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Labor pain has an impact on the barriers to the delivery process due to the lack of self-control of the mother on labor pain so that the mother's physical condition can be weak. So the risk of cesarean delivery. One method of reducing pain is by non-pharmacological methods. Some non-morphological methods that can be used are deep breath relaxation, murotal Al-Qur'an and the aroma of lavender therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of breath relaxation techniques and murottal quran audio on delivery pain first stage in ingin jaya health center, aceh besar regency. This study is a quasi-experimental study with a two-group pre-posttest design using a randomized controlled trial. The population of maternity mothers in the Working Area of the Ingin jaya Health Center, Ingin jaya District, Aceh Besar regency. The sample selection is purposive sampling with inclusion and exclusion criteria, the sample is 70 people. The results showed that there were significant differences between before and after treatment with P value 0.00<0.05.Treatment with audio murotal and aromatherapy significantly reduced labor pain with P value 0.00 <0.05. Aromatherapy and Audio Murotal Al-Quran are effective in reducing pain in the first stage of labor in the work area of the Ingin jaya Public Health Center, Aceh Besar regency.
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Background: An uncontrolled increase in population can increase the number of maternal deaths, the use of contraception is an activity to regulate pregnancy spacing and prevent complications in mothers during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Several factors that can influence the decision-making for the choice of contraception are social support which consists of the support of husband, family, friends and health workers. While contraception has side effects, one of which is changes in body weight that can affect the nutritional status of women who accept contraception. Purpose: Determine the effect of social support on the nutritional status of women who accept contraception and the effect of social support on the decision making of contraceptive selection. Methods: the research design is cross sectional with the sampling technique using simple random sampling. The sample size is 225 respondents, data collection using questionnaires and observations using multiple logistic regression analysis. Findings: The results of the analysis of social support with contraception decision making showed that the family support variable had a p value of 0.04 and that of friends' support had a p value of 0.01. While the results of the analysis of social support with the nutritional status of contraceptive acceptors showed that the family support variable had a p value of 0.04. Conclusion: Social support from family support has a significant effect on the nutritional status of women who are contraceptive acceptors. Meanwhile, social support in the form of support from family and friends has a significant effect on decision making when choosing contraception.
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Background: Postpartum is a critical transition period for a woman. Every day 810 women around the world die from causes related to pregnancy and childbirth, which 52% of them dying during the postpartum period. These deaths occur due to complications such as postpartum bleeding, hypertension disorders, and infection. Purpose: This study aims to determine the factors related to maternal eating behavior during postpartum in Jember Regency, East Java, Indonesia. Based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) conceptual framework, those factors are perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefit, and perceived barrier. Methodology: This was an observational analytic study using a cross- sectional design. The population in this study was 2750 postpartum mothers and the sample size examined 123 postpartum mothers as respondents it was conducted by Multistage Random Sampling. Respondents were given informed consent before conducting research for Ethical Considerations. All variable was obtained using a questionnaire. A multiple logistic regression test was conducted to determine the influence dimensions of HBM on maternal eating behavior during postpartum. Findings: Based on the result of this study Perceived Susceptibility (p=0,00) and Perceived Benefit (p=0,000) have significant correlation with maternal eating behavior. Then perceived Severity (p=0.983) and Perceived Barrier (p=0,616) do not correlate with maternal eating behavior among postpartum in Jember Regency Indonesia Conclusion: This study concludes that the greater perceived susceptibility and perceived benefits will influence postpartum mothers to have healthy eating behavior. We recommend increasing nutrition education as well as collaboration with other sectors.
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Background: The high maternal and neonatal deaths remain a global concern especially in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. This is largely attributed to the limited skilled workforce including midwives who are required to offer quality maternal and neonatal care. Advanced Practice Midwifery (APM) training has been highlighted as critical in achieving high-quality maternal and neonatal care in all settings and countries. In Kenya, the APM training is at the initial stages, having been launched in May 2022. This paper presents the results of a literature review regarding opportunities and challenges for the APM training and practice with a goal of availing information to any institution willing to begin the program in Kenya and other LMICs. Methodology: A descriptive overview was undertaken through a rapid literature review of the relevant local and international literature to highlight the opportunities and challenges for the APM training and practice based on the Kenyan Context. Results: The APM training and practice has expansive opportunities such as the increased demand for quality care and reduced cost services, supportive policies, advances in technology, profession recognition and regularisation of the training and availability of midwives trained at lower levels. The challenges that the APM training is likely to experience includes; Lack of expert trainers, technological challenges, workload challenges due to the high population in need of the services and clinical environment challenges. Conclusion: APM training and practice has enormous opportunities despite the challenges that may be experienced. Therefore, for any institution preparing to start the APM training, there is need to exploit the existing opportunities and address the likely challenges to ensure the APM training and practice meets the desired outcomes.
Original Research Article
Background: Prolonged labor is defined as labor that has lasted 12 hours or more but is not followed by birth. The incidence of prolonged labor is quite high; it is known that 1 in 5 maternity mothers experience prolonged labor. The case of prolonged labor is included in the list of the 10 highest cases at Srikandi General Hospital Jember, Indonesia. Prolonged labor lasting > 12 hours is associated with severe postpartum hemorrhage, which is the second leading cause of death in East Java and the leading cause of maternal death in Jember Regency. Several factors are thought to affect the duration of labor including uterine contractions and fetal weight. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of fetal weight and uterine contractions on the duration of labor at Srikandi IBI General Hospital, Jember, East Java, Indonesia. Methodology: This is an observational analytic study using a cross-sectional design. The population consists of mothers who give birth at Srikandi General Hospital, Jember: 119 mothers who give birth with a sample size according to the Slovin formula of 92 mothers who give birth determined through Systematic Random Sampling. Research variables were assessed through partographs. Data were analyzed by path analysis. Findings: fetal weight has no significant effect on the duration of labor in both the first and second stages (t value = -0.07; 0.91). Uterine contractions had a significant effect on the duration of the second stage (t value = -2.22; -3.65) but did not significantly affect the duration of the first stage of labor (t value = -0.73; -1.13). Conclusion: This study shows that the more adequate uterine contractions, the shorter the duration of the second stage of labor. There may be other factors that influence the duration of labor including age, parity, nutritional status, maternal nutrition, psychology, family assistance, and non-pharmacological care. Further research is needed to examine the effect of these variables on labor.
Original Research Article
The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Aceh Besar regency is a serious problem for child survival. One of the non-morphological natural methods that can be used to help expedite milk production is acupressure points for lactation therapy. Acupressure points for lactation therapy are one of the solutions to overcome the uneven production of breast milk. Acupressure points for lactation therapy help maximize prolactin and oxytocin receptors and minimize side effects from delayed breastfeeding by the baby. This research method is quasi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test research design. This research was conducted at the Midwives' Independent Practice in Aceh Besar Regency from April to October 2022. The population in this study were primiparous mothers who gave birth at the Independent Midwife Practice (PMB) in Aceh Besar Regency. The total sample of 60 respondents consisted of the intervention group of 30 respondents and the control group of 30 respondents. Data analysis using univariate and bivariate with T-Test Dependent and T-Test Independent. The results showed that there was a significant difference in milk production before and after giving acupressure therapy to breastfeeding mothers with a p-value of 0.000. There is a significant difference in breastfeeding success before and after giving routine care to breastfeeding mothers p-value 0.000. Complementary Therapy Acupressure Points For Lactation is effective in helping to facilitate breastfeeding and increase milk production in primiparous mothers in Aceh Besar Regency.
Original Research Article
Impact of Hospital Accreditation Program (CBAHI) on Patient Safety: Nurses Perspective in Secondary Care Hospital, Najran
Ester Mary P, Hind Alalla A, Adel Saleh Al D, Faisal Zaher B, Ali Saleh Al M, Mesfer Mansour A, Ibrahim Saad A, Ahmed Mahdi Al S, Faris Hadi H. A, Nagi Mofareh A Al G
EAS J Nurs Midwifery, 2022; 4(6): 210-217
DOI: 10.36349/easjnm.2022.v04i06.007
924 Downloads | Dec. 30, 2022
Accreditation has been regarded as a crucial element in assessing and raising the quality of healthcare services. Accreditation helps to improve patient safety and minimize the risk of near misses, adverse outcomes, and medical errors. Nurses, are the front line in dealing with patients, are expected to continue raising awareness about the patient safety culture in order to limit the number of unexpected accidents and deaths caused by negligence.The study aimed to determine impact of the Hospital Accreditation Program (CBAHI) on patient safety: the perspectives of nurses in a secondary care hospital in Najran.
Original Research Article
A Qualitative Study to Explore Healthcare Providers' Experiences Using Digital Health Technologies in Patient Education
N. Aljunaini, E. AlHazim, M. Alsari, M. AlZmanan, H. AlKubiabah, A. Alswar, M. AlGeshanien, A. AlSari, H. AlYami, M. AlAbbas, H. Mansour, A. Alsharqi, H. AlAbbas, S. AlHarthy, R. AlSoma, A. AlSoma
EAS J Nurs Midwifery, 2022; 4(6): 210-217
DOI: 10.36349/easjnm.2022.v04i06.008
358 Downloads | Dec. 30, 2022
Adult education is integrative education right that promotes lifelong learning among adults. It entails education and learning forms, ensuring that adults actively participate in social activities and employment (Caena & Redecker, 2019). The integration of digital technologies has had a profound impact on the global landscape of patient education. In Saudi Arabia, there has been a notable emphasis on embracing digital technologies in healthcare system. The government and educational institutions in the country recognize the importance of incorporating digital tools and platforms into patient education to enhance the quality of care and produce competent healthcare professional. This qualitative study explores the experiences of healthcare providers in Saudi Arabia as they utilize digital health technologies for patient education. Through semi-structured interviews, we delve into the perceived benefits, challenges, and strategies employed by healthcare professional in effectively integrating these technologies into their patient education practices. Our findings reveal a growing adoption of digital health technologies among healthcare providers, who recognize their potential to personalize education, enhance engagement, and improve accessibility. However, challenges such as limited access to resources, technological illiteracy, and data security concerns remain. Healthcare providers emphasize the need for tailored training, user-friendly interfaces, and robust data protection measures to optimize the use of digital health technologies in patient education. Our study provides valuable insights for healthcare providers, policymakers, and technology developers to enhance the integration of digital health technologies into patient education initiatives in Saudi Arabia.