Original Research Article
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Mitigated Uterine Dysfunctions in Female Wistar Rats Exposed to Benzene and Ethanol
Adetunji Opeyemi Adebola, Adeoye Bayo Olufunso, Adeogun Adetomiwa Ezekiel, Akano Oyedayo Philips, Achor Corniluis Bangsi, Nwobi Joseph Chigbogu, Adeoye Ayodeji David, Nwobi Nnenna Linda, Adebayo Barak
EAS J Nutr Food Sci; 2024, 6(3): 70-76
305 Downloads | May 2, 2024
Background: Exposure to benzene and ethanol is known to predispose to ovarian and uterine retardation, Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is an essential oil that is well-reputed for its outstanding nutraceutical and therapeutic properties. The present study is aimed at elucidating the pharmacological potentials of EVOO supplementation on ethanol/benzene-induced female reproductive dysfunctions in rats. Methodology: Forty-eight (48) adult Wistar rats weighing (110kg-130kg) were divided into 8 groups (n = 6). CTR= Control, EVOO= Extra Virgin Olive Oil, ETH= Ethanol, BEN= Benzene, ETH+BEN= Ethanol + Benzene, ETH+EVOO= Ethanol+ Extra Virgin Olive Oil, BEN+EVOO= Benzene+ Extra Virgin Olive Oil, ETH+BEN+EVOO= Ethanol+Benzene + Extra Virgin Olive Oil. They were administered Ethanol, Benzene and Extra Virgin Olive Oil according to the grouped tagging. At the end of the experiment, the rats were sacrificed while tissues were harvested, and processed for H & E stain and Masson Trichrome stain histopathological assessment. Progesterone and estradiol were measured using standard methods. Statistical analysis was done using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on GraphPad Prism 5.0 software. Significance was set at p<0.05. Results: Interestingly, EVOO supplementation significantly (p<0.05) increased body weight, estradiol, and progesterone levels, while also mitigating ovarian and uterine histoarchitectural integrity. Conclusion: EVOO may be considered when formulating a dietary regimen in the management of female reproductive dysfunctions associated with benzene and ethanol.
Original Research Article
The objective of this work was to evaluate the microbiological quality and to determine the Expiry Date of three formulations of seasoning food broths based on the edible mushroom, Psathyrella tuberculata. The pH, titratable acidity, and humidity were determined using the AOAC method. Mesophilic aerobic germs, total coliforms, sulphite-reducing Clostridium, Escherichia coli, yeasts, moulds, staphylococci, and Salmonella spp. were quantified using standard microbiological methods. The Expiry Date of the formulated seasoning food broths powders was determined using an ageing test and predictive microbiology. The results obtained indicated that the ingredients and seasoning broths had a pH of less than 7 with a moisture content of between 8 and 11% for the ingredients and 9 and 10% for the seasoning food broths. Titratable acidity ranged from 0,01 to 0,6 for the ingredients and from 0,5 to 0,54 for the seasoning broths. The results showed that total coliforms, Escherichia coli strains, sulphite-reducing anaerobes and Salmonella spp were absent in all samples. However, the loads of mesophilic anaerobes and fungal flora detected from day one to day forty-five were within Codex Alimentarius standards. The Expiry Date (ED) for B90, B70 and B50 seasoning food broths. Were 56,77 days, 64,98 days and 72,6 days respectively. The powders analysed were of satisfactory microbiological quality. The Expiry Date (ED) obtained are those of three seasoning food broth formulations without preservative food additives.
Review Article
Infant & Young Child Feeding and Issues
Dr. Tridibesh Tripathy, Professor Shankar Das, Professor Dharmendra Pratap Singh, Prof. Rakesh Dwivedi, Prof. D.R. Sahu, Dr. Mohini Gautam, Ms. Sanskriti Tripathy, Mrs. Anjali Tripathy
EAS J Nutr Food Sci; 2024, 6(3): 86-89
242 Downloads | June 8, 2024
The article is related to Annaprasan as per the Vedas (Sacred Texts) of ancient India [15]. This activity is technically called Infant & Young Child Feeding (IYCF) in public health & Complementary Feeding (CF) in terms of the science of nutrition [2-4]. The 0-1 year age group is called technically an Infant. The 1-2 year age group is called as Young Child (YC) [2]. All these interventions are critical as these interventions reduce mortality. Further, it not only reduces mortality but is also cost effective. When we breakdown the stage of infant, the first stage of IYCF is from 6-8 months age group as the IYCF should be introduced to the child latest by the age of 8 months. It is called Complementary Feeding (CF) as it completes the nutritional needs of the infant & young child along with breast feeding [2-23]. The second stage is from 9 months to 24 months where along with breast feeding, the frequency & diversity of the complementary foods is critical [4]. In all, the article deals with 527 days or the period from 6 months of age to 2years of age. Here the feeding includes Breast Feeding (BF) from 6 months of age onwards along with Semi Solid Foods (SSF) to 24 months of age [2-4]. The article discusses the history & evaluation of the IYCF concept, its current situation, challenges & priorities related to IYCF. Finally, it sees the role of IYCF in this stage & how the effective roll out of the concept through the public health system can optimize the benefit to the child. This is the base of the nation’s future & the 527 days of independent life is a critical stage to set the stage for nutrition for an entire life span of at least 7 decades. Addressing these issues through effective IYCF rollout will reduce under nutrition & over nutrition in the later years of the child [2-16].
Original Research Article
: Pumpkin is a highly nutritious food that offers protective benefits against various health conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, constipation, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, and colon cancer. This study aimed to examine the proximate composition of pumpkin-wheat cookies. An experimental research approach was employed to produce pumpkin powder, incorporate it into cookie production, and analyze its nutritional constituents. The results revealed that as the proportion of pumpkin flour in the composite flour increased, there was a corresponding increase in moisture, ash, fat, protein, and fiber content. Additionally, the study demonstrated an increase in mineral content with higher amounts of pumpkin. The iron and manganese levels ranged from 244.1mg/kg to 312.1mg/kg and 74.52mg/kg to 88.17mg/kg, respectively. Calcium and potassium contents also ranged from 0.24% to 0.40% and 0.39% to 0.57%, respectively. The beta-carotene content of the samples varied between 0.18mg/kg to 0.57mg/kg, while the folic acid content ranged from 13.7ug/g to 144.95ug/g.