are important. The role of health workers and non-health workers in building public trust in vaccination programs is essential in the community. Research Objective: Comparing the knowledge and behavior in handling the AEFI vaccine COVID-19 between health workers and non-health workers at a hospital in Kupang. Settings and Design : This is a cross-sectional observational analytic study conducted on health workers and non-health workers at a hospital in Kupang. Method and Material: There are 118 respondents who met the inclusion criteria that were chosen through the consecutive sampling using validated and reliable questionnaires to assess knowledge, and behavior on handling vaccine AEFI. Statistical analysis used: The research was analyzed univariately using a frequency distribution table and bivariate analysis using the chi-square test. Results: In terms of knowledge, 60.5% of health workers had sufficient knowledge, while 56.3% of non-health workers had enough knowledge. In terms of behavior, 74.4% of health workers and 62.5% non health workers behaved well. The results of the bivariate test using the Chi-Square test for the analysis of differences in knowledge obtained p = 0.432 (p>0.05), while for the study of behavioral differences, the results were p = 0.297 (p>0.05). Conclusion: It is important to monitor the level of understanding of AEFI among health and non-health workers, as they play a significant role in establishing public trust.
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The term “health” refers to a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being that enables people to function effectively in both the social and economic spheres. Since everyone's health is related to other things, it is very important that people have access to high quality health care. One of the ways that Puskesmas, which stands for Community Health Services, works to provide the best level of public health in its area is by prioritizing activities that promote and prevent disease. In the context of health services, quality refers to the ability of health services to meet the needs and expectations of all consumers in accordance with professional standards and ethical principles. One month was spent at the Oka Health Center for examinations. Patients at the Oka Health Center were asked to rate their satisfaction with the level of service they received. A cross-sectional study was used in conjunction with quantitative methods in this study. This study used a basic random sample strategy for data collection. The sample size of this study was 91 patients who had been examined for one month, and data were collected by direct interviews with patients who came to the Oka Health Center with a questionnaire. Spearman rank correlation test was conducted to analyze the data. The findings of this study indicate that patient satisfaction at the Oka Health Center is related to the quality of health services provided.
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Background: Covid-19 is officially acknowledged by WHO as a case of pandemic. The number of Covid-19 confirmed cases in Indonesia is significantly fast due to people’s high mobility and dense population. Hence, the government adjusted and enforced new health protocols, specifically added a policy of reducing mobility. Research Objective: This study aims to knowing the correlation of knowledge and attitudes towards reducing mobility behaviour during Covid-19 pandemic on pre-clinical students of the Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Nusa Cendana. Settings and Design: This is a cross-sectional observational analytic study at Faculty of Medicine Universitas Nusa Cendana. Method and Material: There are 158 respondents who met the inclusion criteria that were chosen through the stratified random sampling method using validated and reliable questionnaires to assess knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour related to their mobility reduction during Covid-19 pandemic. Statistical analysis used: The research was analyzed univariately using a frequency distribution table and bivariate analysis using the Spearman Rank Test α=0.05. 64.6% (102 respondents) have sufficient knowledge about reducing mobility. A total of 93.7% (148 respondents) have a good attitude about reducing mobility and as many as 57.6% (91 respondents) have a good attitude about reducing mobility. Knowledge and behavior have no significant relationship; there is a significant relationship between attitudes and behavior. Conclusion: Based on data analysis, there is no correlation (p=0.875) between knowledge and behavior of mobility reduction. Meanwhile there is a correlation (p=0.04) between attitudes and behavior of mobility reduction.
Original Research Article
Proximate Composition, Phytochemicals Evaluation and Characterization of Aqueous Fruit Extract of Balanites aegyptiaca (Desert Date Palm)
S. I. Sarki, T. M. Abdulmumin, M. Murtala, Y. Abdulmumin, A. I. Muhammad, S.Y Ismail., S. A. Bichi, M. M. Dalhatu, A. L. Abubakar, A. M. Shehu, S. M. Sheshe, A. N. Abdullahi
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2022; 5(6): 176-184
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2022.v05i06.005
786 Downloads | June 23, 2022
Background and objectives: The plant kingdom has proven to be the most useful in the treatment of diseases and they provide an important source of all the world’s pharmaceuticals. Balanites aegyptiaca is an evergreen plant containing large varieties of chemical substances which possess important therapeutic properties and can be utilized as food supplement. The aim of the study was to carry out proximate, phytochemicals and identification of chemical compounds using aqueous fruit extract of Balanites aegyptiaca. Methods: The proximate and phytochemicals analysis were carried out by standard protocols of AOAC, While The phyto-constitutes of Balanites aegyptiaca aqueous fruit extract were determined by Gas Chromatography (Agilent 6890 series) coupled with HP-5MS column mass spectrometer. The helium was used as carrier gas at a flow of 1.0ml/min. The identification of the constituents of aqueous fruit extract was performed by matching their mass spectra and retention indices with those obtained from authentic samples and/or NSIT/Wiley spectra libraries, using different types of search (PBM/NIST/AMDIS) and available literature data. Results: The phytochemical analysis reveals that the aqueous fruit extract of Balanites aegyptiaca contained flavonoids (288.33+3.01 mg/100g), tannins (20.50+0.4mg/100g) saponin (320.90+10.28mg/100g), Glycoside (163.92+0.33), steroids (36.40+0.80mg/100g), alkaloids (78.67+1.03mg/100g) and phenols (227.43+1.01mg/100g) while Terpenoids and Anthraquinones, Anthocyanines were found to be absent. The proximate analysis of the fruits of Balanites aegyptiaca; revealed that the moisture content was 2.3±0.2%, crude protein 3.2±0.08%, crude fibre 16.4±0.5%, lipid content 3.1±0.7, carbohydrates 72.6±1.6% and ash content 2.4±0.2%. The GC-MS Analysis shows the presents of many important organic compounds in which three were reported to have biological activity this includes Benzene, [(methoxymethoxy)m ethyl]-, Undecanoic acid Hexadecanoic acid, ....
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Liquor amnii plays important role both in the development of the fetus and antenatal assessment of the fetal wellbeing. Its cushioning effect protects the fetus from external trauma whereas a decrease in liqor may leads to flexion contracture in the fetus. A decrease in the liqor volume, with intact membranes, in the third trimester indicates decreased utero-placental flow and maybe the indication for early termination of pregnancy. This prospective study was conducted in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College Kangra at Tanda, Himachal Pradesh from January 2018 to December 2018, where 90 expectant mothers with oligohydramnios were studied with an aim to evaluate perinatal outcome after all required formalities. Oligohydramnios was associated with an increased incidence of induction of labor, non-reactive NST, meconium-stained liqor and CS. Neonates born to women with oligohydramnios had increased incidence of a low Apgar score, respiratory distress, LBW and NICU admission.
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Caesarean deliveries are increasing. Caesarean sections have significant financial repercussions in addition to increasing maternal mortality and morbidity. The fetus's presumed benefit is typically used to justify caesarean sections. These advantages are frequently unmeasured and supported by weak data. Improved anaesthetic and neonatal techniques may help to explain some of the shifting trends in the rates of caesarean sections for different indications. The shifting rate and indications for caesarean sections may have appeared more acceptable due to cultural shifts, societal expectations, and obstetricians' worry about legal action. There is not much supporting research in this area. Hence this study was designed to understand medical reasons for caesarean section in tertiary government health care facility. Thus, the main objective of this study was (1) to study the prevalence of C-section in cases presented at Regional Hospital, Kullu and (2) to study various factor responsible for caesarean section.