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This paper presents some dynamics and impact of the seven-day heritage dance, Barrahlla that was introduced into the North West Region of Cameroon by Fulani youths in the late 1970s. Barrahlla was a simple animation dance spiced by beating drums, singing, and dancing in a concentric circle as part of a cherished culture. It neither discriminated between the sexes nor imposed initiation rites. It was staged only on eventful days. In some settlements, one could hear the drums of the traditional barrahlla dance, singing and dancing echoing periodically and especially during eventful days of the Ramadan and the Tabaski. Fulani youths reformed the norms of the traditional barrahlla, introduced new organization and dancing skills, imposed seven days for the dance, and short-listed host towns and localities in the region. The paper argues that although the seven days imposed for the dance were no part of Fulani history, it left a profound impact on the region. The dance was introduced against the background of the demographic explosion that occurred after the Fulani took up settlement in the Bamenda Region (C.1916) and the spirit of competition that characterized them between the 1920s and 1950s [i]. The youthful seven-day public display only ran for one and a half decades -1978 to 1993 and was banned because of some of its intolerable concerns. This paper seeks to showcase some of the impacts of the seven-day public youthful display, and for this to be achieved, we tried to answer the question “What constituted the impact of the seven-day public barrahlla dance on the North West region of Cameroon.”? The study blended qualitative and oral sources and proceeded with surveys involving some dancers and eyewitnesses. Our study revealed that the seven-day barrahlla dance served as a factor of unity and social cohesion in the entire region not only among the Fulani but also between Fulani and the indigenous populations. It also contributed to economic development and ..........
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The EndSARS protests in Nigeria brought to the forefront issues of police brutality and human rights abuses, prompting calls for government action. This study aimed to assess the level of government commitment in addressing human rights abuses, particularly police brutality, post-EndSARS. The main objective was to ascertain the level of government commitment in addressing human rights abuses, with specific objectives including assessing the effect of government policies post-EndSARS, examining the correlation between law-enforcement changes and institutional reforms, analyzing government commitments post-EndSARS in relation to substantive reforms, and investigating the link between government actions on police brutality and citizen perceptions of responsiveness. The study utilized a survey method, incorporating both primary and secondary sources of data. Primary data were collected through questionnaires utilizing a 4-point Likert scale, with a sample size of 381 respondents in Owerri, Imo state. Descriptive statistics, particularly means and standard deviation, were used to analyze the data. The findings revealed varying perceptions regarding the effectiveness of government policies post-EndSARS in addressing police brutality and safeguarding human rights in Nigeria. While some acknowledged positive progress, skepticism remained about the overall effectiveness of these policies. Law-enforcement changes post-EndSARS did not lead to increased transparency and accountability, nor did they align with international standards. Government commitments post-EndSARS were met with skepticism, indicating a need for more decisive action and communication. Moreover, there was no significant consensus regarding the link between government actions on police brutality and citizen perceptions of responsiveness. Based on the findings, recommendations include strengthening mechanisms for implementing and monitoring government policies, prioritizing institutional reforms within law ...
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The quality of education needs to be improved, including the lack of facilities for learning and the professional abilities of teachers. Teachers can enhance their competence through training programs and by improving their academic qualifications, which are expected to have an impact on their competence. School principal leadership plays a role in enhancing teacher competence. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of training programs, academic qualifications, and school principal leadership on teacher competence, as well as the combined effects of these factors. The research method used was quantitative research, with a population of 321 teachers and a sample size of 106 teachers. Simple random sampling was employed as the sampling technique, and data were collected through questionnaires and documentation, with regression analysis used for data analysis. The results of the research indicate that there is an influence of training programs, academic qualifications, school principal leadership, the combination of training programs and academic qualifications, the combination of academic qualifications and school principal leadership, the combination of training programs and school principal leadership, the combination of training programs, academic qualifications, and school principal leadership on teacher competence. This research concludes that teacher competence in North Sangatta District, East Kutai Regency, is influenced by the training programs attended, academic qualifications, and the leadership of the school principal, all of which contribute to improving teacher competence.
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Strategic Management of Inspirational Teachers in Realizing the Pancasila Student Profile Based on Merdeka Curriculum in Samarinda City (A Multi-Case Study at Islamic Elementary School "Bunga Bangsa," Public Elementary School 011 Sungai Pinang, and Public Elementary School 005 Sungai Kunjang Samarinda)
Sri Mulyati, Dwi Nugroho Hidayanto, Masrur Yahya, Rahmat Soeoed, Susilo, Laili Komariyah, Hasbi Sjamsir
EAS J Humanit Cult Stud, 2024, 6(2): 48-54
DOI: 10.36349/easjhcs.2024.v06i02.004
240 Downloads | June 25, 2024
Strategic management involves the process of planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling decisions to achieve desired objectives. Teacher leaders are expected to have good teaching management skills involving planning, organizing, carrying out activities-actuating, and controlling (POAC) to realize the Pancasila Student Profile through the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project. Pancasila forms the foundation and ideology of Indonesia, playing a crucial role in national and state life by guiding all aspects of the nation whether in society, nation, or state. This research aims to describe the planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling carried out by exemplary teachers to realize the Pancasila Student Profile. This research is a qualitative study using a multiple case study approach, the research examines teachers from Islamic Elementary School "Bunga Bangsa", Public Elementary School 011 Sungai Pinang, and Public Elementary School 005 Sungai Kunjang. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and documents. Data analysis used interactive analysis model from Miles, Huberman, and Saldana,. The results depict the planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring steps taken by exemplary teachers to realize the Pancasila Student Profile through programs like "Tak Kan Kubalas", "Coaching-Ngobrik", and "Perikasi", which can positively impact the development of devout, noble ethics, diverse, creative, collaborative, ," the growth of faithful, global diversity, creativity, teamwork, critical thinking, and fostering student independence and independent students. This research highlights the importance of strategic management in realizing the Pancasila Student Profile.