The aims of research are to determine the effect of women's leadership performance on organization effectiveness and performance, the influence of women's leadership performance on organization performance through organization effectiveness performance. The location of the study was in Banda Aceh; especially in women's organizations headquarter in Banda Aceh with a population of 28 organizations and 130 respondents. The object of this research focuses on the influence of leadership performance on organization effectiveness and its impact on the performance of women's organizations in the Aceh province. This study explains that women's leadership performance predisposes organization effectiveness and performance of women's organizations in Aceh. This study obtained good results regarding women's organizations in Aceh with evidence that women's leadership performance affected the effectiveness and performance of women's organizations in Aceh. It indicated that women's leadership performance and organization effectiveness have a significant effect on the enhancement and success of women's organization performances in Aceh. Meanwhile, the mediation test found that there was an effect of women’s leadership performance on organization performance through the effectiveness of women's organizations in Aceh.
Non-communicable diseases are the main burden that requires real treatment and is supported by resources and socio-economic support to improve health indicators. This study aims to analyze the effect of the quality of health services on the satisfaction of patients participating in the prolanis program at the Haji General Hospital Makassar.The method used is quantitative research with a cross-sectional study approach. The population in this study was the total number of participants in hypertension and diabetes mellitus who participated in Prolanis activities in the working area of Haji General Hospital Makassar City. The research sample of 106 people. Analysis of the data used is chi-square and multiple logistic regression. The results of the study using chi-square showed that the affordability variable (p = 0,000), safety (p = 0.008), affect patient satisfaction. The results of the multiple logistic regression test have simultaneously obtained that affordability and safety influence patient satisfaction.
The purpose of this study was to determine / analyze: (1) the influence of the work environment on employee performance (2) the influence of work stress on employee performance, (3) the influence of work motivation on employee performance (4) the influence of the work environment on career development (5) work stress on career development, (6) the influence of work motivation on career development, (7) the influence of employee performance on career development (8) the indirect influence of the work environment on career development through employee performance (9) the indirect influence of work stress on career development through employee performance, (10) indirect influence of work motivation on career development through employee performance. This research was conducted at the Regional Office of PT. Bank BRI (Persero) Tbk Banda Aceh. As for the object of this study are the work environment, work stress, work motivation and employee performance and career development, with 125 respondents. The results showed that the work environment affects employee performance, work stress also affects employee performance, work motivation affects employee performance, the performance produced by employees has an influence on improving career development, work environment affects career development, work stress affects the development career, then work motivation affects career development, there is an indirect influence on the work environment on career development through employee performance, there is an indirect effect of work stress on career development through employee performance, there is an indirect influence of work motivation on career development through employee performance.
The purpose of this study is to know the condition of discipline, job satisfaction, work motivation and employee performance, the influence of discipline on the performance of employees, the influence of job satisfaction on employee performance, the influence of discipline on employee motivation, the influence of job satisfaction on employee motivation, performance of employees, the influence of work discipline on performance through employee work motivation, the influence of job satisfaction on performance through employee work motivation. The object of this study is the discipline and job satisfaction of work on work motivation and its implications on employee performance. The data analysis equipment used in this research is descriptive test that is to test the descriptive statistic model based on the average value and verfikatif test by using the structural equation modeling (SEM) data analysis tool with the help of AMOS program. The result of the research shows that work discipline, job satisfaction, work motivation and employee performance have been running well, there is influence of work discipline, job satisfaction to work motivation, there is influence of work motivation to employee performance, there is influence of work discipline and job satisfaction on employee performance and there is influence of work discipline and job satisfaction on employee performance through work motivation of Head Office Administration Syiah Kuala University.
This study investigates the effect of internet marketing capabilities on the growth of SME export markets in Indonesia. The sample used in this study is small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that have exported and are in Indonesia. This research method uses a questionnaire as a research instrument. Purposive sampling is used as a sampling technique. Research using the method of Hierarchical Linear Modeling Baron & Kenny (1986), is used to examine the effect of independent variables with the dependent variable. The results of this study indicate that the internet marketing capabilities has a positive and significant effect on export availability information and export market growth. Variable export availability information also shows a partial relationship, positive and significant to export market growth and business network relationships. This study also shows that the variable internet marketing capabilities has a significant, positive and partial effect on export market growth mediated by the availability of export information. Furthermore, the influence of internet marketing capabilities on export market growth.
The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze: (1) the effect of compensation and job involvement on employee job satisfaction (2) the effect of compensation and job involvement on employee performance (3) the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance (4) the effect of compensation and involvement job on employee performance through variable job satisfaction. The population in this study was employees of the Aceh Besar District Social Service scope and the samples in this study were 161 respondents. The source of this research data is primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires to research respondents. The analysis method uses path analysis. The results showed that (1) compensation and job involvement had a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction (2) compensation and job involvement had a positive and significant effect on employee performance (3) job satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on employee performance (4) compensation and job involvement has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through variable job satisfaction.
Aceh Jaya Regency is one of the regencies in Aceh Province that carries out government functions in accordance with its authority. The Regency is managed by 43 Regency Government Working Unit (SKPK) and 1,299 employees. This organization was formed as an effort for the welfare of the people, but the expected performance was still not satisfactory of which it was sometimes perceived as not good. The phenomenon of less optimal employee service can be seen from the public perception of service and this study analyzes variables that affect employee performance as well as organizational performance. The objective of research is to investigate the influence of motivation, leadership and work environment on the performance of the Aceh Jaya District’s Work Unit (SKPK) with employee performance as an intervening variable.The research population consist of 1,299 people and the samples taken are 185 employees. The study determined the variables of work motivation, leadership and work environment as independent variables and organizational performance as the dependent variable and employee performance variables as intervening variables. The proof of hypothesis is analyzed by setting the indicator CR value and p value and the results of the study show all hypotheses can be accepted because the CR value is entirely above 1.96 and the p value is below 0.05. It was concluded that work motivation, leadership, work environment and employee performance directly influence organizational performance. It is recommended that work motivation, leadership, work environment and employee performance can be improved to achieve better organizational performance.
هذا البحث عبارة عن دراسة خطب هذا الخطيب البارع الشيخ إبراهيم الكولخي، من حيث بنائها، ذلك لأن النص الأدبي الجيد يبنى بناء متماسكا، فتكون له مقدمة ولب ومقطع، وجودته تتمثل في قيمة هذه الأجزاء، بحيث يكون له مطلعا جيدا جذابا في صورة ملفتة للنظر تدعو القارئ إلى النص وتحرضه للقراءة، كما يجب أن يكون المقطع آية من آيات الجمال بكونه جذابا يبقى في ذهن السامع حتى بعد لحظة طويلة. واستخدم الباحث المنهج التكاملي، فاستهل بعد المقدمة بنبذة عن الخطيب، ثم تعريف البناء في المعجم والاصطلاح، وبعد ذلك لمس الباحث أنواع المطالع التي يستخدمها الخطيب وما فيها من الجودة، ثم تطرق إلى كيفية بناء الأفكار الجزئية في لب الخطب ومن هناك إلى مقطع خطب الخطيب وما رسم في كل ذلك من معالم الجمال والجودة ليظهر براعته الفائقة في صناعة الخطب.
This paper titled Arabs dialects in the Noble Quran and its influence in the phenomenon of separation or assimilation of debilitative and apocopate verbs, a morphological study. The paper is trying to highlight the different Arab dialects, and its influence in the dialects of Noble Quran, in terms of advantages and wisdom, which made the Quran to be revealed in seven dialects of Arab. The paper also discussed the different ways of reciting debilitative and apocopate verbs, opinions of Scholars were mentioned in the ways of reciting debilitative and apocopate verbs which have be separated by Arab of Hijaz and assimilated by Arab known as Banu Tameem.
To achieve a high performance, it is necessary to improve and utilize optimal human resources that can produce organizational goals so that it will make a positive contribution to the development of the organization. Also, organizations need to consider various factors that can affect employees, in this case, it is necessary to improve performance and behavior that allows employees to understand and work professionally in their respective contexts and responsibilities. The improvement of work performance can be influenced by several factors, that is, the work environment, relationships among employees, and worker morale. This study aims to see the influence of the environment and the relationship among employees on motivation and its impact on work performance. The method used in this study is the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of the study showed that the work environment and relations among employees influenced work performance simultaneously. While partially the work environment does not affect work performance. The study also showed that motivation mediated the influence between the work environment and employee relations on work performance.
The purpose of this study is to: (1) describe the state of transformational leadership, organizational culture, compensation, employee job satisfaction and employee performance (2) analyze the influence of transformational leadership on employee job satisfaction, (3) analyze the influence of organizational culture on employee job satisfaction 4) analyzing the effect of compensation on employee job satisfaction (5) analyzing the influence of transformational leadership on employee performance, (6) analyzing the influence of organizational culture on employee performance (7) analyzing the effect of compensation on employee performance influence on employee performance and analyze the indirect influence of transformational leadership, organizational culture and compensation on employee performance. This research was conducted at the Office of Manpower and Port Authority of Malahayati Banda Aceh l leadership, organizational culture, compensation, employee job satisfaction and work performance of employees, with the number of respondents as many as 130 people. The results showed that transformational leadership, organizational culture, compensation, job satisfaction and work performance of employees have been running well, transformational leadership affect the employee job satisfaction, the results also prove that organizational culture affect the employee job satisfaction, compensation affect employee job satisfaction , transformational leadership influence on employee performance, organizational culture also give influence to employee performance, compensation given also influence to employee performance, employee job satisfaction have positive and significant influence to work performance and there is indirect influence of transformational leadership, organizational culture and compensation for employee performance through job satisfaction.
The purpose of this study is to: (1) describe the state of transformational leadership, organizational culture, compensation, employee job satisfaction and employee performance (2) analyze the influence of transformational leadership on employee job satisfaction, (3) analyze the influence of organizational culture on employee job satisfaction 4) analyzing the effect of compensation on employee job satisfaction (5) analyzing the influence of transformational leadership on employee performance, (6) analyzing the influence of organizational culture on employee performance (7) analyzing the effect of compensation on employee performance influence on employee performance and analyze the indirect influence of transformational leadership, organizational culture and compensation on employee performance. This research was conducted at the Office of Manpower and Port Authority of Malahayati Banda Aceh l leadership, organizational culture, compensation, employee job satisfaction and work performance of employees, with the number of respondents as many as 130 people. The results showed that transformational leadership, organizational culture, compensation, job satisfaction and work performance of employees have been running well, transformational leadership affect the employee job satisfaction, the results also prove that organizational culture affect the employee job satisfaction, compensation affect employee job satisfaction , transformational leadership influence on employee performance, organizational culture also give influence to employee performance, compensation given also influence to employee performance, employee job satisfaction have positive and significant influence to work performance and there is indirect influence of transformational leadership, organizational culture and compensation for employee performance through job satisfaction.