Original Research Article
Design and Development of Cefpodoxime Proxetil Dry Suspension Using Fenugreek Powder as Natural Suspending Agent
Pavithra S, Prabavathi C, S Gomathi, C Gowri, B. Senthilnathan, Selvanayagi S, Jayashree S, Parameshwari M, Karthikeyan G
EAS J Pharm Pharmacol, 2024; 6(1): 1-15
DOI: 10.36349/easjpp.2024.v06i01.001
459 Downloads | Jan. 17, 2024
Dry suspension refers to commercial dry solutions that must be dispensed with water. The bitter taste has had a significant impact on the development of oral preparations and therapeutic uses for numerous toxic medicines. The majority of patients want to take effective treatments that taste good and are easy to administer. It is also defined as an intimate mixture of dry, finely split medication and excipients that, when mixed with an appropriate vehicle, produces a suspension. Reconstitutable suspension is reconstituted at the time of use and can thus be used as a liquid formulation, avoiding swallowing issues. When drug stability is a critical concern, the reconstituted system is the formulation of choice. A variety of commercial and government remedies are available as dry powder combinations or granules that are meant to be suspended in water or another vehicle before being taken orally. The current study attempted to compare assessment criteria by employing three natural gums as a suspending agent in a cefpodoxime proxetil oral dry suspensions: acacia, Trigonella foenum graecum (Family: Leguminosae) seeds, also known as fenugreek seeds, and xanthan gum.
A lipid bilayer including phospholipids, an edge activator, and an ethanol/aqueous core makes up transferosomes, often referred to as transferosomes, which are ultra-deformable vesicles for transdermal applications. Compared to oral and needle-based methods, this approach has a number of benefits, including self-administration, non-invasiveness, significantly reduced hepatic clearance of the medication, and increased patient compliance. The primary reason for the development of various drug delivery systems was that due to the first pass metabolism, adverse and side effects, non-patient compliance and invasive procedures, the efficient therapeutic outcomes. The advantage of transferosomes is they are barely invasive without the first pass metabolism. Transferosomes also has several advantages than liposomes due to the active surfactant properties. Due to its penetration enhancer properties, it enables the drug molecule to penetrate into the skin via the stratum corneum than other formulations. So, more research works are encouraged with respect to tranferosomes in order to formulate various new drugs in this type of drug delivery system.
Original Research Article
When someone develops pancreatitis, their pancreas swells up in inflammation. Pancreatic damage happens when the digestive enzymes are activated before they are discharged into the small intestine and begin attacking the pancreas. There are two types of pancreatitis: acute and chronic. Alcohol consumption and gallstones are just two of the numerous potential causes of pancreatitis. Plant medicine is an effective way to cure pancreatitis. Citrus flavonoids may offer promising bioactive molecules for treating metabolic disorders, according to some research. Hesperidin is widely consumed in the Western diet in this regard, mostly through the consumption of orange juice. Furthermore, since refined hesperidin is easily extracted or produced and is highly purified industrially, it is inexpensively available commercially. The Western diet contains little eriodictoyl, which is mostly found in lemons and is commercially available. Method: In the current work, NF-kβ receptor inhibitors were sought after using a molecular docking approach. The binding was determined by the Auto Dock software utilizing a grid-based docking method. Compounds' 2D structures were constructed using the chem sketch, converted to 3D, and then energetically reduced up to an arms gradient of 0.01. (MMFF). Result: Hesperetin and Eriodictoyl found to be effective anti-pancreatitis agent effectively binds to be target protein NF-kβ receptor with binding energy -6.9 & -6.7 kcalmol-1 for hesperetin & eriodictoyl respectively. Conclusion: It was discovered through a computationally based docking analysis that both lead compounds exhibit strong NF-KB receptor inhibiting effects. The results demonstrated a promising docking score and lead molecule's pattern of binding to the target protein's active region with strong covalent bonding. The synergistic impact of hesperetin & eriodictoyl is ability to heal pancreatitis.
Original Research Article
Due to increasing drug resistance bacterial isolates in hospitals, morbidity and mortality are gradually increasing throughout the globe. Newer antibiotics are also not coming up as most drug manufacturing industries are reluctant to manufacture antibiotics due to low profit. In this context, we have to determine the antimicrobial activities of other common chemical agents. Thus in this experiment, we have studied L-asparagine- an amino acid with various biological activities to find out its antimicrobial activity if any. We were particularly interested in MDR bacteria in this study. Clinically isolated bacteria from different samples were identified by the automated Vitek automated system and stocked in the laboratory for our study. All isolates were used in lawn culture to find out the sensitivity of different bacteria to asparagine. In our experiment, we aimed to find out which specific concentration of L-Asparagine amino acid shows the most potent antibacterial effect on these bacterial species. In general, growths of all tested bacteria found inhibited at a very low concentration of 39 µg/ml. This uniform result against all resistant bacteria tested in this experiment clearly indicates its future utility against all extremely drug resistant bacteria.
Original Research Article
In recent years, researchers have focused on natural antioxidants because they are good for human health. Most scientists believe that around two-thirds of the plants in the world have medicinal value and good antioxidant activity. The goal of this work was to estimate antioxidant activities of plant extracts, collected from Chattogram Hill Tracts, Chattogram. Different types of Plant leaves were extracted with different solvents like water, ethanol, methanol, and Pet ether. These extracts were then tested to see if they have any antioxidant properties using a method called DPPH radical scavenging. The present study found that all plant extracts exhibited remarkable antioxidant activity among them water extract of plants had the highest level of antioxidants followed by ethanol followed by methanol then Petroleum ether extracts. The high antioxidant activity of these might be due to the presence of hydroxyl groups containing substance in polar solvent extract and these hydroxyl groups can damage free radicals and possess the necessary resources for radical scavenging. This study confirms that many plant extracts have very strong antioxidant activity, which can help treat diseases caused by free radicals in the body.
Original Research Article
Background: Millions of people worldwide use alternative health care systems, and traditional medicines are a crucial part of such systems. In contrast to contemporary pharmaceuticals, which are single molecules that have undergone rigorous testing, structural optimisation, and toxicological clearance, traditionally used herbal remedies are multi-constituent medicines, the safety and efficacy of which are dependent on the experiences of the practitioners. More than 80% of contemporary medications are obtained directly from natural sources (plants, microorganisms, cells, etc.) or their molecules/compounds. Plants are becoming recognised as prospective sources for drug development. Diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal diseases are treated using a variety of conventionally used medicinal herbs. Aim & Objective: The focus of the current study is on testing P. guajava ethanolic leaf extract for its potent anti-diarrheal properties, which have been demonstrated in computer-aided simulation tests confirmed the plant's potential for antidiarrheal action. Method: A grid-based docking strategy was used to determine the binding using the Auto Dock software. Merck Molecular Force Field was used to build the 2D structures of compounds, convert them to 3D, and then energetically reduce them up to arms gradient of 0.01. (MMFF). Result: Based on previously proven effects of flavonoids and on diarrhea. Two flavonoids i.e. quercetin and quercetin-3-arbinoside which were found in the ethanolic leaf extract of P.guajava was selected as lead molecules for current investigation. So, in current study an attempt had been made to elucidate the proposed anti-diarrheal mechanism of the action of selected lead compound (flavonoids) against muscarinic- M3 receptor by in -silico molecular docking. The result of molecular docking showing binding energy -5.81 & -4.32 kcal/mol for quercetin and quercetin-3-arbinoside respectively.