Case Report
Direct Interdental Wiring as Alternative Method in the Treatment of Mandibular Fracture at Inaccessible War Zone: A Case Report
Lahaou Baladji Touré, Oumar Ongoiba, Djibril Kasssogué, Seydou Sogoba, Bassirima Traoré, Aboubacar S.T Kané, Oumar Sanogo, Souleymane Mariko, Idrissa Mandé Sidibe, Youssouf Kassambara
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2024; 7(11): 453-454
140 Downloads | Nov. 2, 2024
The Region of Tombouctou is considered as one of landlocked regions in Mali, unstable war zone. The frequency of mandibular fracture becomes more than usual in the last years with lack of oral and maxillofacial team; limited complementary exams; and limited surgical tools. In purpose to reduce; to fix fracture line; and to restore function of maxillofacial areas, we decided to practice direct interdental wiring as alternative method for the treatment of limited displacement of mandibular fractures. Direct interdental wiring in Intermaxillary fixation for closed reduction in the mandibular fracture is rarely used today.
Original Research Article
The burden of substance abuse is an enormous public health issue. Globally, 1 in every 17 people 15-64 years uses at least one drug. Cannabis as the most used drug. In Kenya, 1 in every 6 people between 15 and 65 years are currently using at least one drug. The aim of this study was to determining the burden of alcohol and drug abuse in Kenya, and suggest ways of reducing the burden. A scoping review of literature was conducted through the Google Scholar according to the criteria and methodology by Arksey and O’Malley (2005). 96 studies fully met the inclusion criteria. The study concluded that Kenya faces a heavy burden of alcohol and drug abuse that causes enormous physical, mental, biological, social, spiritual, psychological, emotional, economic, intellectual, developmental and environmental sufferings, robing individuals of social and economic opportunities, imposing an enormous burden on families and the society, and negatively affecting the country’s development efforts. Recommendations for addressing alcohol and drug abuse include: enhancing awareness regarding alcohol and drug use-related harms and its consequences; advocating for healthy, balanced lifestyles; normalizing self-love, self-care and seeking help; resisting peer pressure; building resilience; fostering strong interpersonal relationships; scaling up positive parenting and strengthening families; addressing stressful situations; developing life skills; enforcement of strong measures to regulate access to alcohol and drugs; early identification and reduction of alcohol and drug use; avoiding stigmatization and discrimination; using multi-dimensional family therapy strategies; scaling up broad-based, positive, holistic, innovative, affordable and evidence-based prevention, treatment, recovery and rehabilitation approaches/interventions; including gender-responsive, trauma-informed and anti-oppressive approaches in alcohol and drug addiction treatment as well as gender-based violence interventions;
Original Research Article
Background: Hypertension is a significant non-communicable disease across the world which contributes to the worldwide disease burden. With the trend of graying population, this is a global pandemic. Objective: This study was aimed to assess the associated risk factors of hypertension in the elderly population in urban community of Dhaka city. Method: A total of 256 elderly people aged above 60 years with either pre-hypertension or hypertension were enrolled in this community-based cross-sectional study. The study period was January to July 2024. Results: It was found that, age, gender, being overweight, stress levels, red meat consumption and family history of hypertension were statistically significant with development of hypertension in the elderly. There was 3.5 times greater risk of development of hypertension in the elderly those who were overweight and had higher stress levels. It was also found that, those who not currently smoking, took normal amount of salt and consumed sufficient fruits and vegetables, were also vulnerable to hypertension. Diabetes mellitus was the commonest comorbidity in hypertensive elderly. Conclusion: Hypertension should be addressed with importance by the stakeholders, policy makers and the government in order to promote health awareness in the communities. Risk factors should be evaluated and prospective, larger-scale studies are recommended.
Original Research Article
Background: The pattern of child illness speacially neonatal illness varies depending on the location and period. examining the trend of newborn admissions. Being a low- and middle-income nation (LMIC), Bangladesh, understanding hospital admission patterns and post-care outcomes is crucial for a child's survival. In addition, Bangladesh has difficulty keeping up with and achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) in terms of newborn deaths and child mortality. Objective: This study's goal was to learn more about hospitalised patients' admission trends and treatment outcomes. Methods and Materials: The present retrospective study was carried out within the Department of Pediatrics at Prime Medical College Hospital in Rangpur, Bangladesh, spanning from January 2016 to November 2016. This study included a cohort of 1053 who were admitted at Prime Medical College Hospital. The cohort consisted of both inborn and outborn neonates throughout the specified period. Results: The most prevalent complications observed were perinatal asphyxia with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) accounting for 24.8% (n=109), preterm low-birth-weight newborns comprising 34.2% (n=150), and neonatal septicemia representing 16.6% (n=73). The prevalence rates of Meconium Aspiration Syndrome and Neonatal Jaundice were found to be 3.4% and 5.7%, respectively. The leading cause of death were perinatal asphyxia accompanied with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy 19, which accounts for 50% of the total death, followed by preterm low birth 39.5%.The causes children admission in the hospital and highest cause of the admission is Respiratory system 30% (n=614) and Gastrointestinal (GI) tract 22.5% (n=614) and major cause of the child death 41.7% (n=12) and Nutritional disorder 25%. Though 97% of the patients have shown improvement in their health conditions and were subsequently discharged, while 1.95% unfortunately succumbed to mortality. Conclusion: The leading causes of neonatal ....
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Background: The rising incidence of resistant fungal infections poses significant therapeutic challenges. This study aimed to compare the efficacy and safety of terbinafine monotherapy versus combination therapy with terbinafine and voriconazole in patients with resistant fungal infections. Methods: A total of 90 participants were enrolled from June 2022 to May 2024 at Colonel Maleque Medical College, Manikgonj, Bangladesh. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either terbinafine (6 mg/kg, maximum 500 mg/day) alone or in combination with voriconazole (200 mg/day). Outcomes assessed included mycological cure rates, clinical improvement, relapse rates, and adverse events over a 1-year follow-up period. Results: At 6 weeks, the mycological cure rate was 44% for the monotherapy group versus 78% for the combination group (p=0.001). At 1 year, the rates were 29% and 67%, respectively (p=0.001). Complete clinical improvement was observed in 29% of monotherapy patients compared to 62% in the combination group (p=0.002). Adverse events were more common in the combination group (44% vs. 22%, p=0.03), including higher rates of liver enzyme elevation and visual disturbances. Relapse rates at 1 year were lower in the combination group (27% vs. 44%, p=0.05). Conclusion: Combination therapy with terbinafine and voriconazole significantly improves mycological cure rates and clinical outcomes in resistant fungal infections compared to monotherapy, despite an increased incidence of adverse events.
Original Research Article
Assessment of Oxidative Stress Markers and Antioxidants Status of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients on First- And Second-Line Drugs in a Nigerian Tertiary Institution
Sabiu Aminu, Musa Dungus Musa, Dalili Mohammed Shabbal, Jibril Abubakar4, Mohammed Mansur Birnin-kebbi, Idris Yahya Mohammed, Zainab Uba Ibrahim, Asmau Suraj Murtala, Sumayyah Bala Abdullahi, Uchenna
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2024; 7(11): 484-491
131 Downloads | Nov. 21, 2024
Introduction: Pulmonary tuberculosis remains a major global health concern, particularly in resource-limited settings like Nigeria. Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis and complications of various diseases, including infectious diseases such as Tuberculosis. This study explored the impact of Pulmonary Tuberculosis infection on the antioxidant mechanisms and the resulting redox imbalance in general. The specific objective was to determine the changes in oxidative stress marker/antioxidant level by comparing the serum levels of Glutathione peroxidase, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Malondialdehyde between PTB patients and control group. Method: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted involving 214 pulmonary tuberculosis patients and 214 control group at AKTH. Blood samples was collected from both groups for the measurement of Malondialdehyde, Glutathione peroxidase, vitamins C and E. Clinical and demographic data was obtained through structured questionnaires. Results were presented as mean and standard deviation. Mean serum levels were compared using T-test while Mann Whitney u-rank test was used to determine correlation between Malondialdehyde and antioxidants. Results: Both PTB patients and the control group were largely composed of individuals between the ages of 21 and 40 years with a mean age of 34 years and 31 years respectively. The investigation demonstrated that individuals with PTB exhibited a notably higher Malondialdehyde level (1201+323µmol/L, p<0.05), in comparison to the control group (433+313µmol/L). Additionally, the average serum concentrations of Glutathione peroxidase, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E were significantly lower in the PTB patients (glutathione peroxidase: 218.4 ± 166.6 ng/ml, Vitamin C: 6.4 ± 2.5 µg/mL, and Vitamin E: 8.1 ± 1.6 µg/mL) compared to the control group (glutathione peroxidase: 653.2 ± 368.6 ng/ml, Vitamin C: 8.3 ± 3.8 µg/mL, and Vitamin E: 12.7 ± 2.2 µg/mL). Moreover, all three antioxidants level ...
Original Research Article
Background: The three most prevalent mental health issues in Bangladesh are stress, anxiety, and depression. Another mental health disorder that maintains the capability to disrupt normal functioning of an individual is called ‘Social Anxiety disorder’ (SAD). Symptoms of social anxiety disorder (SAD) can reduce output, raise absenteeism, and impair job satisfaction. Employees with mental health disorders may find it difficult to focus, fulfill deadlines, or work well with others. Objective: To observe the social anxiety disorder (SAD) and its association with employment rate and workforce settings. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was done to assess social anxiety among employees. The study was carried out from January 2021 to December 2022 at various formal employments in Dhaka city for people over the age of 18, both male and female, who had been working for more than one year. Workers receiving treatment for mental health issues were excluded from the study. The anticipated final sample size was 120 people divided into two groups: 60 people with Social Anxiety Disorder and 60 people who did not have it. This study employed a convenient sampling strategy. Participants who agreed to participate and met the selection criteria were chosen as a sample. Results: In the group of individuals with social anxiety disorder, 49 (81.7%) were employed, while 57 (95.0%) were not. Conclusion: The study reveals a strong link between social anxiety disorder (SAD) and lower employment rates, with individuals with SAD facing higher unemployment.
Background: Tuberculosis remains a significant global health concern, with increasing incidence of drug-resistant strains posing challenges to effective treatment. We present a case of rifampicin-resistant tuberculous meningitis in an immunocompetent child, highlighting the severity and complexity of tuberculosis in pediatric populations. Case report: An 11-year-old child with a family history of tuberculosis was hospitalized for febrile meningeal syndrome. Symptoms included progressively developing headaches, vomiting, food refusal, and right hemiparesis over 10 days. Upon admission, the patient was conscious with a fever of 38.2°C and a stiff neck. Biological analyses revealed neutrophil-predominant hyperleukocytosis, lymphopenia, and hyponatremia. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis showed a predominance of lymphocytes and hypoglycorrhachia. The Xpert MTB/RIF ultra test confirmed tuberculous meningitis with detection of the rifampicin resistance gene. Imaging revealed active hydrocephalus. Second-line treatment was initiated, involving multiple medications over 24 months. This observation underscores the complexity of tuberculous meningitis in children, necessitating an individualized therapeutic approach. Conclusion: Drug-resistant tuberculous meningitis in children represents a complex and devastating medical challenge. Progress in diagnosis, while significant, underlines the need for a nuanced approach and ongoing research to improve screening tools.