Antenatal Care is an effort to control pregnancy to find out the general health of the mother, to establish early the disease that accompanies the pregnancy, pregnancy complications determines the risk of pregnancy. The research objective was to determine the effect of preconception programs on K1 antenatal care based on age, education, parity. Cohort research design with a retrospective study approach. Sample 102 Trimester I and II pregnant women, divided into 34 people who participated in the preconception program and 68 people did not participate in the preconception program. Data collection was carried out by interview using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by Univariate and Bivariate with Chi-Square test and stratification. The results of the age group <35 years (p = 0,000) age ≥35 years (p = 0.819). Low education (p = 0.004) higher education (p = 0.003). Primigravida parity (p = 0,000) Multigravida parity (0.158). There is a significant influence of age group <35 years who took preconception program to ANC (Antenatal Care) K1 on time and there was no significant influence of age group ≥35 years who took preconception program to ANC K1 on time, there was a significant effect of both low and high education on ANC K1 on time, there is a significant influence on primigravida parity on KC ANC on time and no significant effect on multigravida parity on KC ANC on time
Police department has been identified as having higher level of occupational stress. Relationships between psychological features and physiological parameters, are highly correlated. The rate of increasing psychological disorders among the police officers in Kandy police division was found to be high in Sri Lankan context. The present study was carried out to assess the relationship in between occupational stress and blood pressure among police officers in Kandy regional area. Methodology: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study; sample size of 228 conducted using pre validated self-administered stress assessment questionnaire and measurements of blood pressure in police officers of Kandy, Peradeniya and Katugastota police stations. Results: Police officers of Kandy district are in moderate stress level (53%). Female police officers (56.66%), lower ranked police officers (93%) and police officers with less experience (97%) are suffering from high level of stress. There was a mild significant relationship in between occupational stress and systolic (p= 0.001, r= 0.222), diastolic (p=0.010, r=0.18) blood pressure difference among police officers in Kandy regional area. Conclusion: Police officers in Kandy regional area are suffering from moderate occupational stress level. There was a mild significant relationship in between occupational stress and blood pressure in this sample. As recommendation, necessary action should be implemented to reduce stress level and to introduce positive coping styles to improve mental health and physical health of highly stressful police officers. Assessing the mental and physical health condition of police officers should be done periodically to maintain the quality of health of the employees.
Objectives: Improvement of symptoms and activities is one of the major treatment goals for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The COPD guidelines recognise the need to address the effect of the disease on the patient’s daily life and reduce the risk of future exacerbations. This study aimed to explore the level of functional performance among patients with all stages of COPD. Methods: A cross-sectional survey design was conducted with a non-probability convenience sample of 214 patients with COPD. The sample was recruited from patients attending the respiratory outpatient clinic of one of the major teaching hospitals in Dublin, Ireland. Functional performance was measured using the Functional Performance Inventory- short form (FPI-SF). Results: The mean age was 68.1 years (SD=8.1), with the youngest participant aged 49 years and the oldest aged 90 years. Overall, over half of the participants were female (56%, n=120). Total functional performance scores ranged from 0.14 to 2.83, with a mean (SD) of 1.13(0.68), indicating that across all participant, functional performance was low. The mean subscale score was highest for the Body Care subscale, indicating that this was the domain that the participants had least difficulty with. In contrast, the mean subscale score was lowest for the Physical Exercise subscale, indicating that this was the domain that the participants didn’t partake in or had the most difficulty with. For overall functional performance, participants with mild COPD had the highest median functional performance, followed by those with moderate COPD, very severe COPD, and severe COPD. Conclusion: Knowledge about the functional performance of each stage of COPD is lacking. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first study to explore the functional performance for each stage of COPD. The total functional performance score was low and suggests that management of functions in all patients with COPD such as regular vis
Background: Quality of life is an illustration of an individual’s livelihood, as related to daily activities, in order to own a typical life, especially with reference to health. Individuals with diabetes mellitus have a quality of life that is quite diverse and affects the health conditions of all related people. It is this point that the role of locus of control is contemplated in maintaining the quality of life for these individuals. This study aim to analyze the influence of locus of control in patients with diabetes mellitus, in relation to the quality of life they lead. Methods: This observational survey based study was performed by implementing a cross-sectional design. The study was conducted in type B and C hospitals and health centers of Makassar City and included 389 respondents. Data analysis was done using chi-square test. Result: The result showed that the locus of control had a significant effect on the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (ρ<0.01; α=0.05). Conclusions:. People with type 2 diabetes mellitus, who had an external locus of control, were observed to be more dominant and did not own a good quality of life because such individuals are very dependent on the external environment rather than the environment within them. The result of this study also indicate that locus of control may be regarded as the basis in predicting the future quality of life of an individual.
Nowadays, health issues facing Indonesian society are getting more complicated. Geographic, accessibility of the healthcare services, and workload are factors that influence nurses’ performance for the public healthcare program. Furthermore, the coverage of high-risk family and some diseases are low. The study aimed to investigate the nurses’ performance for the public healthcare (PERKESMAS) program at community health centers in Central Lombok Region. This was a descriptive study using a cross-sectional approach. The participants were nurses-in-charge of the community health center, which were selected using probability sampling. The data gathered using a questionnaire developed by the author. The data were analyzed in distribution frequency and percentage. Twenty nurses participated in this study. The results show that the knowledge of the majority of the participants was categorized as good (50%), the workplace was reachable (65%), the career opportunity was available (60%), 60% of the participants stated that they had the financial resource, 65% had become participants at public health care training program, and 55% of the participants stated that they had been supervised in public health care activities. The implementation of the public health care program needs to be supported by an excellent nursing performance to actualize public health and welfare
Post-menopause is caused by the decreasing estrogen resulting in menopausal symptoms. Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) is a standardized questionnaire used to evaluate the menopausal symptoms. Vitamin D is believed relieving the menopausal symptoms. The purpose of this research is to figure out the relationship between 25(OH)D and menopausal symptoms based on MRS.This research employed an observational research method with a cross sectional study. The research population was all post-menopausal patients at Dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital, Malang in March 2020. The inclusion criteria are post-menopausal patients aged >45 years old. The inclusion criteria were the patients having the steroid medication, experiencing autoimmune and thyroid abnormality. The total research subjects were 39 respondents. The 25(OH)D level was examined using ELISA.The results showed that 8(20.5%) deficiency, 22(56,4%) insufficiency, and 9(23,1%) sufficiency. Based on MRS, 8 (20.5%) mild, 12(30.8%) moderate, 17(43.6%) severe, 2(5,1%) very severe menopausal symptoms. Those symptoms were divided into 3 scales: somatic scale moderately experienced by 16 (41%), psychological scale moderately experienced by 21(53.8%), and urogenital scale severely experienced by 17(43.6%) respondents. The results obtained from the spearman correlational analysis showed that there are significant and non-linear relationship of 25(OH)D with somatic symptoms (r -0.652; p 0.000), with psychological symptoms (r -0.452; p 0.004), urogenital symptoms (r -0.368; p 0.021), and with the total MRS scale (r -0.712; p 0.000). The concludes, there is a significant and negative relationship between 25(OH)D and menopausal symptoms based on MRS and close relationship respectively from the strongest to the weakest symptoms (somatic-psychological-urogenital)
Background: The scientist's important responsibility is to conduct scientific research. With this responsibility, publication of information obtained after a scientific study is completed is the last phase and the most important step of the scientific method. It is necessary to publish the information that is the result of the research, to mediate new information and to be useful to the world. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the journal publication rate of the papers presented at at Surgical Nursing Congresses in Turkey in the last 5 years (2012-2016) and to examine the variables related to these rates. Methods: The universe of this descriptive research constitutes research reports presented at Turkish Surgery and operating room nursing, surgical nursing, colorectal surgery nursing, Hepato-pancreato-bilier Surgical Nursing, Neurosurgery Nursing, Emergency Nursing and Cardiovascular Surgery Nursing Congresses organized between 2012 and 2016. The abstracts of the oral and poster presentations were examined and literature analysis was conducted. Results: Out of 1319 papers in 19 abstract books, 752 research papers were examined. 410 (54.5%) of the papers were presented as poster presentations. The majority of the assessed researches was descriptive type (77%). It was determined that the publication rates of the papers 11.9%, 13.5% in verbal reports, 10.7% in poster reports. Conclusion: Our study was the first to evaluate the publication rates of abstracts presented at the nursing congresses. Compared with studies done in different sciences (21-65,7%), this ratio is seen to be low
Breast cancer and its treatment interfere significantly with different spheres of a woman’s life and perturb functioning, and can have a deep impact on both short and long-term quality of life (QOL).Aim of the study: To assess the impact of Bio-socio-demographic characteristics on the quality of life of women undergoing surgery as a treatment for breast cancer in Riyadh. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross sectional design was utilized in this study. The study was conducted at the outpatient waiting area of the Oncology department of King Abdul-Aziz Medical City's. Also, was conducted at Zahra Association for breast cancer awarenesss in Riyadh. A non-probability convenient sampling technique was used in this study to recruit 120 Saudi Breast-Cancer patients undergone surgery as a treatment for breast cancer. Results: The results from the present study has strong correlation with the client’s activity level with the functional scales (C30 and BR23).The study showcased the quality of life with socio-demographic characteristics among the Saudi perspective. Three quarters (75%) of women comes under the of age group has educated, married, enough family income settled with their own houses. The quality of life of women undergoing surgery as a treatment for breast cancer was highly correlated with the impact of Bio-socio-demographic characteristics on this study
Introduction – Antenatal Care (ANC) is one of the four pillars of maternal safety, an initiative to promoted and improved health during pregnancy and the early postpartum period, through prevention and management of pregnancy and childbirth. ANC Visit is an indicator to determine pregnant women's access to ANC. The utilization of ANC is depending on personal behavior that influences knowledge and attitude. The study aimed to describe the knowledge, attitudes, and utilization of ANC in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara, and Indonesia. Methods – The study was used a descriptive study with a cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted from March to June 2020 at four community health centers in Kupang City, which were selected randomly. The subjects of the study were pregnant women with gestational age ≥36 weeks and having the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Handbook. A total sampling technique was applied to obtain the respondent. Data were collected using a questionnaire and a Maternal and Child Health Handbook. Results – 120 pregnant women participated in the study. The results show that majority of the respondent (86.7%) have good knowledge. More than half of the respondents (62.5%) have a positive attitude in the utilization of ANC. Seventy-one (59.2%) of the respondents have completed the ANC visit as scheduled. Discussion – Knowledge and attitude are the cornerstones of the utilization of ANC among pregnant women. The other factors that involve age, educational background and parity have a precise role in the adherence of ANC visits
Background – Midwifery service is a health effort provided by midwives as a strategic health worker. The World Health Organization (WHO) in its policies and programs for maternal and child health services has changed the service model from segmentation to continuity of care (COC) by focusing on the comprehensive coverage of effective interventions, integrated care throughout the cycle, live and build a comprehensive and responsive health system. This study aimed to examine the effect of the quality of midwifery services on the achievement of midwifery continuity of care. Methods – The study used a cross-sectional design. The study was conducted in six community health centers in Kupang City. The inclusion criteria were mothers who had completed the postpartum period with a maximum of 60 days, and the baby was aged 2 months. A simple random sampling technique was used to obtain the respondents of the study. Data were collected using a questionnaire and a Maternal and Child Health Handbook and analyzed using SPSS 23. Result – There is an effect of the quality of health services on midwifery continuity of care with p = 0.002 OR 9.7, 95% CI 1.9-49.0. Conclusion – The quality of health services that mothers receive during pregnancy and childbirth increase the achievement of continuity of care
Background: Inadequate knowledge about HIV/AIDS, indulgence in risky health behavior leads the adolescents susceptible to this deadly disease. Objectives of the Study is to evaluate knowledge, attitude and perception, to know the correlation between knowledge, perception and attitude of students and to determine the association between the selected demographic variables with knowledge, perception and attitude score of students of Government schools towards HIV/AIDS. Material & Methods: This descriptive study was conducted among four senior secondary schools in Shimla city. A purposive sampling technique was used to select the schools and two classes from each school (11th -12th) were selected and 50 adolescents (age 14-19 yrs) from each class were included randomly. Information regarding their socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitude and perception regarding HIV/AIDS were obtained using a self-administered, pre-tested, semi-structured questionnaire. Data was analyzed using Epi info v7 software using appropriate statistical tests. Results: In the present study most of the students (55.5% ) were in the age group of 17-19 years, maximum (60%) were male , 56.5% were in 10+ 2 class and 51.2% of the students having their source of information about HIV/AIDS were teachers. 31.5% having good knowledge, , 18.5% having good attitude and 15.8% having good perception about HIV/AIDS. A Correlation between attitude and knowledge & Perception of the students was found to be statistically significant Good knowledge about HIV/AIDS among students was significantly associated with 17- 19 years age group,10+2 class, joint family, higher educational level of father , higher educational level of mother and family having Monthly Income >10,000 (in rupees). Good attitude was significantly associated with higher educational level of mother and good perception was significantly associated with 10+2 class and family having Monthly Income >10,000 (in rupees). Conclusion:These f
Research Article
Menopause-Specific Quality of Life among Indonesian Women: A Descriptive Study
Retno Hartanti, SST, Satiyem, SST, Dr. I Wayan Arsana Wiyasa, Sp.OG(K), Prof. Dr. Nurdiana, M.Kes, Dr. Bagus Putu Putra Suryana, SpPD – KR
EAS J Nurs Midwifery, 2020; 2(4): 280-284
1489 Downloads | Aug. 30, 2020
Introduction – The hormonal changes in postmenopausal women could affect their physical and psychosocial conditions. Moreover, it can influence the quality of life among postmenopausal women. The study aimed to describe the quality of life among Indonesian postmenopausal women. Method – The study was applied descriptive design with a cross-sectional approach. The sample was selected using consecutive technique sampling. The inclusion criteria were post-menopause women who willing to participate in this study and physiological menopause. The exclusion criteria were post-menopause women with severe illness (i.e. cancer, autoimmune diseases, bone diseases, thyroid dysfunction), and under steroid treatment. The demographic and Menopause-Specific Quality of Life (MENQOL) questionnaire were used to gathering the data. The descriptive analysis was used to answer the study questions. Results – Forty-one postmenopausal women participated in this study. The mean age was 66.76 years old (SD ± 8.89), age of menarche was 13.88 (SD ± 1.74) and the age of menopause was 50.85 (SD ± 4.40). The mean of the MENQOL dimensions were vasomotor (1.71, SD = 1.08), psychosocial (1.93, SD = 0.65), physical (2.32, SD = 0.09), and sexual (2.54, SD = 0.87). Most postmenopausal women experience complaints on three of four dimensions of MENQOL i.e. psychosocial, physical, and sexual dimensions. Discussion – Responsibility as a woman was influence the complaints among postmenopausal women. The climate and duration of menopause were associated with the vasomotor complaint. For another reason, educational level, occupation, and marital status were influenced by psychosocial, physical, and sexual dimensions