Original Research Article
Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. The behaviour of Grab Bike riders who do not follow health protocols can increase the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The initial survey of Covid-19 cases conducted by researchers with 10 riders Grab Bike Kupang found that 7 out of 10 Grab Bike riders had tested positive for Covid-19. Based on researchers' observations in the field, it is still possible to find Grab Bike riders who have not fully implemented every health protocol. Good knowledge and attitude can encourage Grab Bike riders to take action in implementing the Covid-19 health protocol. This study aims to describe the knowledge, attitudes, and actions of Grab Bike riders in implementing the Covid-19 health protocol in Kupang City to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This type of research is quantitative research with a descriptive survey method. This research was conducted in the Grab Bike riders work area in Kupang City with a total sample of 62 people and using an accidental sampling technique. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the knowledge of Grab Bike riders is in the good category, namely 55 people (88.7%), the enough categories are 7 people (11.3%), and there are no people in the fewer categories (0.0%). The attitude of Grab Bike riders is in the positive category, namely 62 people (100.0%), and there are no people in the negative category (0.0%). The actions of Grab Bike riders are in the good category, namely 54 people (87.1%) and the less category are 8 people (12, 9%). It is hoped that Grab Bike riders will always follow the Covid-19 health protocol that has been established and seek out the most up-to-date information on measures to prevent the Covid-19 virus from spreading.
Lymphangioma is a rare malformative benign tumor of the lyphantic vessels. It is a rare tumor and its cervico-facial location is more frequent [1, 6, 7, 12]. The clinical presentation is very polymorphic. The diagnosis is suspected by imaging and can only be confirmed by histological examination after surgery. We report a case referred from a community health center. Our objective is to determine the frequency of this pathology, but also to describe the diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects in our hospital. This is a case that was taken in our service during 2021.
Original Research Article
Management of Priapism at the Fousseyni Daou Hospital in Kayes about 21 Cases
Diakite AS, Kouyate M, Sangare S, Traore L I, Berthe H J G, Magassa M, Sissoko I, Sogoba G, Diallo M S, Kassogue A, Diarra A, Sangare D, Diakite M L
Cross Current Int J Med Biosci, 2022; 4(2): 14-19
648 Downloads | May 27, 2022
Priapism is a painful and pathological erection caused by various abnormalities in erectile hemodynamics [1]. There are several aetiologies of which the common long-term risk is to cause sequelae erectile dysfunction in 50 to 60% [1, 2, 3]. In Mali, the main cause of priapism is sickle cell anemia. Our objective is to study the socio-demographic, clinical and therapeutic aspects of priapism at the Fousseyni Daou hospital in Kayes. This was a cross-sectional and descriptive study involving a series of 21 patients. It lasted 56 months (April 2016 to February 2020); performed in the urology department of the Fousseyni DAOU hospital in Kayes. The inclusion criteria for the study were: records of patients who presented with priapism during the study period. Records of patients with intermittent priapism were excluded. Treatment consisted of a transglandular caverno-cancellous shunt type Ebbehoj to local anesthesia associated with drug treatment. The main reasons for seeing patients are pain and being in a state of priapism. The age group of 8 to 20 years was 52% and 71.4% of our patients presented sickle cell traits including SS phenotype: 19%, SC: 19% and AS phenotype: 33.3%. 42.9% of our patients presented a lack of erection after an episode of priapism. Delays of more than a week were observed in 3 patients. Prevention of these priapisms involves regular monitoring of sickle cell patients.
Cosmetics have been in utilization for more than thousands years. Cosmetics are applied mostly to the skin, hair and nails. Nail polish is a lacquer that can be applied to the human fingernail to decorate and protect the nail plates. The formulation has been revised repeatedly to increases its decorative effects. Adverse events may occur with various nail cosmetics specifically prepared with synthetic colours. Synthetic cosmetic being harsh and prone to more side- effects, herbal cosmetic is quickly replacing it and gaining a lot of popularity. The objective of the study was to deliver an herbal nail paint to reduce the damage to the nails due to chemicals. The nail paint formulation is prepare by simple mixing by using natural colour pigments and analysed for drying time, appearance, smoothness, hardness, colour, stability, Spreadibillity. Formulations, prepared with 8% cellulose 2.5% formaldehyde, 1.5% castor oil, 1.5% colour. Evaluation tests were found to in normal range according to I.P. This was expected to improve appearance, safety while applying and improve the user compliance. We can conclude that the herbal nail paint may be one of the novel products that can revolutionize the cosmeceutical and health care sector. Article contain anatomical structure of nail.
Summary: Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is an obstruction of the lumen of the pylorus by muscular hypertrophy of the pyloric sphincter fg [1]. It is a rare disease in Africa: a recent publication in Tanzania reported 102 cases in 5 years [10]. Currently the diagnosis is based on abdominal ultrasound and the treatment is surgical. It affects 2 or 3 children out of 1000 and is more common in boys with a ratio of [4]. It occurs between 3 and 6 weeks of life and rarely after 12 weeks. Materials and methods: We conducted a retrospective study from January 2018 to December 2021 using patient records in the pediatric surgery department of the Fousseyni Daou hospital in Kayes. Results: During the study period we had performed 3260 consultations and we had performed 975 surgical interventions in patients hospitalized in the pediatric surgery department. 8 cases of hypertrophy of the pylorus were operated on, i.e. 0.82% of the operations, including 6 boys and 2 girls. The weight of the patients was between 2kg800 and 3kg500. The age of our patients varied between 05 days and 37 days of life 3 patients had been referred to us by the malnutrition unit of our pediatrics department. The hemoglobin level and the rhesus group had been carried out in all the patients and a moderate anemia had been detected in 3 patients. The ionogram had been performed in only 3 of the patients. Ultrasound confirmed the diagnosis of pyloric hypertrophy in all patients. A pyloromyotomy was performed in all patients with uncomplicated consequences. Conclusion: Pyloric hypertrophy is a rare pathology in our region (Kayes), the diagnosis is ultrasound and the treatment remains surgical.
A newborn struggle in the first month of his or her life as is evident from mythology that Lord Krishna too had a turbulent neonatal stage. The struggle of newborns continues in India even today and that too in the state of UP even today. The current Neonatal Mortality Rate in India is 22 per 1000 live births (UNIGME, 2019), 24.9 as per NFHS 5 (2019-2021) & for the state of UP, it is 35.7 (NFHS 5, 2019-2021). The high neonatal mortality both in India and UP stand as a testimony to this fact as reducing this indicator is a priority. The current article focuses on the initiatives of the role of homoeopathy in public health system to address neonatal mortality. Basically, there are two approaches to reduce neonatal mortality. These are Home Based Neonatal Care (HBNC) practices and the Facility Based Neonatal Care (FBNC) practices. The article focuses exclusively on the first approach which is HBNC .There are three objectives of the article. The first is to find out the current status of Homoeopathy in the HBNC practices, the second is to find out the details of the current & past implementation strategies and the third is to find out the link between Homoeopathy & HBNC practices. The study uses secondary data. The gap that the article worked on is to explore a link between Homoeopathy & HBNC & its modalities. It deciphers whether there is a functional link or not & suggests future strategies based on the functionality of the link. The article also proposes a 2 year plan to introduce homoeopathy in the field of newborn care where all the related stake holders of the state & national level will be involved. It will be a step in the right direction to fulfill the plans to achieve the SDG by 2030 especially for neonatal & infant mortality related goals. For the benefit of the readers, the article includes its expected outcome, relevance to society & policy making through the context of the identified issues & the research gap. Through all these sections, the current ......
Original Research Article
The detection of several types of cancer is possible by using monoclonal antibody (MAb). Studies have shown that different types of cancer have related specific abnormal proteins, which are identified by MAb. IBMR3 is a MAb which was raised against synthetic peptides that are associated with the selected amino acid sequence of human interleukin-4 receptors. Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of specific monoclonal IBMR3 antibodies expression in the cancer cell lines of 3T3 and HT29, in order to recognize specific antigen and make evaluation, using immunoblotting technique which is widely use in this filed. Methods: Protein extracts were extracted from these cancer cell lines and used for western bloat. The Immunoblotting were consequently subjected to densitometry analysis using bio imaging machine. This bio imaging process will facilitate to measure the molecular weights, peak height and raw volume of the protein bands for the 3T3 and HT29 cancer cell lines, which helps in diagnosis of any pathogenic antigen. Results: The bands obtained from bio imaging were exposed on the PVDF membrane. In the 3T3 bio imaging process revealed four bands and molecular weight were 299.58, 87.90, 41.67 and 23.54 KDa. However, bio imaging results for HT29 revealed also four bands with molecular weights: 90.11, 41.31, 23.87 and 20.86 KDa. The results of Peak height densitometry for IBMR3 antigen bands for 3T3 were: 1856.985, 551.769, 394.164, and 216.185. However HT29 peak height results were: 281.544, 101.711.202.668, 757.213. The raw volume (amount of protein bands of IBMR3 Ag for 3T3) were: 1460168.75, 206078.47, 161406.89, and 219583.16. However HT29 raw volume results were: 110197.11, 76106.84, 98632.59, and 221395.34. Negative protein staining for 3T3 and HT29 cancer cell line bands were done by using mouse IgM serotype. IgM serotype was not indicated that means no specific antigens for negative control IgM. Conclusion: The bio imaging revealed ........