Original Research Article
Pregnant mothers are exposed to several infections because of their reduced immunity. Infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus among postpartum women and babies are increasing, and a rise in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus may have fueled this increase. The study was designed to investigate the carriage and resistance pattern of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus among pregnant women attending the ante-natal clinic at the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital, Okolobiri. Fifty urine samples were screened for Staphylococcus aureus on mannitol salt agar. Positive samples were then subjected to antibiotic sensitivity testing using the disc diffusion method, and resistance to Ceftriaxone was considered methicillin resistance. Results showed that 20 (40%) of the urine samples yielded growth of Staphylococcus aureus, 11 (73%) were resistant to Ceftriaxone, and over 70% of the MRSA isolates were multi-drug resistant. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonisation in pregnant women has dire consequences, and a surveillance system for antimicrobial resistance surveillance system is recommended.
Original Research Article
Background: One of the world's major health problems, preterm labor is characterized by significant perinatal mortality and morbidity. In one of these clinical situations, a healthy pregnancy might become one that is at high risk for both the mother and the fetus. Objective: To detect the risk factors and perinatal outcome in with complication in preterm labor. Materials and Methods: A case control study was carried out from February 2010 to July 2010 in the department of gynecology and obstetrics at the Dhaka Medical College Hospital. Results: A total of 50 instances of preterm labor occurring between 28 and 36 weeks of pregnancy and 50 control cases of lobour pain occurring between 37 and 40 weeks of pregnancy were screened and recruited in the research. The following risk variables were identified as being significantly linked with premature labor. Preterm delivery (OR -9.33), and Anaemia (OR = 8.31). Perinatal outcome in preterm lobour were Still birth, low APGAR score, neonatal resuscitation and neonatal complications significantly (p<0.05) higher in case group. Conclusion: The purpose should be to raise awareness of pregnant women who are at high risk for preterm labor since preterm labor has serious repercussions for both the mother and the infant.
Original Research Article
Anaesthetic Management of Caesarean Sections at the Markala Reference Health Centre
Dr. Fomba Dramane, Diarra I, Ballo B, Kone O, Kanthé D, Samaké B, Keita M, Ouolegeum, Malle K, Ongoiba S, Samaké Y, Keite. S
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2023; 6(6): 251-256
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2023.v06i06.003
744 Downloads | June 16, 2023
Our work is a prospective study of 73 caesarean section cases (from 10 October to 10 December 2022), i.e. a period of 2 months at the Csréf in Markala. Our caesarean section success rate was 65.17%. The 20 to 40 age group was the most represented, with 73.97%, ranging from 16 to 42. In 83.56% of cases, caesarean sections were performed urgently. The indications for caesarean section were dominated by scar uterus (28.77%) and acute foetal distress (19.18%). General anaesthesia was the anaesthetic technique used in 89.04% of cases. Ketamine was the only narcotic used for induction and maintenance. Vomiting (8.22% of parturients) was the most common post-operative complication in the immediate post-partum period. Post-operative pain was managed with a combination of Paracetamol and Nefopam.
Original Research Article
Epidemioclinical and Therapeutic Study of Caesarean Sections at the Markala Reference Health Centre
Fomba.D, Ballo.B, Diarra.I, Kone.O, Kanthé.D, Samaké.B, Keita.M, Ouolegeum, Malle.K, Ongoiba.S, Keita.S, Samaké.Y
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2023; 6(6): 257-264
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2023.v06i06.004
753 Downloads | June 16, 2023
This was a retrospective study conducted at the Markala referral health centre from 2019 to 2022. The general objective was to study caesarean section at CS Réf in Markala. During our study period from 2019 to 2022, we recorded 1244 caesarean sections, i.e. a frequency of 28.29% of all deliveries. Parturients were evacuated in 51.6% of cases. Only 14.23% of our parturients were well monitored. The most frequent indication for caesarean section was SFA in 30.1%, i.e. 375 cases. The surgical procedure most frequently associated with caesarean section was LRT. Maternal mortality was 0.3%, mainly due to haemorrhage and pregnancy-related maternal pathologies. Maternal morbidity was dominated by infections, severe anaemia and haemorrhage. Fetal mortality was 11.9%, mainly due to severe fetal distress. Resuscitation was required for 23.5% of our caesarean section babies. Improving these results requires the support of all sectors of society.
Original Research Article
Evaluation of the Reference - Evacuation Markala
Fomba, D, Ballo, B, Diarra, I, Kone, O, Kanthé, D, Samaké, B, Keita, M, Ouolegeum, Malle, K, Ongoiba, S, Samaké, Y, Keite. S
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2023; 6(6): 265-271
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2023.v06i06.005
823 Downloads | June 16, 2023
The aim of this study was to evalute the performance of the referral system for evacuation of obstetric emergencies between the CSCom and the CS Réf in Markala from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021. This study enabled us to identify:
The performance of the evacuation reference system between the CSCom and the CS Réf in Markala;
• The effectiveness of maternal death audits ;
• Holding staff meetings;
• The mother's condition.
The problems related to :
• The functionality of the management committee;
• The child's condition;
• Payment of co-payments.
At the end of the work, it was concluded that the evacuation reference system between the CSCom and the CS Réf in Markala was not performing well with regard to the criteria set by the evaluation team.
Original Research Article
Preterm Birth at the Kalaban-Coro Reference Health Centre: Epidemioclinical Aspect, Management and Maternal-Fetal Prognosis
Mahamoudou Coulibaly, Sema Keita, Boubakary Guindo, Bocary Sidi Kone, Cheickna Sylla, Mamadou Haidara, N'Tan Magassa, Seydou Z. Dao, Guindo Issa, Brahima Bamba, Tiefolo Diarra, Mamadou Keita, Hamady S
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2023; 6(6): 272-277
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2023.v06i06.006
765 Downloads | June 16, 2023
The aim was to study preterm birth. Materials and methods: This was an analytical cross-sectional study from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2018. Results: We recorded 325 cases of premature delivery out of 5278 deliveries, a frequency of 6.16%. The mean age was 26± 5 years, primiparous 24.5 years. The gestational age between 32-33SA+6 days was 66% with moderate prematurity. CPN 0 accounted for 52%, pre-eclampsia accounted for 58% of cases. Twin pregnancy occupied 79% of cases. The lower route of delivery was the most represented, accounting for 85% of cases. The weight of the newborn between 1000 to 2000grams was 52.21%, 76.92% had an Apgar score greater than 7 at the 1st minute, maternal complications were immediate postpartum hemorrhage 45.15% and puerperal infection 44.92%. Conclusion: Preterm birth is an obstetric emergency and a common situation in our context. The factors influencing the prognosis of newborns were: non-achievement of NPCs, parity, term of pregnancy.
Original Research Article
The Main Etiologies of the Infertility of the Couple at the Reference Health Center of Kalaban Coro, Koulikoro (MALI)
Bocary Sidi Kone, Sema Keita, Siaka Amara Sanogo, Cheickna Sylla, Mahamoudou Coulibaly, Kalifa Traore, Issa Guindo, Bamba Brehima, Mamadou Haïdara, Dramane Fomba, Yacouba Aba Coulibaly, Yacouba Sylla,
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2023; 6(6): 278-285
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2023.v06i06.007
736 Downloads | June 16, 2023
The aim was to evaluate the epidemiological and clinical aspects and the main etiologies of the couple's infertility. Materials and methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional, randomized and analytical study with prospective data collection from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021, a period of 12 months at the Kalaban-Coro reference health center. Result: The infertility of the couple remains a major problem with a prevalence of 19.99% and a predominance of the majority of patients were 21-25 years old, a frequency of 27.8%. The majority of spouses were housewives (60.9%), merchants were the most represented among spouses with a frequency of 23.5%. Patients were married 100% of the time and 73.9% were without a co-wife. Secondary infertility was the most prevalent at 64.3%. Palms accounted for 28.7% and nulliparous 48.7%. The history was dominated by hypertension and caesarean section, i.e. 3.5% each. The desire to have a child was found as a reason for consultation in 83.5% of cases and the most represented duration for infertility was between 12-24 months in 57.4% of cases. The patient participation rate was 97.4%. Percentage for spouses it was 13%. Female etiologies accounted for 20.9% (tubal obstruction 7%, PCOS 5.2%, endometriosis 6.2%, polymyomatous uterus 2.6%, uterine synechia 1.7% and anovulation 0.9%) and male etiologies accounted for 46.67% (13.33% azoospermia, oligospermia and asthenospermia, 6.67% asthenospermia). Conclusion: The problem of infertility affects a growing number of couples. It concerns all social strata with a prevalence of 19.99% and a conception of the population that thinks that the etiology is feminine.
Case Report
A Case of Demons-Meigs Syndrome Observed at the Markala Reference Health Center
Kanthé D, Kéita S, Traoré M, Koné O, Samaké Y, Samaké B, Fomba D, Malle K, Bagayoko TB, Diarra I, Dembélé BT
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2023; 6(6): 286-289
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2023.v06i06.008
777 Downloads | June 23, 2023
DEMONS-MEIGS syndrome is defined by a pathological triad associating ascites, hydrothorax (Both can sometimes be associated) and an ovarian tumor, most often solid and benign but possibly cystic. Objective: To describe a case of Demons-Meigs syndrome observed at the Health Center of Reference of Markala. Clinical observation: We report the medical file of a 64-year-old postmenopausal lady, G11P7V6A0D1, IIG=2 years old without surgical history but poorly monitored hypertension. She was conducted in our department on 08/25/2020 in a picture of paroxysmal abdominal-pelvic pain with gravity type associated with an alteration of the general condition. It is associated with a productive cough with dyspnea of effort and previous chest pains. After the physical examination, there was a voluminous rounded pelvic mass going from the epigastric region to the pubic hair, the ultrasound examination having objectified an ascites of medium abundance and a voluminous left pelvic mass of 191mm / 120 mm then the chest X-ray from the front showing a right basal pleural effusion, the diagnosis of Demons-Meigs syndrome was evoked. After a preoperative assessment and a pre-anesthetic consultation, an exploratory laparotomy was performed. At the celiotomy, a serohematic ascites of 1.5 l is discovered, a large ovoid and pediculated ovarian tumor of the left ovary, not bumpy, overhanging the uterus, not twisted and not adhered but easily mobilizable. Conclusion: The Demons-Meigs syndrome which essentially comprises a benign ovarian tumor, ascites and a recurrent pleural effusion, characterized by healing without sequelae with drying of the effusions (Ascites and pleurisy) after removal of the ovarian tumor still retains a rather obscure etiology and pathophysiology.
Original Research Article
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Public Transport Drivers Regarding Ophthalmological Medical Examinations When Issuing Driving Licences on the RN 6 and RN 30 in Fana
Momine Traoré, Sema Keita, Youssouf Samake, Sekou Malle, Solomane Traore, Boubacar Niare, Kassoum Diabate, Adama Diallo, Dramane Fomba, Ousmane Kone, Djibrilah Kanthe
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2023; 6(6): 290-295
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2023.v06i06.009
790 Downloads | June 23, 2023
In good driving, 90% of the indications needed by the driver are provided by the eye, and 20% of those responsible for road traffic accidents have a visual impairment. The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge, attitudes and practices of public transport drivers specifically on the RN 6 and 35 in Fana. The study was both quantitative and qualitative, and the data were collected from questionnaires covering socio-demographic information and the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the respondents. The data was entered and analysed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 25 software. Results: A total of 150 drivers were surveyed, of whom 59.3% (n=89) had not had an ophthalmological consultation when obtaining their driving licence and 78.2% (n=86) when renewing it. 36.1% (n=22) had not received any information on the result of the visual aptitude test and of the 22 drivers who had an opinion on the type of legal consequences, 45.5% (n=10) of those who had an idea of the legal consequences gave imprisonment as an example. 81.8% (n=18) of the unfit drivers were BCD licence holders, 49% of whom were minibus drivers compared with 53% of bus drivers at the time of the visual aptitude test. Conclusion: The results of this survey have shown us that there is a weakness in the application of the law concerning the medical examination required to obtain or renew a driving licence for public transport drivers.
Original Research Article
Epidemiological and Etiological Aspects of Ocular Trauma at the Fana Reference Health Center
Momine Traore, Séma Keita, Youssouf Samake, Solomane Traore, Mallé Sékou, Sanoussi Bamani, Hamadou Sangho, Gognon Saye, Abdoulaye Napo, Adama Guindo, Kone Ousmane, Kanthé Djibrilah
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2023; 6(6): 296-299
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2023.v06i06.010
778 Downloads | June 23, 2023
Ocular trauma plays an important role in ophthalmological emergencies and poses a real public health problem due to its frequency, severity and impact on visual function [2]. These can include bruises, wounds, foreign bodies and burns [1]. The aim was to study the clinical and epidemiological aspects of ocular trauma at the Fana referral health centre. Materials and methods: This was a prospective study of 157 cases of ocular trauma out of 2539 patients seen in consultation at the FANA CSRéf from 1er November 2021 to 30 April 2022. Inclusion criteria: All cases of ocular trauma seen and followed up at the centre. Secondary ophthalmology centre (CSO) in Fana during the study period and having given their consent. Non-inclusion criteria: All patients who consulted for reasons other than ocular trauma and cases of ocular trauma who did not give their consent. Results: The study involved 157 cases of ocular trauma out of a total of 2,539 consultants, representing a frequency of 6.18%, with males the most affected at 68.2%. It occurred mainly in young, active people aged between 15 and 44 (54.77%); farmers were the most affected (38.2%). Contusions were the most frequent type of trauma, accounting for 49%; wounds of the globe accounted for 13.4% of cases; the aetiological agents were very diverse, but the preponderance of attacks of plant origin was noted, with a frequency of 39.5%. The delay in treatment was long; in our study, 40.8% of patients were consulted more than a week after the trauma. Discussion: Farmers and stockbreeders were the most exposed to accidents in a rural context, with long delays in treatment leading to complications and irreversible after-effects.
Original Research Article
Discovery of Scrotal Elephantiasis during a Free Surgical Treatment Campaign for Adult Hydroceles at the Koutiala Reference Health Centre
Ballo B, Dembélé O, Remi A, Traoré S Ongoiba S, Koné O, Sangaré D9 Sissoko I, Diarra S, Samakè Y, Samaké B, Kanthé D, Sadatou O, Fomba D, Keita S, Diakité ML
East African Scholars J Med Sci, 2023; 6(6): 300-303
DOI: 10.36349/easms.2023.v06i06.011
958 Downloads | June 28, 2023
Scrotal elephantiasis (scrotal lymphoedema) is defined as an increase in scrotal volume that can reach a very large size. It has functional (burying of the penis), aesthetic and psychological repercussions. This is an extreme feature of lymphatic filariasis, which is mainly seen in endemic filarial areas. Outside these areas, this condition is rare and is usually idiopathic, rarely congenital. We report a case of scrotal elephantiasis treated by wide excision of the pathological scrotal wall and scrotal plasty, with a good functional and aesthetic result.