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This study focuses on childhood, defined as the period from birth to adolescence, encompassing critical physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. Art-based therapy, a psychotherapy technique using creative expression for healing, is explored for its effectiveness in improving psychological well-being among children with learning disabilities. The research, conducted at Amara Soundarya Foundation in Bengaluru, involved 40 children aged 5-19, using a convenient sampling method. The study employed an experimental design and used the RYFF Psychological Wellbeing Scale to assess changes. After 25 days of art-based therapy, results showed an improvement in psychological well-being, with pre-test and post-test mean scores of 91.75 and 121.0, respectively. The findings suggest a significant positive impact of art therapy on the children's psychological health, highlighting its effectiveness as a therapeutic tool.
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Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Lamaze Technique among 4th Year B.Sc. Nursing Student of Smt. Nagarathnamma College of Nursing
Ms. Geeta, K. M, Mr. Shalom Shaju, Ms. Akshara Sudheerbabu, Mr. Santanu Panda, Mr. Muhammed Saeed M. S, Mr. Mohamed Shahad Shihab, Mr. Athul Lal, Mr. Adhil, M. P
EAS J Nurs Midwifery, 2024; 6(5): 105-109
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36349/easjnm.2024.v06i05.002
56 Downloads | Nov. 16, 2024
Through labour is a normal physiological process, it is associated with some amount of pain. It depends on many factors like the person’s physical build, her emotional status, her mental outlook, associated and coincidental problems etc. Since there so many factors influences pain perception, pain relief can be achieved by changing some or all these factors. The goal of Lamaze Technique is to increase a mother’s confidence in her ability to give birth; Lamaze classes help them to understood hoe to cape with the pain in ways that both facilitate labour and promote comfort, including focused breathing, movement, punishing, imaginary and visualization and massage. The Lamaze method id completely natural and doesn’t require the use of medical supervision or drugs, making it a popular option among many women. The popularity of the method is largely due to the emphasis on individual personality and the interaction of the body, mind and environment.it teaches women to avoid fears and doubts about delivery and instead respond to the contractions as stimuli and not pain. Result: There was significant improvement in the knowledge of students following the administration of structured teaching program on Lamaze Technique. Conclusion: The present study was attempted to assess knowledge regarding Lamaze Technique. The study finding showed that the post test score was higher than pre-test score and was concluded that structured teaching program on Lamaze Technique was effective.
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Adolescence is a phase of transition from childhood to adulthood. During this period that the adolescents acquire sexual and reproductive maturity. Health education given to adolescent girls helps build their knowledge, motivates them to improve and maintain their health, prevent diseases and reduce risky behaviours among them hence the study was done to assess the effectiveness of health education among rural adolescent girls. This study evaluated the efficacy of a reproductive health awareness program for adolescent girls in Bangalore, addressing critical topics like menstrual health, hygiene, and reproductive wellness. Using a pre-experimental one-group pre-test post-test design, the research involved 100 college-going girls selected through non-probability convenient sampling. Pre- and post-test assessments were conducted using a validated knowledge questionnaire. Results showed a significant improvement in knowledge scores, with mean scores increasing by 23.1 (t = 33, p < 0.001), indicating a shift from inadequate to adequate understanding. Demographic factors, such as class, religion, and menstrual regularity, were correlated with knowledge levels. The study concluded that the awareness program effectively enhanced the knowledge of adolescent girls, underscoring the need for continued health education initiatives. These findings suggest that such programs are vital for empowering young women and improving their reproductive health awareness, ultimately contributing to better health outcomes in this demographic.
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Breast Self-Examination (BSE) is a critical, non-invasive method for early detection of breast abnormalities and plays a vital role in breast cancer awareness. This study aims to assess the knowledge and awareness of Breast Self Examination among third-year B.Sc nursing students. As future healthcare providers, nursing students are in a strategic position to promote BSE education and practices among the general public. The study utilizes a structured questionnaire covering essential aspects of BSE, including its importance, recommended techniques, and frequency. By evaluating the students understanding of BSE, and aims to identify knowledge gaps. Descriptive approach was used to collect the data from 30 subjects selected by convenient sampling technique through non probability sampling approach consisting 2 sections. The results of the study shows that the majority of respondents had adequate knowledge on breast self-examination and How-ever, continuous reinforcement of this knowledge through practical sessions and ongoing education can further enhance their proficiency. This above-average knowledge places them in a strong position to educate and for BSE awareness, contributing to early detection efforts and improved breast health outcomes. overall mean percentage of knowledge score is 10%.
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An experimental study assessed the effectiveness of music therapy in reducing hypertension among 70 antenatal mothers in a selected community in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Participants were selected through non-probability purposive sampling and underwent baseline assessments for blood pressure, demographic characteristics, and stress levels using a structured questionnaire. Over a specified period, the mothers engaged in structured music therapy sessions. Results indicated a significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure following the intervention, demonstrating the efficacy of music therapy as a non-invasive strategy for managing hypertension in pregnant women. The study found that the predominant age group was 30-34 years (42.86%), with most participants being married (95.71%) and homemakers (57.14%). Socio-economically, 50% of the sample belonged to the middle class, and 54.29% were in their second trimester. The pre-pregnancy BMI distribution was balanced between underweight (35.7%) and normal weight (35.7%) women, supporting the integration of holistic methods like music therapy into routine prenatal care.
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Evaluate the Impact of a Structured Teaching Program on Nursing Students' Understanding of Self-Care Practices
Mr. Syam Mohanlal, Ms. Pushpalatha, Ms. Ayana S. Aravind, Ms. Muneera Shoukath, Mr. Althaf Thadathil, Mr. Nasweeh, P, Mr. Dels Saji, Mr. Salvin Sayooj, Mr. Shahid, M, Prof. Devi Nanjappan, Mrs. Snehal
EAS J Nurs Midwifery, 2024; 6(5): 131-138
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36349/easjnm.2024.v06i05.006
132 Downloads | Nov. 16, 2024
The study titled “Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Self-Care Practice Among 1st Year B.Sc. Nursing Students at Smt. Nagarathnamma College of Nursing, Bengaluru” aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a structured teaching program on students' knowledge about self-care practices. Introduction: Self-care is crucial in nursing practice, as it helps maintain physical, emotional, and mental well-being. However, nursing students often focus more on patient care, neglecting their own self-care practices. This study aimed to bridge this gap by assessing and improving their knowledge. Methods and Materials: A quantitative approach was adopted, and 45 first-year nursing students were selected through non-probability sampling. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire with 30 items, covering demographic variables and knowledge assessment. Results: The pre-test results showed that 84.44% of students had inadequate knowledge regarding self-care. Following the structured teaching intervention, 57.7% of the students showed adequate knowledge in the post-test. A significant relationship between demographic variables and knowledge improvement was also observed through paired T-tests. Conclusion: The study concluded that the structured teaching program significantly improved the knowledge of self-care practices among nursing students. Incorporating such educational interventions into the nursing curriculum can enhance students' self-care awareness and contribute to better personal well-being and patient care in their professional roles.
Original Research Article
Evaluating a Structured Teaching Program's Effectiveness on Mobile Addiction and Sleep Quality Among Nursing Students
Mrs. Nirmala, Ms. Rachana, Mr. Babin Pain, Ms. Rinky Abraham, Mr. Niyas Khan, Mr. Sreehari, Ms. Trisha Ghosh, Mr. Jadeer Hassan, Prof. Devi Nagappan, Mr. Syam Mohanlal, Prof. Sneha Latha Reddy, Mrs. K
EAS J Nurs Midwifery, 2024; 6(5): 139-145
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36349/easjnm.2024.v06i05.007
148 Downloads | Nov. 16, 2024
Background: Mobile addiction is becoming an increasingly prevalent issue among students, affecting their academic performance, social interactions, and overall health. One of the significant consequences of excessive mobile use is the negative impact on sleep quality, leading to various physical and psychological problems. Addressing these issues through educational interventions is crucial in improving students' well-being. Aim: The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a structured teaching programme on mobile addiction patterns and sleep quality among students of Smt. Nagarathnamma College of Nursing, Bangalore. Methods: A quasi-experimental design was employed. A total of [insert number] students were selected using convenient sampling techniques. The data was collected using a standardized questionnaire that measured mobile addiction patterns and sleep quality before and after the intervention. A structured teaching programme was developed, focusing on awareness, self-regulation, and the negative consequences of mobile addiction on sleep. The programme included lectures, group discussions, and interactive activities designed to improve awareness and encourage healthy mobile usage habits. Results: Pre- and post-intervention data were analyzed using [insert statistical tools]. The results indicated a significant reduction in mobile addiction patterns and an improvement in sleep quality among the students after the structured teaching programme. The findings suggest that educational interventions can positively impact students' mobile use habits and sleep health. Conclusion: The structured teaching programme effectively reduced mobile addiction and improved sleep quality among nursing students. The study highlights the need for ongoing educational efforts to raise awareness about mobile addiction and its impact on health. Future research should focus on long-term follow-up and the impact of similar interventions in other educational settings.
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The effectiveness of moringa leaves preparation increasing hemoglobin in among anemia under reproductive age. Anemia is indeed a common condition affecting many people today, often due to nutritional deficiencies, lifestyle or chronic disease. Raising awareness and promoting prevention strategies are crucial for improving overall health. Moringa, known popularly as drumstick tree, is a tropical plant grown for its nutritious leafy-greens, flower buds, and mineral-rich green fruit pods. Moringa is rich in phytonutrients, which helps to prevent conditions such as cancer, bronchial asthma, high cholesterol, high BP, as well as helping to build a strong immune system. Moringa is a rich source of essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. It provides vital vitamins, including A, B1, B2, B6, folate, and ascorbic acid. By promoting awareness and integrating moringa into diets, we can enhance overall health and combat anemia effectively.
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A quasi-experimental, non-equivalent control group pre-test post-test design was used to study the effectiveness of drumstick leaves juice on haemoglobin levels in antenatal mothers. Sahli’s method assessed haemoglobin levels. In the experimental group, the mean pre-test haemoglobin score was 10.31, and the post-test score was 11.19. The calculated t-value (18.7) at 29 degrees of freedom (p < 0.05) indicated a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores, showing an increase in haemoglobin after consuming drumstick leaves juice. The control group’s post-test mean was 9.79, while the experimental group’s was 11.19, with a t-value of 1.963 at 58 degrees of freedom (p < 0.05). This confirmed that drumstick leaves juice effectively increased haemoglobin levels. The juice is both cost-effective and easy to use.
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Background: Physical and psychological impact of traumatic childbirth is often de-emphasized and under-reported, which may have profound implications on the mother’s general well-being. This systematic review examines the psychological and physical impacts of birth trauma on mothers, aiming to integrate existing research and identify gaps. Method: The study conducted a comprehensive search across PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library, selecting studies based on relevance and methodological quality. Meta-analyses were performed to pool data where possible. The review included ten studies highlighting that birth trauma is linked to significant psychological outcomes like PTSD, anxiety, and depression, and physical issues such as pelvic floor dysfunction and chronic pain. Results: The review found that there is lack of diversity in study populations, insufficient integration of physical and psychological impacts, and the coping mechanisms and interventions. The findings noted the necessity for a holistic approach to maternal care that addresses both psychological and physical aspects of birth trauma. Conclusion: This review highlighted the insufficient integration of psychological and physical impact of birth trauma to mothers. It calls for future research to adopt a more comprehensive approach, recognizing the interplay between mental and physical health outcomes. Furthermore, maternal healthcare systems should incorporate integrated interventions and support systems to address these multi-faceted impacts. Improved awareness and care models could significantly enhance maternal well-being and recovery after traumatic childbirth.
Neonatal sepsis remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality particularly in Zambia accounting for 45% of all the deaths in under-five period (MoH Action Plan, 2022-2026). Zambia face a lifetime risk of 1 in 37 infants die in their first months of life with the neonatal mortality rate of 27 per 1000 live births (Zambia Statistical agency, 2019). The aim of this article is to determine risk factors associated with neonatal sepsis in Zambia. Appreciating these factors is critical for implementing effective measures in the prevention and improving neonatal health outcomes in Zambia. The risk factors of neonatal sepsis are classified into maternal, perinatal and neonatal factors drawing insights from recent studies conducted within the Zambian context.
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Background: Diabetes mellitus is a rising global health problem which requires continuous self-management practice to prevent acute and chronic complications. However, studies show that few diabetic patients practice the recommended self-management practices. This study aimed at assessing self-management practices among diabetic patients at Chilenje, Chawama and Kanyama First Level Hospitals in Lusaka, Zambia. Methodology: A hospital based cross-sectional analytical design was used for this study. The study population included all adult patients with diabetes mellitus who receive care at Chilenje, Chawama and Kanyama First Level Hospitals in Lusaka District. Fish bowl sampling without replacement was used to select participants and sample size calculated was 167. Data were collected using a structured interview guide adapted from the Summary of Diabetes Self-care Activities. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences v26.0 at 5% level of significance. Ethical clearance and permission to collect research data were sought and granted accordingly. Results: This study had a total 167 participants. Overall, the study observed that 122 (73%) patients reported poor self-management practices while only 45 (27%) reported good self-management. Unacceptable fasting glucose level ranges vs. acceptable fasting glucose level ranges (AOR: 0.38; 95% CI: 0.15, 0.99) p- value = 0.049 and 5 – 9 years with diabetes vs. less than 5 years and more than 9 years with diabetes (AOR: 0.36; 95% CI: 0.14, 0.95) p- value 0.039 were statistically significant predictors of poor self-management practices among diabetic patients. Conclusion: This study showed that majority of diabetic patients had poor self -management practices. The study further observed that patients with unacceptable fasting blood glucose level ranges and those with diabetes for 5 – 9 years were more likely to have poor self-management practices. ...
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Purpose: This study explored nursing students' knowledge and beliefs variables (attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control) as determinants of intention in volunteering to care for COVID-19 patients across multiple demographic groups (gender, academic level, and volunteering experience). Methods: This mediation Path analysis and multiple-groups Path analysis is part of a larger exploratory cross-sectional study that we conducted in July 2020. We developed and administered an online Likert-scale questionnaire to 437 nursing students. Results: Knowledge negatively predicted students' intentions to care for COVID-19 patients (r= −.258, p≤ .01), with perceived behavioral control as a mediator. Subjective norms positively predicted intention among males, seniors, and students with previous volunteer experience. Despite a significant relationship between knowledge and the belief variables, subjective norms had insignificant effect on the intentions of females, juniors, and those without volunteer experience. Conclusion: Building confidence and self-efficacy are essential in preparing nursing students for crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. Revising healthcare policies to create opportunities for students to volunteer may help support the healthcare system and reduce the burden on nurses in crisis. Additionally, updating curriculums to build skills, confidence and promote opportunities for volunteering may help prepare nursing students to effectively assist in disasters.
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Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), also known as nosocomial or healthcare-associated infections are a common global challenge. Novice nursing students, as part of the healthcare team, play a critical role in infection control, but often face a theory-practice gap during their transition to clinical practice. This gap can affect patient care, reduce their clinical performance, and contribute to increased HAI rates. Objectives: The study aimed to assess novice nursing students' knowledge and practice of HAI, examine the relationship between knowledge and practice, and explore associations with socio-demographic variables. Method: A descriptive study involving 100 novice nursing students (with less than one year of study) at a tertiary care hospital was conducted. Self-structured questionnaires assessed their knowledge and practice related to HAI. Results: The majority (72%) had moderately adequate knowledge, 26% had inadequate knowledge, and only 2% had adequate knowledge. Regarding practice, 52% had poor practice, 42% had fair practice, and 6% had good practice. A moderate positive correlation was found between knowledge and practice (r=0.425, p<0.00001). Practice was associated with age (p=0.027) and gender (p=0.012), but no association was found between knowledge and socio-demographic variables. Conclusion: Most novice nursing students demonstrated moderately adequate knowledge but insufficient practice in HAI control, potentially leading to higher infection rates. These findings highlight the need for clear policies, guidelines, and training to address knowledge and practice gaps.