Original Research Article
Objective: Establish diagnostic reference levels for interventional radiology procedures common to Cardiology Institute and a private polyclinic and compare them with international standards. Methods: Study carried out in two interventional radiology units in Abidjan, Cardiology Institute and a private polyclinic. Coronarography, coronary angioplasty and uterine fibroid embolization were commun procedures to both centers selected. Thirty patients per procedure were selected. Epidemiological data and dosimetric values (PDS, scan timing, cumulative doses) were noted. Results: Pds was 29, 86 Gy.cm2, scan timing 7 min 82s, cumulative doses 457, 5 mGy for coronarography. Pds was 47, 77 Gy.cm2; scan timing 27 min 28s; cumulative doses 862 mGy for coronary angioplasty. Pds was 298, 45 Gy.cm2; scan timing 38 min 09s; cumulative doses 1162 mGy for uterine fibroid embolization. Conclusion: Differences were observed between the two sites due to differences in equipment. NRD were sometimes lower or higher than international values.
Case Report
A Case of Mickey Mouse Bladder
Shree Varshini T, Syedha Fariheen Fathima, Kalaichezhian Mariappan I, Prabakaran Maduraimuthu
EAS J Radiol Imaging Technol, 2021; 3(5): 244-245
DOI: 10.36349/easjrit.2021.v03i05.003
1184 Downloads | Sept. 21, 2021
The pelvic “Mickey Mouse” sign is created by bilateral inguinal hernias containing either portion of bladder or even as an isolated content which is seen on imaging. The “hutch diverticula” showing Mickey Mouse appearance is a congenital bladder diverticula noted at the vesicoureteric junction due to detrusor muscle weakness. Inguinal hernias may rarely have bladder as its content, but being sole component is uncommon [1]. Urinary bladder hernias usually affect elderly, obese males. Symptoms depend on degree of the bladder involvement and its important to evaluate such conditions to avoid bladder injury and treat (LUTS) lower urinary tract symptoms [2].
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) which is caused by bilateral transverse venous sinus stenosis is defined as a syndrome of raised intracranial pressure with normal imaging of the brain and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) composition. There are many controversies and myths that surround IIH. Although patients of IIH may present “typical” symptoms and signs of raised intracranial pressure, clinical scenarios often vary. A typical clinical and radiological finding poses significant problems in diagnosis and management of patients with IIH. We have tried to resolve these controversies and provide a comprehensive update on different aspects of IIH caused by bilateral transverse venous sinus stenosis. In this article, we review the common problems encountered while dealing with patients of IIH. Here we present a case of bilateral transverse venous sinus stenosis who later complaints of blurring of vision, retro orbital pain with eye movements, headache and nausea.
Scapula fractures are relatively rare. Those that affect the body of the scapula account for approximately 50% of all scapula fractures. The indication of surgical treatment in the fractures of the body of the scapula is controversial. One of the indications for surgery is the intrathoracic displacement of a bone fragment. Within the low incidence of this complication, homogeneous anatomical patterns always related to high energy trauma have been described. We present a case of fracture of the body of the scapula that required surgical treatment due to intrathoracic displacement of a bone fragment related to a low energy trauma, representing an anatomical pattern not described in the literature previously.
Original Research Article
Background: Treatment of brain tumors is in needed of combined efforts by multiple specialists from neurosurgery, neuroradiology, neuropathology, oncology and radiotherapy. The outcome is worse in developing countries compared to developed countries because of deficiencies in proper registry, lack of awareness, timely diagnosis, availability and co-ordination of multiple specialist’s comprehensive management and high abandonment rates. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to assess the brain tumor spectrum of patient attending at a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh. Materials and Methods: This observational prospective study was conducted in the Department of Radiology and Imaging, Enam Medical College & Hospital, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh during the period from January 2016 to December 2019. Ethical clearance was obtained from the mentioned hospital. In total 120 patients with brain tumors were finalized as the study population. The age of the participants was 20 years and above. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS, version 20. Results: In this study male were dominating in number and the male-female ratio was 1.3:1. We found, the highest number participants 41-50 years, 31.67%(n=38) followed by 31-40 years of 27.50%(n=33) and 20-30 years of 17.50%(n=21). As clinical presentations, we observed, headache was associate in the highest number 59 in number, followed by seizure 41, vomiting 28, visual disturbances 9, gait disorder 7 and cranial nerve palsy were 4 participants respectively. In analyzing the spectrum of brain tumors we found, the frequencies of astrocytic tumor (42.50%), meningioma (14.17%) oligodendroglial tumor (10%) and embryonal tumor (7.50%) were noticeable besides other brain tumors. Conclusion: Males are dominating in number among the patients with brain tumors. Astrocytic tumors are most common subtype in Bangladesh. However, neoplasms of WHO grade 1 are more frequent brain tumors. Headache, seizure and vomiting are the most comm
We report the case of a 27-year-old man, taken to emergencies for a deep left lateral facial wound by stabbing at the neck. After initial suturing of the wound by the attending general practitioner he was back at the hospital three days later with a pulsatile neck swelling at the left parotid region. Doppler ultrasound of the carotid arteries was done, followed by CT angiography. A pseudoaneurysm of an occipital branch of the left external carotid artery was depicted and surgical repair was performed by a vascular surgeon.
Original Research Article
A Case of Ureterocoele with Cobra Head Sign
Sai Kumar Reddy. Kami Reddy, Harsh Tantia, Chithirai Selvam, Venkatraman Indiran, Kalaichezhian Mariappan, Prabakaran Maduraimuthu
EAS J Radiol Imaging Technol, 2021; 3(5): 262-264
DOI: 10.36349/easjrit.2021.v03i05.008
863 Downloads | Oct. 2, 2021
A 20-year-old male with a history of fever, lower abdominal pain and haematuria since 2 weeks. He complained of failure to void completely, dysuria which aggravated since 1 week. Provisional diagnosis given by clinicians was urinary tract infection and suggested ultrasonography examination of abdomen. Ultrasonography examination and contrast enhanced CT revealed features consistent with ureterocoele with cobra head sign.
Odontoid process also called as dens, is a protuberance of axis (C2 vertebra). Odontoid process is the central pillar of the craniovertebral junction. Imaging of this small structure continues to be a challenge for the radiologists due to complex bony and ligamentous anatomy. A wide range of developmental and acquired abnormalities of odontoid have been identified. Fracture usually occurs in young due to high energy trauma, in elderly age group due to low energy trauma. The mechanism is due to hyperextension of neck and hyperflexion trauma. We report a case of a 24 year old female patient who presented to emergency with alleged history of self fall from two wheeler and inability to move the neck. X-ray, CT and MRI were done which revealed significant type II comminuted fracture of odontoid process.
Original Research Article
Evaluation of Radiation Protection Measures in a Reference Hospital in Mali
Diarra I. M, Diabaté K, Traoré M. M, Diakité A, Koné A. S, Konaté M, Dabo G, Camara M. A, Sidibé S
EAS J Radiol Imaging Technol, 2021; 3(5): 268-271
DOI: 10.36349/easjrit.2021.v03i05.010
697 Downloads | Oct. 7, 2021
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the organization of radiation protection in the radiology and radiotherapy departments. Methods: this was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in the radiotherapy and radiology departments of the Mali hospital over a period from December 14, 2014 to March 14, 2015. Data were collected from a questionnaire and an evaluation grid sent to the staff. The evaluation was done using an observation grid and a questionnaire addressed to the staff working in the radiotherapy and radiology departments. The variables studied were: knowledge of the categorization of personnel and work areas, application of the basic principles of radiation protection by the personnel, use of individual dosimeters, and dosimetric monitoring of the premises. The data was analyzed in Excel 2010 and Word 2010. Results: The irradiation technique used was external radiotherapy (ETR). 80.95% did not have any additional training in radiation protection, 80.95% of the respondents recognized the usefulness of the triad of fundamental principles of radiation protection applied in their profession (justification, optimization and dose limitation). 60% believe that the doses tolerated by radiation exposure are regulated at the HDM. In 57% of cases, pregnant women are reassigned to another position in the department during their pregnancy, 76% of examinations are performed under the supervision of radiologists. The design of the rooms, the marking of radioactivity with the yellow cloverleaf and of regulatory zones with appropriate signs, the zoning and the security of sources were verified by the Malian radiation protection agency. Dosimetric monitoring of workers was assured in 90.47% of cases. The plan of the structure was not displayed, the majority of workers used lead aprons to protect themselves (90%), dosimetric monitoring was carried out in 90.47% of cases, and medical surveillance of users was carried out by the occupational physician. ......
Case Report
Giant Juvenile Adeno-Fibroma: A Case Report
Yannick Onana, Joshua Tambe, Mohamadou Aminou, Samuel Mbozo’o, Hugues Zanga, Darolles Mwadjie, Jérémie Mbo Amvene, Emilienne Guegang
EAS J Radiol Imaging Technol, 2021; 3(5): 272-274
DOI: 10.36349/easjrit.2021.v03i05.011
882 Downloads | Oct. 10, 2021
: We report the case of a 14-year-old girl, who consulted for a painful left breast swelling of gradual onset and progressively increasing in size. A breast ultrasound scan was done with a preliminary diagnosis of adenofibroma, and a phyllode tumor as differential diagnosis. A tissue sample of the tumor mass after surgical excision was sent for histolopathology and the diagnosis of a giant adenofibroma was confirmed. Short term follow-up of the patient was unremarkable. The postoperative course was simple.
Original Research Article
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is a clinical and radiological entity of acute neurological symptoms associated with characteristic MRI findings, characterized by bilateral symmetrical parietooccipital vasogenic edema but may occur in other lobes also. We aim to determine the incidence of typical and atypical regions of involvement in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. Retrospective Study was carried out in the Department of Radiology, Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, for a period of 8 years, from 2013 to April 2021. A total of 24 patients with MRI findings of PRES were studied and classified according to the incidence of Typical and atypical regions of involvement.
Hydatid disease is a parasitic tapeworm infection. It usually occurs in liver and lungs. Involvement of hydatid cyst in para-spinal muscles is very rare. En bloc resection without inducing rupture and spreading the daughter cyst is recommended treatment strategy and accepted to be curative for intramuscular hydatid cyst. The authors here report a rare case of para-spinal hydatid disease CT scan of dorsolumbar showed a lesion comprised of multiple septated cysts involving the bilateral paraspinal region and MRI showed multilobulated multiseptated lesion involving bilateral paraspinal soft tisuues.
Original Research Article
Purpose: To contribute to a better diagnostic and morphological management of surgical pathologies in the pediatric environment using ultrasound. Material and methods: This was a mono-centric, retrospective, descriptive and analytical study carried out in the pediatric surgery department of the University Hospital Center of Cocody over a period of four (04) years and six (6) months (January 1, 2016 to June 30, 2020). We proceeded to a sampling of all the patients who had undergone a pediatric ultrasound that met our inclusion criteria. Results: The mean age of the patients was 6.7 years. The age range 0 to 3 years was predominant (36%), followed by the age range 12 to 15 years (25%). There was a male predominance with a sex ratio of 2.03. Musculoskeletal ultrasound was the most represented (50%) with osteoarticular swelling as the main indication (71.6%) followed by abdomino-pelvic ultrasound (42%) with abdominal pain as the main indication (63%); acute bursa was the main indication for genitourinary pathologies (71%). 64% of the ultrasound scans performed were pathological of a great variety divided into 3 large groups: musculoskeletal infections dominated by osteoarthritis (55%), abdomino-pelvic pathologies dominated by appendicular pathologies (53%) and genitourinary pathologies dominated by testicular ectopy (15%). Conclusion: Ultrasound can be considered as a gold standard in the exploration of surgical conditions in children. The practice of pediatric ultrasound requires competent medical staff, the availability of efficient equipment associated with optimal examination conditions adapted to the child.
Pyometra is defined as the accumulation of pus in the uterine cavity. It is very uncommon disease with incidence of less than 1 % which occurs mostly in post-menopausal women with underlying malignancy. Here the authors report a case of a 67 years old female patient who presented with excessive foul smelling discharge from vagina and lower abdominal pain since more than 1 week. Biopsy revealed carcinoma of cervix. MRI of the pelvis showed a large heterogenous fluid collection with air fluid level showing restricted diffusion seen filling the endometrial cavity.
The clinical state of acute onset of neurologic impairment induced by ischemia or bleeding is known as acute cerebrovascular accident / stroke. Neuroimaging is critical in distinguishing between ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. In the treatment of individuals with acute ischemic stroke, advanced neuroimaging has become critical. Pituitary apoplexy is a syndrome characterised by a sudden onset of headaches, vision loss, pituitary dysfunction and altered consciousness. Here, we introduced the case of acute cerebral ischemia with incidental finding of pituitary macroadenoma. Pituitary macroadenoma is a common malignancy in persons in their forties and fifties. The study of choice for its examination is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A noninvasive diagnosis can be made by studying many parameters such as extent, consistency, and contrast uptake.
Original Research Article
Objective: Show the interest of MRI in cardiac pathology in our context. Method: Transversal retrospective study with descriptive aim carried out in Abidjan(Côte d’Ivoire). It covered six months. Black and white blood sequences, T1, T2, STIR, T1 SPIR Gadolinium in small axis VG, larger axis VG and four cavities were used in all patients. The study population consisted of patients who came for a cardiac MRI and excluded control MRI reports. Results: The average age of the patients was 50,09±15,46 from 9 to 84 years old. it was male predominance 82.19%, a sex ratio of 4.62. Ischemic heart disease accounted for 16.44% of indications and myocarditis (15.07%). Diagnostic efficiency of cardiac MRI was 47.95%. Morphological analysis objectified cardiomyopathies dominated by dilated cardiomyopathies (11%) and myocarditis (9.6%). Myocardial infarction(12,4%), cardiac malformations (11%) and pericarditis (1.37%). Functional analysis noted valvulopathies dominated by mitral insufficiency (6,9%) and hypokinesia(19,2%). Conclusion: MRI is an excellent tool for heart disease exploring. Its safety and performance make it a tool of choice for the diagnosis of cardiopathies dominated by cardiomyopathies and myocardial infarction in our context.
Original Research Article
Mammographic Profile of Women in the Radiology Department at Douala Gyneco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital, Cameroon
Yannick Onana, Joshua Tambe, Samuel Mbozo’o Mvondo, Mohamadou Aminou, Carine Nanga, Jean-Claude Mballa Amougou, Jérémie Mbo Amvene, Odile Fernande Zeh, Emile Telesphore Mboudou
EAS J Radiol Imaging Technol, 2021; 3(5): 304-309
DOI: 10.36349/easjrit.2021.v03i05.018
746 Downloads | Oct. 30, 2021
Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the world, especially in Cameroon, where in the absence of a national screening program for this condition, several free campaigns are associated with individual screening, through the practice of mammograms. The aim of our study was to specify the lesional characteristics of mammograms in women at Douala Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital (DGOPH). Methods: This was a retrospective and descriptive cross-sectional study in which we extracted data from mammograms performed in women between January 2019 and December 2020, at DGOPH. Results: Out of 247 records, the most represented age group was that of 50-60 years (36.84%). The most common indication for examination was collective screening (45.34%). Micro-calcifications were the most frequent lesions (23.08%), especially of the benign type. 39.27% of mammograms were reported as normal. Conclusion: Although patients aged 50 to 60 are the most represented in our study, coming for mass screening, and presenting the vast majority of normal results, it remains important to educate relatively younger women about the importance of having a mammogram, especially since it is observed in hospital studies that an increasing proportion of young women present with breast cancer in our context.