Original Research Article
Background: Since its introduction in the early 1970s, Computed tomography (CT) has evolved over time into a useful diagnostic imaging tool with expanding applications, especially in the evaluation of head pathologies Aim: This study aimed at assessing the pattern of head-CT requests, common indications, and findings at a tertiary health center in north-central Nigeria. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 350 case-files, retrieved from the radiology department's head-CT archives at Benue State University Teaching Hospital (BSUTH) between January and December 2022. Using SPSS version 23 and Microsoft Excel 2007, data was entered into a spreadsheet and analysed. The statistical significance level was set at P< 0.05. Tables, figures, and percentages were used to display the data distribution. Results: Men outnumbered women 2:1 in the 350 head-CT requests that were evaluated. 150 (42.9%) of those scanned were in their second to fourth decade of life, when people are more active and energetic, thus more prone to accidents. Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 77(22.0%) was the commonest clinical indication. The findings were entirely normal in 119(34.0%) head-CTs. The abnormalities that physicians suspected before requesting a head-CT were positive in 231 (66.0%) of the patients. The level of confirmation of abnormality was statistically significant (P=0.001). Conclusion: Men had more head-CTs than women. Most of the patients had the abnormalities that the physicians suspected before requesting a head-CT. TBI was the commonest clinical indication, while majority of head-CTs revealed normal findings. This establishes the pattern of head-CT requests, common indications, and findings for future planning and research.
Traumatic ruptures of the quadriceps tendon are rare and usually occur after the age of 40, as a result of indirect trauma in athletes (contrary flexion of the knee) or minor trauma in sedentary individuals. Pre-existing tendinopathy is common. The rupture is most often complete and occurs at the body of the tendon in 60% of cases, or quadricipital avulsion at the upper edge of the patella (40% of cases). The diagnosis is primarily clinical, with complementary examinations (ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging) playing a key role. Surgical treatment, combined with functional rehabilitation, produces better outcomes. The timing of intervention is a very important prognostic factor. We report a case of post-traumatic rupture of the quadriceps tendon in a 47-year-old patient.
Root avulsion corresponds to the tearing of the roots of the spinal cord by stretching during a trauma. The most incriminated etiologies are road accidents and obstetric trauma. It results clinically in total or partial paralysis of the limb concerned or neuropathic pain. MRI is the key diagnostic test. Here we report a case of post-traumatic brachial plexus root avulsion in a 61-year-old patient following a road accident. The MRI of the cervical plexus, performed one month after the trauma, revealed a pre-foraminal fluid-like lesion on the left next to the D1 conjugation hole, suggestive of a pseudomeningocele. MRI is the key diagnostic imaging tool. In fact, it establishes the lesion topography, whether pre or post-nodal, and enables the search for associated lesions.
Urinary bladder lipomas are rare benign neoplasm. These are fatty tumors made of adipose tissue. Very few cases has been documented in literature. Hence, it necessary to be know the typical imaging finding when incidentally detected in imaging. We report a case of 70 year who presented with complaints of loose stool and right iliac fossa pain. Patient gives no history of any recent urinary tract complaints or previous history of urinary tract infection or any previous urological complaint.
Heterotopy of the thyroid gland is very rare. It is characterized by the existence of an ectopic thyroid tissue in the presence of a normally localized thyroid. We report a case of heterotopic mediastinal thyroid in a 60-year-old woman who presented with swelling in the midline of the neck. Ultrasound of the neck showed a hypertrophic thyroid in its normal location associated with a similar lower cervical mass. A cervico-thoracic scan was subsequently requested for a better study.
Marchiafava-Bignami illness is a rare toxic disease that mostly affects chronic alcoholics and causes progressive demyelination and necrosis of the corpus callosum. The process may spread laterally into surrounding white matter and, on rare occasions, into the subcortical areas. We describe the MR imaging findings in two individuals who presented with acute alcohol-related disorders and discuss the hallmarks of the disease and other acute alcohol-related diseases.
Glomus tumors are benign lesions developed at the neuro-myo-arterial glomus of the dermal-epidermal tissue and were first described in 1924 by Masson. This is a rare pathology, progressing very slowly, generally unrecognized, affecting young adults with a female predominance. These tumors are most commonly located in the fingers and represent 1-5% of soft tissue tumors of the hand. Imaging is important in the diagnosis and follow-up and mainly based on Doppler ultrasound and MRI. However, confirmation of the diagnosis needs a systematic anatomopathological analysis after surgical excision. We report the case of a 41-year-old woman, without any particular pathological history, who had a painful swelling of the distal index finger for 1 year. The diagnosis of glomus tumor was suggested by multimodal imaging, and surgical excision was performed to confirm the diagnosis.
Osteo-articular tuberculosis is a rare condition, with knee localization ranking third after the spine and the hip. Its symptomatology is vague and persistent, typically presenting as subacute or chronic arthritis, and the diagnosis is often made during the stage of joint destruction. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are crucial to prevent functional complications. Imaging plays a prominent role in the diagnostic process. We report a case of advanced knee tuberculosis in a young adolescent, investigated using CT and MRI to highlight the role of imaging in diagnosing this condition.
There are many intracranial pathologies of isolated 6th nerve palsy but neurovascular conflicts causing isolated 6th nerve palsy is very rare condition. We present a case of isolated abducens nerve palsy due to neurovascular conflicts caused by indentation and mass effect from left vertebral artery and left anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA) loop on the left VI cranial nerve.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths globally. Unlike most other cancers, HCC can be diagnosed solely on imaging for high-risk patients. However, this is frequently complicated by atypical or indeterminate features necessitating biopsy or close follow-up with serial imaging. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to allow for more accurate tumour classification and, thus, avoid unnecessary biopsies. Additionally, earlier diagnosis opens up the potential for curative therapies and improves patient outcomes. A number of artificial intelligence models, including machine learning, convolutional neural networks and radiomics-based models have been tested on ultrasound, CT and MRI images of liver lesions. The following review will outline the most impactful papers in this field.
Case Report
Penile Fracture: A Case Report
Boui Meriem, Sassi Soufiane, Zouaki Zakaria, Sirbou Rachid, Karmouch Yassine, Benazzouz Abderrazak, Nabil Hammoune, Badr Slioui, El Mehdi Atmane, Abdelilah Mouhsine
EAS J Radiol Imaging Technol, 2023; 5(3): 85-87
DOI: 10.36349/easjrit.2023.v05i03.011
653 Downloads | June 17, 2023
Rupture of the corpora cavernosa, also called penile fracture, is a rare urological emergency; it is a tear in the tunic albuginea of the corpora cavernosa of variable depth and extent up to the urethra, generally occurs in young adults between 20 and 40 years old, most often following trauma to the erect penis. The diagnosis is essentially clinical, but it is recommended to perform an ultrasound. Ignorance of this urological emergency exposes you to complications that can be disabling. We report the case of a 25-year-old patient with a fracture of the penis following a false step during coitus who was operated on and with simple postoperative consequences.