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Original Research Article
This article examines and analyzes the trial process in court, particularly in cases of breach of contract or default. The research method used is normative legal research, which studies and analyzes Decision No. 224/Pdt.G/2021/PN.MLG concerning debtor default and legal protection for creditors who obtain a favorable court ruling against a defaulting debtor but without the enforcement of a security seizure (conservatoire beslag). The results indicate that the panel of judges, in their considerations, applied fair and balanced legal principles by ruling that the defendant was in default. However, the request for security seizure was denied due to the absence of urgent grounds for such an action. To protect the interests of the plaintiff or creditor, the execution process of the court ruling can be pursued, whereby the relevant court will issue a warning (Aanmaning) to the debtor or defendant to voluntarily comply with the ruling. If this effort fails, the court will enforce an execution seizure on the defendant's or debtor's assets. These assets will then be auctioned, and the proceeds will be used to settle the defendant's obligations fully.
Original Research Article
Mathematical modeling competence plays a crucial role in the development of mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills for elementary students. This study explores the theoretical foundations of competence, the framework of mathematical modeling competence, and the significance of the topic "Fractions" in fostering students' mathematical abilities. The research presents a structured approach to developing mathematical modeling competence in elementary students through the teaching of fractions, outlining key stages in the model-building process. Additionally, the study provides illustrative examples that demonstrate the practical application of the proposed framework. The findings contribute to enhancing teaching strategies that promote mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills in elementary education.
Original Research Article
This study aims to analyze the implementation and the supporting and inhibiting factors in organizing village apparatus training. The research was conducted at the Village Government Center of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Malang. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis. This study found that implementing the village apparatus training policy at BBPD Malang went well despite facing obstacles. Policy communication is carried out effectively through various media, but geographical barriers and transportation limitations cause training delays. Regarding resources, BBPD Malang has 31 teaching staff members, but only one young expert is a functional official, so competency development and certification are needed. Training facilities are adequate, but an unstable electricity supply hampers learning. Bureaucratic simplification poses challenges for employee adaptation. The main supporting factors are the commitment of implementers, internal coordination, and infrastructure, while the main obstacles include less flexible class arrangements, budget limitations, and geographical conditions. This research is expected to develop employee competencies, optimize facilities, integrate IT-based management systems, and improve coordination to prevent overlapping tasks in training village officials.
Original Research Article
This study aims to analyze the implementation of multi-grade learning and identify its supporting and inhibiting factors, especially after the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) No. 56 of 2022. The research was conducted at Public Elementary School Sukapura III, Sukapura District, Probolinggo Regency. The data analysis technique in this study used qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. This study found that the Multi-grade Learning policy has been implemented with various challenges and supports. Effective communication between central and local governments facilitates understanding and implementation of the policy. However, limited resources, such as the number of teachers and facilities, challenge teaching effectiveness. Positive teacher and student dispositions contribute to successful learning, while school organizational structures are supportive but require management adjustments. Implementing factors include socialization, human resources, commitment, facilities, and bureaucratic structure. The main obstacles are ineffective information transmission and suboptimal educator welfare. This research is expected to contribute to teacher training, resource strengthening, policy monitoring, stakeholder communication, and curriculum adaptation to improve the effectiveness of multi-grade learning at PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Sukapura III.
Original Research Article
This study aims to describe and analyze the implementation of e-procurement in procuring goods and services and identify supporting factors and obstacles based on the East Java Governor's Regulation. The research was conducted at the Regional Coordinating Agency for Government and Development (Bakorwil) III Malang. The data analysis technique in this research uses qualitative descriptive analysis. The research findings show that implementing policies based on Governor Regulation No. 61 of 2021 concerning using electronic systems for procuring goods and services in Bakorwil III Malang still has several obstacles. From the communication aspect, socialization has not been carried out thoroughly with all personnel, so policy information has not been conveyed properly. Human resources have understood the procurement process, but policy implementation requires the support of all personnel. Leadership commitment has not been firm in encouraging policy implementation, as seen from the absence of an official memorandum and related SOPs. Supporting factors include skilled human resources and adequate facilities, while obstacles include lack of socialization, internal communication, and constraints on electronic storefronts. Policy implementers are expected to conduct socialization and training, make SOPs and internal affirmations, and manage electronic storefronts to improve the implementation of goods and services procurement policies in Bakorwil III Malang.
Original Research Article
This research aims to describe and analyze the implementation of the Local Government Information System (SIPD) in budget management and identify supporting and inhibiting factors. The research was conducted at the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of Kaliorang District Education, East Kutai Regency. Data analysis techniques in this study used qualitative analysis with an inductive approach. The results showed that implementing the Local Government Information System (SIPD) in the Kaliorang Education Unit faced several challenges, such as the lack of socialization, training, and clarity of information from the Education Office. Nevertheless, there is a high commitment from policy implementers and adequate support facilities, such as computer equipment and internet networks, which help with budget management. To increase the effectiveness of SIPD use, improvements are needed in communication between the education office and UPT, as well as the provision of clearer technical guidelines so that implementers can better understand and optimize the use of the SIPD application to the fullest. Policy implementers are expected to improve socialization and training on the use of SIPD for all operators, as well as prepare clear SOPs, periodic evaluations, internet network improvements, and additional training to support the effectiveness of budget use.
The paper critically examines value crisis and a high level of moral decadence inherent in Nigerian nation life. The paper conceptualizes human development as the sustained enhancement of the cognitive, psycho motor, affective and other competencies of individuals and groups to increase productivity. It sees education, especially African education as central in seeking to achieve this. It clarifies the concept of moral values and others and is skeptical about their functionality in contemporary human capacity development efforts in the country. A number of values are identified and recommended for inclusion in the curricular of our schools, primary through tertiary with a very strong belief in complete value reorientation for better communities growth in Nigeria.