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Menstruation is normal bleeding as part of woman’s monthly cycle, taking place when the egg released by the ovary is not fertilized. Menstrual problem which frequently occurs includes menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea. Menstrual pain can be reduced pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically, one of which is using acupressure techniques. This study aims to identify whether the application of acupressure techniques has an effect on menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea). This research is a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest with a control group design. The participants involved 32 nursing students at Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh who experienced dysmenorrhea, consisting of 10 students from year 1, 14 students from year 2 and 8 students from year 3. The class was divided into two: class X1 as an experimental class comprising 16 students and class X2 as a control class consisting of 16 female students. A total sampling technique was used to select the samples. Data were collected using SOP and NRS questionnaire and analyzed by means of the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The results found the p-value of 0.002, smaller than alpha 𝖺 (0.05). Thus, it can be concluded that there is an effect of acupressure on dysmenorrhoea in female students of Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh.
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Challenge of the Massification in Teaching of Health Science (Preliminary Approach at Nursing High School of Lubumbashi)
EAS J Nurs Midwifery, 2022; 4(2): 38-43
DOI: 10.36349/easjnm.2022.v04i02.002
711 Downloads | March 9, 2022
Introduction: The increasing of the number of the students remains a problem in high colleges in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Confronted to a big number of students, diverse challenges are raised up in order to reach the level that we normally have to attend. This approach had fixed the inventory of fixtures on the number of the students is concerned and yet identify the challenge on it. Method: A transversal descriptive approach has been applied. Different data had been collected in the honors lists and in the register-book. From 1992 to 2016, 33.690 students were enrolled. Besides, 18 teachers have participated to our research. Results: In nursing, a sensitive increasing of a peak of 400 students from 2007 has been observed. In 2008, 1167 students in G1, 769 students in G2 and 539 students in G3 have been enrolled as a peak. In midwife section, in spite of the reformation, the number of students in different degrees remains high with a peak of 110 students in G1 in2009; of 137 students in G2 in 2010 and of 130 students in G3 in 2011. In EASI, the graduate cycle has enrolled more students in 2003 (a peak of more than 200 students). In the path of laboratory, nutrition and Management health Institution, the number of students was increasing every year. In the degrees where the approach of competency is applied, the ratio between teacher and students was of 1/13 in nursing and 1/29 in midwife. In training, the ratio was of 1/33. Conclusion: As far as the challenge is concerned, we have noticed the increasing of the number of students, the weak number of head of training and educated teachers in approach of competency, difficulty in applying teaching methods when the group of students to teach is increased and overweight in work.
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Communication is one of the most important things in providing services to patients because everything related to Covid-19 patients must be conveyed clearly, well and correctly. Communication Situation, Background, Assessment, Recomendation is a strategy that has been developed to address the problems that often occur in the realm of health services that are used to improve and improve health professional services and to reduce the occurrence of errors in service. The study used comparative studies by comparing 2 groups of hospitals as a comparison tool. The location of this study is in 2 different hospitals namely Fauziah Bireuen Hospital and Pidie Jaya Hospital and was conducted in December 2021. The instrument used is a questionnaire designed by the researcher to then conduct a test of validity and reliability. Data analysis using mann whitney statistical tests. The results of the study were obtained from both hospitals that were compared to both in the compliant category. Only in Non Referral Hospitals there are few nurses who have not done effective communication SBAR. As for the bivariate results obtained is the value of p value 0.000 < 0.05. If the value p value < the critical limit of 0.05 then there is a meaningful difference between the two groups or that means H1 is accepted. Nurses who served at Covid-19 Referral Hospital were declared compliant in carrying out effective communication with the SBAR method at the time of handover. The conclusion obtained from the results of this study is that nurses who serve in Covid-19 Non Referral Hospitals are declared compliant in carrying out effective communication with the SBAR method at the time of handover, there are differences related to the implementation of effective communication with the SBAR method at the time of handover between Covid-19 Referral Hospital and Non Referral Hospital Covid-19.
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The presence of case managers in hospitals is important as part of patient-centered care and plays a role in helping to improve interprofessional collaboration. Case Manager collaborates with nurses in charge of patients related to nursing care provided to patients, so that the implementation of patient service management procedures by a good case manager will have an impact on the good quality of work of nurses in charge of patients. The general purpose of this study is to identify the characteristic relationship of nurses in charge of patients and the management of patient services by case managers with the performance of nurses in charge of patients in the Hospital Inpatient Room TGK. Chik Ditiro. The population in this study was 75 nurses in charge of patients. This study uses a descriptive design correlation with cross sectional approach, Researchers use total sampling techniques as sampling techniques so that the sample in this study amounted to 75 people, this study was housed in TGK Hospital. Chik Ditiro. The results illustrate that there is a relationship between age (p = 0.000), education level (p = 0.009), working life (p = 0.001), and patient service management procedures (p = 0,000) with the performance of nurses in charge of patients. Other results found that there was no relationship between sex (p=0.567) and the performance of the nurse in charge of the patient. The most dominant factor related to the performance of nurses in charge of patients is the management of patient services (EXP B = 19,981. A case manager must be able to carry out every service management procedure well so that nursing care can be provided optimally to patients. In addition, the case manager must also be able to conduct good communication with PPJP and with other interprofessionals so that it can provide optimal results related to the outcome of the care provided. Nursing managers are advised to pay more attention and evaluate the performance of nurses in charge of ..........
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Background: Schizophrenia patients tend to have no life skills, leaving them dependent on their families. Caregivers in the form of family members improve patients' health status. On the other hand, schizophrenia also has a negative impact on caregivers. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors that influence the quality of life in families with schizophrenia patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted online on December 31, 2021, for all families accompanying treatment at Aceh Mental Hospital. Furthermore, family members are directly involved in the care of schizophrenic patients living in the same household. Results: The results showed that 118 (55.9%) respondents were less than 40 years old, 161 (76.3%) were female, 119 (56.4%) had secondary education, and 162 (76.8%) were married. Furthermore, a total of 114 (54.0%) respondents have other jobs such as police, farmers, and others, 121 (57.3%) earn according to the minimum wage, 120 (56.9%) have high social support, 128 (60.7%) have a low family burden, 126 (59.7%) have a low family coping, and 112 (53.1%) have a low quality of life. Conclusion: Considering these results, there is a relationship between age, gender, family burden, coping strategies, income, and the life quality of families with schizophrenia at Aceh Mental Hospital. Furthermore, it was concluded that there is no relationship between marital status, social support work, and the life quality of the families.
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The Covid-19 pandemic has caused panic and a global mental health burden as well as provides potential negative impacts on the health workers who are at risk of experiencing psychological disorders as well as other mental health symptoms. This study aims to determine the mental health of health workers who worked during the Covid-19 pandemic in hospitals. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted online in December 2021 on 213 health workers serving at a Regional General Hospital. Results: The results showed a significant relationship between age, income, the number of children, history of illness, employment status, and other occupations with the incidence of depression in health workers. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between gender, history of illness, and years of service with the incidence of anxiety. A significant relationship was also found between a history of illness and other occupations with the incidence of stress in health workers. Conclusion: All variables had no significant relationship with the mental health of health workers; therefore, it is necessary to carry out an initial screening on the major cause of mental health problems in health workers.
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Background: Low birth weight (LBW) is a condition in babies, which occurs when the bodyweight is < 2500 grams. Furthermore, it poses more threat to toddlers under the age of 2 years where it causes several developmental and growth disorders, such as stunting. Their condition continues to worsen up to the age of 5 when their immune system is not improved. Stunting is characterized by shortness and can be diagnosed based on the anthropometric index of the body length for age (PB/U) or height for age (TB/U) with a limit (z-score) below the standard deviation (< -2 SD). Method: The data used for this study consists of primary and secondary data. The primary data were collected using an interview approach by filling a questionnaire, while the secondary data were obtained with a KMS (Card towards Health) book for toddlers with a total of 107 samples. Result: The results showed that LBW has a significant effect on stunting, but it has no effect on developmental disorders. It also has a significant effect through stunting on developmental disorders, but it has no effect on stunting through developmental disorders.