Fatigue is a mechanism to protect the body from further damage so that recovery occurs after resting. Fatigue
shows different conditions, but all of that results in a reduction in work capacity and endurance. The profession as a
wood craftsman is exposed to various risks due to factors surrounding the work environment. This study aims to analyze
the effect of dust exposure, age, work duration, on fatigue through respiratory disorder in workers at PT. Maruki
International Indonesia Makassar. This research is quantitative, with a cross sectional study design, as well as a
population of all wood craftsmen in the production section and a sample of 99 respondents. Sampling using proportional
random sampling. To find out the direct and indirect factors of fatigue, path analysis is used. The results showed that
there were 12.1% of respondents experiencing severe fatigue, the analysis test showed that there was a direct effect of
work duration on respiratory disorder (p value = 0,000), age to respiratory disorder (p value = 0,000), age to fatigue (p
value = 0,000) , while working period indirectly affects fatigue through respiratory disorder. However, there is no direct
influence on the service life of fatigue, to the company to increase supervision regarding the use of standardized APD.
Transaldolase TALDO deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of the pentose phosphate pathway. It
has variable presentations with poor outcome when present early in life. We present a young Saudi infant with a fatal
early presentation of TALD deficiency.
Hospitals are an important means of providing health services to the public. The purpose of this study was to
determine how the quality of service affects the satisfaction of inpatients at the Madani Hospital in Palu. This study uses
a quantitative method with a cross sectional study approach. Interviews were carried out on 205 of the entire inpatient
population at the Madani Hospital in Palu. To find out how the quality of service affects the satisfaction of inpatients.
Data was processed using chi square analysis and logistic regression. The results showed that the six variables studied
based on Fisher's Exact Test results showed tangible (p = 0.003), reliability (p = 0.003), responsiveness (p = 0.006),
insurance (p = 0,000), empathy (p = 0.006) and significantly influences the satisfaction of inpatients. Based on the results
of the same logistic test, it was found that assurance with an expansive value (B) = 292,470 was the most influential
variable on the satisfaction of inpatients. For the Madani General Hospital in order to further improve the quality of
service, especially the responsive aspects and improve hospital management. With good management helps employees
work in accordance with the hospital's vision and mission so that patient satisfaction becomes better.
Article 7 paragraph (2) of Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning Press states that journalists have and adhere to
the Journalistic Code of Ethics. The Journalistic Code of Ethics is the Code of Ethics agreed upon by journalist
organizations and determined by the Press Council. In a sense, journalists are bound by the Code of Ethics as signs,
guiding rules, and directions about what should and should not be done in carrying out journalistic tasks. This study
discusses the criminal responsibility on a fake news report on social media in and the concept of fraudulent spread of
news carried out by the social media or press in Aceh Province, Indonesia using a normative juridical approach. The
study found that, on the basis of the Article 18, Paragraph (1) of the Press Law of 1999, for the press that violated the
stipulated provisions, it could be punished according to the applicable criminal provisions. The study also showed that
there was fake written news by the press as a press offense categorized as a crime or violation of law by the press.
This paper titled „Edification in some Hausa play texts: A glipme at its importance in contemporary times‟.
The paper set out to analyse the importance of edification as enshrined in the selected Hausa play texts. Edification is a
method of re-orienting the lives of the people toward achieving an enduring peace and progress. The methodology
applied is to extract a portion of a play text and discuss its importance to the people. It is realized thus that, edifying
elements are prevalent in Hausa play texts due to their importance in the minds of the Hausa writers.
This study is complemented by the approval of the Prem Menstrual Syndrome, which is attended by every
woman before her arrival, in order to incrase women’s productivity. This study aims to influence the psychic complaints
of pre-menstrual syndrome on female labor productivity in Makassar. The research was conducted at PT. Bogatama
Marinusa, Makassar City using a cross sectional study design. The research sample amounted to 90 people who were
selected using purposive sampling. Bivariate analysis was performed with Chi square statistical tests to see the effect of
psychic complaints on premenstrual syndrome on productivity. The results showed that there was an effect of
psychological complaints on the productivity of female workers with a significance value of P = 0.011. For policy
holders, it is expected to be able to improve health care facilities in the company and routinely conduct medical checkups
to determine the health conditions of female workers.
Cervical cancer is a health problem for women in the world because of the high incidence and mortality rate.
This study aimed to analyze the risk factors for family history, the use of hormonal contraception and smoking on the
incidence of cervical cancer in the general hospital in Bima. This study uses a case control study design. The study
sample of 90 people consisted of 30 people with cervical cancer as a purposively selected case group and 60 non-cervical
cancer patients randomly selected. Data collection is done by interviewing using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed
using statistical tests Odds ratio and logistic regression. Family history of 5,231 times has the risk of cervical cancer
compared with those without a family history (OR = 5,231, p = 0,000). Smoking has a risk of 5,600 times cervical cancer
compared to non-smokers (OR = 5,600, p = 0,016). The use of hormonal contraception ≥ 4 years has a risk of 5,500
times cervical cancer compared to using <4 years (OR = 5,500, p = 0,025).
The facilitation of safe and effective use of prescription and over-the-counter medicinal products is called medication management. It is a comprehensive intervention where encompasses the nurses knowledge and performed activity to assist the patients in achieving the greatest benefit and best outcomes involving medications as well as patient safety culture. This study’s aimed to assess how nurses practice medication management in Bangladesh. A descriptive study was conducted with 80 nurses at Mugda medical college hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The data was collected by self-developed instrument which was consisted of two parts including social-demographic characteristics and medication management practice scale (MMPS) questionnaire for nurses. Data were analyzed using t-test; analysis of variance (ANOVA) and correlation statistics by SPSS version 23. The overall medication management practice among nurses in the workplace was very high (M=4.31, SD=0.69). The top practice was found ‘put right level in right drug during storage’ (M=4.79, SD=0 .57). The lowest practice were found ‘do not double check during medication administration’ (M=3.51 SD=1.61). Nurse’s age had a significant positive correlation with medication management practice. (r=.80, p=.002). Also working experience had a significant relationship with medication administration practice (r=.69, p= .01) The outcome of the study will contribute to identify the specific contents regarding the practice of medication management among Bangladeshi nurses. The finding of this study will help nurses to prevent from medication related error and how to overcome it that establish patient safety.