Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome (DDMS) is a rare neurological disorder caused by brain injury in intrauterine or early years of life. Characteristic findings are prominent cortical sulci, dilated lateral ventricles, cerebral hemiatrophy, hyperpneumatization of the frontal sinus and compensatory hypertrophy of the skull. Hereby describing a male patient who presented with generalized tonic-clonic seizure and left-sided body weakness with neuroimaging findings of cerebral hemiatrophy, right lateral ventricle dilatation, hyperpneumatization of right frontal sinus, and asymmetric calvarial thickening. The above mentioned imaging features enables timely and accurate diagnosis, allowing appropriate management.
Sturge-Weber syndrome is a rare, sporadically occurring neurocutaneous syndrome characterized by port wine stain (facial nevus flammeus), congenital glaucoma, and anomalous leptomeningeal angiomatous malformation. Port wine stain is usually the first component of the syndrome. Seizures of the side contralateral to the port wine stain occur early in infancy and worsen with age. Radiological investigations, like computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are most useful, playing a pivotal role in demonstrating the cerebral changes. We report the case of a three year old child presenting with port wine stain over left half of the body, weakness of right upper and lower limb with an episode of seizure. The child was known to have seizures from 6 months of age and was on irregular anticonvulsant treatment. This case highlights the various neurological manifestations of Sturge-Weber syndrome and how imaging helps to characterize each.
A mediastinal pseudocyst is the extension of pancreatic pseudocyst into the posterior mediastinum through esophageal or aortic hiatus or rarely through the foramen of Morgagni. It is a rare complication of acute or chronic pancreatitis. We report a rare case of mediastinal pseudocyst of a 35-year-old male alcoholic who was presented with dyspnea, hemoptysis.
Original Research Article
Doppler Study of Transplanted Kidney, Follow Up at CKD & Urology Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Monir Uddin Ahamed, Afroza Begum, Noushin Huda, Muhammed Akhtaruzzaman, Mohammad Rashedul Hasan, Mohammad Aminul Islam
EAS J Radiol Imaging Technol, 2022; 4(3): 32-38
DOI: 10.36349/easjrit.2022.v04i03.004
562 Downloads | June 5, 2022
Introduction: Renal transplantation is the treatment of choice for managing patients with end-stage kidney disease. Being submitted to a very serious surgical procedure, renal transplant recipients can only benefit from follow-up imaging and monitoring strategies. Duplex study is considered as the principal imaging test in the evaluation of renal transplants. Objective: To assess the doppler study of transplanted kidney follow up at CKD & Urology Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Materials and Methods: The Duplex study was conducted at Dept. of Radiology and Imaging, CKD & Urology Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh from January to April 2022. Fifty patients (36 males and 14 females) who underwent renal transplantation were included. Their ages ranging from 16-60 years; they all subjected to ultrasound, color Doppler and histopathology. All patients underwent clinical evaluation as well as biochemical and radiological examination in the post-transplant period. They were evaluated on gray scale and color Doppler as a protocol on the 5th, 14th and 30th post-operative day. They were also evaluated as and when clinical suspicion of graft dysfunction was raised. Results: A total of 50 renal transplant recipients were included in this study. Most number of patients, 12 (40%) were in the 30-39 years age group. There were 36 male and 14 female patients. 50 patients (100%) presented with a rise in serum creatinine. 4 patients (8%) presented with tenderness and swelling over transplanted kidney. 7 patients (14%) presented as uncontrolled hypertension. There were seven patients who developed chronic rejection (14%). Transplant renal artery stenosis was detected in 2 cases (4%). One case each of renal artery thrombosis (2%) were encountered. Peritransplant fluid collections were seen in 20 patients (40%). 2 patients (4%) developed post biopsy arterio-venous fistulas. 14 patients (28%) had small post op collections without any graft dysfunction. All of them showed regression on follow up ...
Replacement lipomatosis of the kidney (RLK) is an advanced form of renal sinus lipomatosis, in which infection, renal calculi and long-standing hydronephrosis are accompanied by renal parenchymal atrophy. The kidneys are usually poor or non-functioning. We present CT and MRI findings of an unusual focal RLK of a 52-year-old male, who was examined with the suspicion of renal malignancy.
Original Research Article
Assessment of Three Campaigns to Support Women Victims of Obstetric and Non-Obstetric Fistula at the Fousseyni Daou Regional Hospital in Kayes
Diakite A. S, Cisse D, Diallo M. S, Fofana A. S, Magassa M, Sogoba G, Sangare S, Traore L. I, Sissoko I, Diarra A, Sangare D, Berthe H. J. G, Diakite M. L
EAS J Radiol Imaging Technol, 2022; 4(3): 42-47
DOI: 10.36349/easjrit.2022.v04i03.006
474 Downloads | June 18, 2022
The purpose of this work was to evaluate the results of three campaigns to support women victims of obstetric or non-obstetric fistulas. This is a retrospective and descriptive study of a series of 58 patients operated on during three campaigns for the management of urogenital and rectovaginal fistulas (February 2016, January 2017 and June 2021). All women with urogenital or rectovaginal fistula after questioning and physical examination were included. Fistula concerned 94.8% of housewives. At the time of diagnosis, 41.4% of our fistula patients were between 11 and 25 years old, with an age at first marriage of 11 to 20 years in 94.8%. Married women accounted for 79.3%. The births took place in 41.4% at home and were spontaneous in 55.2%. The repair techniques used were fistulorrhaphy by low or high way in 91.4%. The healing rate of closed and dried fistula was 62.1%.
Original Research Article
Background: The enlargement of prostate is known as benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). It begins when the cells of the prostate gland begin to proliferate. BPH is caused by increased age and other factors associated with it. Objective: To determine the correlation of prostate volume with age and post-micturating residual (PMR) volume in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 100 patients of BPH that fulfilling inclusion criteria for 4 months, selected from Gondal Medical Complex Gujranwala during 14 January to 15 May 2022. Patients with prostate cancer, mild urinary tract or prostate surgery, and those with UTI or stone in bladder were excluded. Ultrasound was used to perform a transabdominal scan. Age, prostate volume (PV), and PMRV were the outcome parameters. Results: In this study hundred BPH positive patients were included. The mean age of patients with BPH, prostate weight, post-void residual volume of the participants was found to be 64.89±14.12 years, 54.68±29.42g, and 22.47±14.75ml respectively. In this study the correlation value of age of patients with BPH and prostate volume was 0.212 and P-value was 0.035 which was significant but the correlation between PV and PMRV was not significant because the correlation value of PV and PMRV was 0.032 and P-value was 0.751. Conclusion: This study concluded that there was significant correlation between Age and BPH but no significant correlation between BPH and PMRV.
Original Research Article
Background: Cerebral aneurysm is the basic cause of sub-arachnoid hemorrhage; Computed tomographic angiogram is the non-invasive approach to diagnose aneurysm by reconstructing the image in 3D dimension making it possible to locate the aneurysm and differentiate it from other arteries. Objective: Focus of this study was to investigate the accuracy of CTA to detect the aneurysm, its type, location and size. Material and method: Data of 50 patients was taken retrospectively with cost-benefit approach that undergoes non-invasive CTA through Aquilion 64-slices CT machine under post-processing work station. Results: This retrospective study is taken with 50 patients, with a 38 percent positive predictive value and a 62 percent negative predictive value, multi-slice CT properly revealed substantial aneurysm in 19 of 50 cases. Conclusion: 64-slices CT provides high diagnostic accuracy for detecting the aneurysm in cerebral arteries with a non-invasive angiogram procedure.
Original Research Article
Background and objective: Neck pain is one of the most important factors for degenerative changes in cervical spine. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is best imaging modality for evaluation of changes in cervical spine due to neck pain. The aim of this study is to determine the frequency of MRI findings in patients with neck pain. Material and methods: A convenient sample of 78 patients with neck pain was used in this descriptive cross-sectional investigation referred to radiology department of Gondal medical complex Gujranwala for evaluation of MRI findings of cervical spine in patients with neck pain during a time period of 4 months from January 24, 2022 to May 24, 2022. MRI was done using 1.5T scanner. Results: The patients belonged to the age group were between 13 to 80 years old, with a mean age ± SD of 44.83 ± 14.22 years. This study showed that female (53.8%) ratio was higher than male (46.2%). Total of 78 patients was suffering from neck pain only 10 were observed with radiating shoulder pain. There were no degenerative findings found in 16 patients. The most common radiological findings were disc osteophyte which account for 46 (59.0%) more prevalent at C5/C6 level. Conclusion: In this study, neck pain is commonly caused by degenerative changes in cervical spine and it is more common at C5/C6 level. MRI is best modality and it's a non-invasive approach for detecting degenerative diseases early and initiating treatment.