Original Research Article
Background: The use of ultrasound has asignificant role in assessment of placental grading during antenatal treatment. With the help of ultrasound one can know about the gestational age, riskevaluation and it also describes about placental maturity, grading, fetal health, andprognosis. Any abnormality in placental maturity can lead towards poor pregnancy outcomes and fetus intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Objective: The objective of this study is to determine the evaluation of placental grading in 2nd and 3rd trimester using gray scale ultrasound for prediction of fetal outcomes. Material and Method: This study was conducted atgynecology and obstetrics department of two Hospitals (Sajida Khalil Hospital and Robina Sajid Hospital Gujrat) respectively. The duration of study was 4 months i.e. 14 January 2022 to 14 May 2022. Total number of participants was 200 pregnant ladies. These all were coming for their regular antenatal follow up in gynecology and obstetrics department of both hospitals. Results: Total 200 pregnant females with gestational age of 13 weeks and onwardi.e. 2nd and 3rd trimester in order to see the placental grading in 2nd and 3rd trimester were taken as sample population for the present study.Out of the total 200, women 62 (31.0%) were of second trimester and 138 (69.0%) were of third trimester. The results for placental grading by statistical analysis showed out of 200, 74 (37.0%) showed Placenta with Grade-I, 75 (37.5%) showed placenta with Grade-II maturity and 51(25.5%) showed placental maturity of Grade-III. Conclusion: Sonographic appearance of placental Grading gives us information about the well being and the information about placental appearance (hypoechoic, hyperechoic or echogencity).
Original Research Article
Background: Urolithiasis refers to the formation of calculi as a result of a disruption in the equilibrium between salt solubility and precipitation in the urinary system. Computed tomography is considered to be extremely sensitive diagnostic test for its detection due to development in technology. The goal of this study was to find out the accuracy of ultrasound for detection of urinary tract stones as compared to CT KUB. Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound with the reference of CT KUB for the diagnosis of urinary tract stones. Material and Method: The cross-sectional study was conducted from January 13, 2022 to May 13, 2022 in the Department of Radiology, Gondal Medical Complex Gujranwala, in 78 patients who underwent simple CT KUB after USG with suspected urinary stones. Ultrasound and CT findings were compared based on age, gender, clinical appearance, number of stones, and location. All data was collected using a self-made questionnaire. I analyzed the data using SPSS version 26. USG specificity, sensitivity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were evaluated using CT as a reference standard. Results: Among the 78 patients, 56.4 % (n=44) were male and 43.6 % (n=34) were female. The average age of the patients was 41.5430 years. Urolithiasis was discovered in 80.76 % of the patients (n=63) who had CT KUB. Trans-abdominal ultrasound sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and diagnostic accuracy in urolithiasis were calculated to be 68.3 %, 66.7 %, 89.6 %, 33.33 %, and 67.95 %, respectively. Conclusion: Trans-abdominal ultrasonography has a satisfactory diagnostic accuracy for urolithiasis since a range of parameters such as operator reliance, patient compliance, and stone size or location determines its sensitivity. When a CT scan is unavailable or contraindicated, it may be utilized as an alternative.
Original Research Article
Background: Female reproduction system contains uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. PCOS occur when male sex hormones are produced in excess amount in female. The ovaries can foster an enormous liquid assortment (follicles) and on ordinary premise don't deliver eggs. Objective: To estimate the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) prevalent in reproductive womens in Gujrat City Population. Material and Methods: Cross sectional study was conducted between March 2022 to May 2022 for patients at Khalil Hospital Gujrat, Pakistan. Sample size of 140 female Patients was obtained using a convenient sampling technique. All Female patients on daily routine were included. Toshiba Ultrasound Machine was used in this study. SPSS version 22 was used for data entry and analysis. Results: 140 Patients presented in the age ranges of (18-25), (26-35), (36-45), (46-55) respectively. There were all female included in this study. Classification of Signs & symptoms of Pain was present in 54(41.4%), Obesity in 36(25.7%) patients, Irregular Periods in 13(9.3%), Irregular Period-Pain-Facial Hairs in 16(11.4%), Infertility-Irregular Periods in 13(9.3), Irregular Periods-Obesity 4(2.9%). PCOS was seen in 48(34.3%) patients. Conclusion: PCOS is common in reproductive age women, most patients come with complain of pain 54(44.1%) and Obesity 36(25.7%) with Disturbed Menstrual cycle 13(9.3%) some were present with complain of Infertility 13(9.3%). PCOs were seen in 48(34.3%) patients. Ultrasound is effective in the diagnosing PCOS in early age.
Original Research Article
Background: Clients satisfaction have gained increasing attention as meaningful and important sources of information for identifying gaps and developing an effective action plan for quality improvement in healthcare organizations. However, there only very few published studies reporting of the improvement resulting from feedback information of patient surveys, and in most cases, these studies are not in line with their findings. The patients become the main strategy for the main strategy for the organization of health services. This is the era of patients centre care. The study attempts to evaluate patients satisfaction with quality of service offered by clinical pathology Department in JUTH. Materials and methods: 150 Subjects were recruited after consent by random sampling through an inquiry conducted anonymously during the months of January and May 2017. The age range is between eighteen to seventy years. The inquiry was in form of questionnaire with the following questions: accessibility to the laboratory, cleanliness of the laboratory, patients-staff interpersonal relationship, waiting time and turn around time (TAT), labeled 1,2,3,4,5 respectively. Classification of the calculation results of questionnaires was carried out in three categories, namely good service quality, service quality is good enough, and the quality of service quality, service quality is good enough, and the quality of service is not good. Results: This study showed very high overall satisfaction of patients on service in clinical pathology laboratory (80.4%). The levers of cleanliness, communication level and TAT have the highest satisfaction with 99%, 95% and 93% respectively. Those with good enough falls into the category of accessibility and time taken with 52% and 63% respectively. The overall degree of satisfaction is 80.4%. Conclusion: The patients satisfaction in the lever of cleanness, communication, and TAT was the highest (good quality service) and the lowest of the levers ......
Morel-Lavallée syndrome corresponds to a serolymphatic effusion which generally forms after a tangential trauma next to a richly vascularized tissue. This lesion has been rarely reported, explaining that the diagnosis is often unrecognized. While treatment may be conservative or minimally invasive at an early stage, invasive management is required in the event of diagnostic delay. In addition, untreated lesions can lead to pain, superinfection or progressive subcutaneous swelling that can be confused with soft tissue tumors.We report the observation of a 25-year-old young man with a large Morel effusion- Lumbar cavity diagnosed early. We also carried out a review of the literature to summarize the main diagnostic criteria and the management methods.
Neurological damage from Behçet's disease is considered to be a severe neurological manifestation. We have collected 16 cases from the internal medicine, neurology and radiology department of Ibnou Rochd hospital in Casalanca. Our patients have a mean age of 39 years, with male predominance and an average delay of 6.18 years. Headache and central motor impairment were the first telltale signs of neuro-Behçet in 62.5%. The brain scan was carried out in 15 patients, it objectified an ischemic stroke in a single case, poorly systematized hypodensities raising suspicion of thrombophlebitis in 5 cases and an image of venous thrombosis concerning the upper longitudinal sinus in a single case. Brain MRI showed demyelination lesions, of infra-centimeter sizes and variable shapes; in hypo signal T1, hyper signal T2 and T2 FLAIR in 9 patients, of supratentorial seat in 5 cases and lesions in under tentorial in 4 cases with uptake of nodular contrast in 2 cases and annular contrast in only one case. The MRI also highlighted 3 cases of cortical subcortical atrophy on the upper tentorial level, one case of atrophy of the brainstem, 7 cases of venous thrombosis objectified on angio MRI and 2 cases of stroke ischemic. Thus, a pseudo-tumor aspect was reported in only one case. And only one case benefited from a spinal MRI and objectified cervical lesions. These lesions are often associated. The preferred location found in our patients is the brainstem, essentially ponto- mesencephalic. This distribution makes it possible to make the differential diagnosis with other vasculitides and inflammatory diseases.
Original Research Article
Neurological damage from Behçet's disease is considered to be a severe neurological manifestation. We have collected 16 cases from the internal medicine, neurology and radiology department of Ibnou Rochd hospital in Casalanca. Our patients have a mean age of 39 years, with male predominance and an average delay of 6.18 years. Headache and central motor impairment were the first telltale signs of neuro-Behçet in 62.5%. The brain scan was carried out in 15 patients, it objectified an ischemic stroke in a single case, poorly systematized hypodensities raising suspicion of thrombophlebitis in 5 cases and an image of venous thrombosis concerning the upper longitudinal sinus in a single case. Brain MRI showed demyelination lesions, of infra-centimeter sizes and variable shapes; in hypo signal T1, hyper signal T2 and T2 FLAIR in 9 patients, of supratentorial seat in 5 cases and lesions in under tentorial in 4 cases with uptake of nodular contrast in 2 cases and annular contrast in only one case. The MRI also highlighted 3 cases of cortical subcortical atrophy on the upper tentorial level, one case of atrophy of the brainstem, 7 cases of venous thrombosis objectified on angio MRI and 2 cases of stroke ischemic. Thus, a pseudo-tumor aspect was reported in only one case. And only one case benefited from a spinal MRI and objectified cervical lesions. These lesions are often associated. The preferred location found in our patients is the brainstem, essentially ponto- mesencephalic. This distribution makes it possible to make the differential diagnosis with other vasculitides and inflammatory diseases.
Case Report
Sturge-Weber Syndrome: About A Case
Oum Rachad Hamdaoui, S. Elouadih, M. Labied, G. Lembarki, M. Sabiri, S. Lezar, F. Essodegui
EAS J Radiol Imaging Technol, 2022; 4(4): 99-101
DOI: 10.36349/easjrit.2022.v04i04.008
742 Downloads | Aug. 3, 2022
Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) or encephalo-facial angiomatosis, is a syndrome rare congenital neurocutaneous and ocular. He has two types of malformations: capillary congenital facial with flat angioma type and capillaro-venous lepto-meningeal location the more often ipsilateral parieto-occipital. The Neuroimaging, essentially imaging by magnetic resonance (MRI), plays a role important in establishing the diagnosis, ideally before the onset of complications neuro-ocular. We report the case of a patient with motor impairment in whom SWS is suspected based on facial angioma and pharmaco-resistant epilepsy.
Original Research Article
Background: Uterus is a pear shaped muscular retroperitoneal organ. It has three layers Endometrium, myometrium and perimetrium. Aim: To determine the sonographic size of normal uterus in pre and post-menopausal women and its correlation with BMI. Material And Method: This study consists of 150 women (115 parous &35 nulliparous) had sonography with abdominal and /or pelvic problem non-relating to uterus in both parous and nulliparous women. Uterine measurements are assessed and associated with age, height, and weight and correlated with pre and post-menopausal women. Results: The result showed that the size of uterus (length×width×height) from 11to 30 years is (7 ×3 ×4), from 31 to 40 is (7× 4 × 5), from 41 to 50 years is (7×4 × 5), and from 50 to 6o years is (7 × 3 ×4). From 60 to 90 year’s uterus length decreases. In 60 to 70 years is (6.1 × 2 ×2), from 71 to 80 years is (4 ×3×2) from 81 to 90 years is (5 × 2 × 3). In my study there was insignificant correlation of uterus dimensions with BMI. Conclusion: On the beginning of the current work next inference was strained. The uterine length rises with rise in age in from 11 to 60 years and reduction in 61 to 90 years’ age. Negative correlation between uterine length and BMI. There is insignificant correlation of uterus dimensions with BMI.
Original Research Article
Background: A entire of 10% of Chronic Obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are never Smokers because of occupational history positive like biogas and air pollution. And 90% of patients are Smokers. Smoking is main cause of COPD in worldwide. Aim: To determine the role of X-Rays in the Detection of Structural Changes Related to COPD in smokers and nonsmokers. Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was conceded out in Radiological department DHQ Medical institution Gujranwala. The duration of study was 4 months i.e. January 2022 to May 2022. Total no of patients was conduct in Radiology department with COPD are 100. Exclusion criteria included all patients who are not with COPD. Results: Total number of participants are 100 in out of which 10% are non-Smokers and 90% are Smokers. In which we evaluate the structural changes related to COPD. The Result shows hyper- inflated lungs (100%) occupy in smokers and never-smokers. And focal bullae are not occupying in smokers and never-smokers and Flattening of diaphragm are (8%) in non-smokers and (92%) in smokers Increase chest size in never-smokers are (1%) and in smokers are (99%) present. Tubular heart is (63%) in smokers and (37%) in non-smokers. Conclusion: In this prospective study 100 patients of COPD are involved of both genders. In which males are more common than females. The overall study rate of COPD in this study is 10/90 with higher occurrence in males in smokers.
Hyperglycemia without ketosis is a rare cause of hemiballism. The secondary complication of this entity of Cortical Laminar Necrosis is rare. Brain MRI is of major help to detect basal ganglia involvement and gyriform hyper signals that are the signature of laminar cortical necrosis. We report a case of hemiballism associated with hyperglycemia without ketosis, which was secondarily complicated by cortical laminar necrosis with a fatal outcome.