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Original Research Article
Impacts of Drought on Food Security in Bangladesh
Fathi Abdirahman Farah, Abdiaziz Hassan Nur, Abdullahi Ali Ibrahim, Abas Abdi Warsame, Abdinasir Abdullahi Mohamed, Sharmake Mohamed Ahmed
East African Scholars J Agri Life Sci; 2025, 8(2): 35-53
43 Downloads | March 18, 2025
Drought has emerged as a critical threat to food security in Bangladesh, a country heavily reliant on agriculture for economic stability and livelihoods. This study explores the causes, impacts, and vulnerabilities associated with drought, focusing on its effects on agricultural productivity and food availability. Drought in Bangladesh is driven by inadequate rainfall, regional disparities in precipitation, and the escalating effects of climate change, including rising temperatures and altered rainfall patterns. These factors have led to significant crop losses, particularly in staple foods like rice, wheat, and potatoes, resulting in higher food prices, reduced dietary diversity, and increased malnutrition, especially among vulnerable populations such as women and children. The northwestern and southwestern regions of Bangladesh are particularly susceptible to drought, with smallholder farmers bearing the brunt of its impacts due to limited resources for adaptation. Long-term consequences, including soil degradation, declining groundwater levels, and reduced agricultural resilience, further exacerbate food insecurity. While the government and international organizations have implemented measures such as drought-resistant crops, improved water management, and early warning systems, challenges like inadequate funding and infrastructure limit their effectiveness. To address these challenges, this study emphasizes the need for a holistic approach that integrates climate adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and social protection measures. Investments in resilient crop varieties, affordable irrigation technologies, and community-based initiatives like rainwater harvesting are essential to enhance agricultural resilience. Strengthening social safety nets and supporting vulnerable populations during periods of food scarcity are also critical. By adopting a comprehensive strategy, Bangladesh can mitigate the impacts of drought, build resilience in its agricultural systems,
Original Research Article
This study examines the mineral and proximate composition of three periwinkle species shells endemic to Nembe mangrove swamp for their potential use in soil amendment. 150 periwinkle shells of three different varieties were harvested and their proximate and mineral compositions were determined (following standard procedures) in Biochemistry Lab. Federal University Otuoke. The results reveal morphological diversity and cultural relevance of the periwinkle shell varieties – Tympanotonus radula (Imoron), T. fuscatus (Emoru), and Pachymelania aurita (Buhari). Significant variations (p ≤ 0.05) in their fiber, ether extract, crude-protein, and mineral content were observed. T. fuscatys exhibited the lowest moisture content (35.51 ± 1.31) and the highest dry matter (561.87 ± 0.63), whereas T. radula showed the opposite trend. T. fuscatus also recorded the highest crude fiber (4.68 ± 0.41%) and crude protein (25.00 ± 1.09%), while P. aurita had significantly lower values in both categories. In terms of mineral composition, T. fuscatus contained significantly higher (p<0.05) level of calcium, potassium, and magnesium than T. radula and P. aurita, making it particularly suitable for soil amendment and crop biofortification. T. radula had the highest phosphorus content (3.86 ± 0.18), whereas iodine concentration was highest in T. fuscatus (6.90 ± 1.05). The study concludes that periwinkle shells, especially those of T. fuscatus, hold significant potential for enhancing soil fertility and improving crop yields as natural soil amendments. This approach will not only support sustainable agricultural practices but also enriches the nutritional quality of crops.
Original Research Article
Addition of mineral fertilizer to an organic source of nutrients may reduce the lag between application to the soil and nutrient release. A field experiment laid out as randomized complete block design was conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Federal University of Technology, Akure Nigeria to compare the effects of organic, mineral and an organo-mineral fertilizer formulations on soil microbial population, chemical properties and maize (Zea mays) performance. Treatments involved three soil amendments, which were: NPK at 250kg/ha; Neem seed-based fertilizer (NSBF) at 300kg/ha, and Compost at 2.5 t/ha. Treatments also included a Control where the soil was not amended at all. At maize harvest, plant height appeared in the order of NSBF > NPK > Compost > control, and they caused 15.9, 15.8 and 6.1 % increases, respectively. Other growth and yield parameters were also affected by the various treatments in similar manner as the plant height. Result also showed that while the Compost and NSBF increased microbial count (both bacteria and fungi), growth of microorganisms was repressed by the application of NPK fertilizer. Soil pH, organic carbon (OC) as well as residual nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations were significantly increased by both Compost and the NSBF whereas application of mineral fertilizer reduced their concentrations in the soil at the termination of the experiment. It was therefore concluded that organomineral formulations can serve dual purposes of both quick nutrient release as well as leave residual nutrients in the soil for the following cropping.
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Municipal solid waste management in Kenya has remained a challenge despite being devolved to forty-seven regional Counties in 2010 resulting in ongoing negative impacts on human health and environment. The study sought to investigate the success of Kitui County government in managing municipal solid waste with an aim of producing recommendations for its improvement. The research adopted mixed method approach and the research data was obtained through key informant interviews and issuance of survey questionnaires. Kitui municipality manager, Kitui municipality environment, recreation and social services director, municipal solid waste management supervisor, Kitui County National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) director, and Kitui County environment director were purposively selected as key informants for this study. The interview data obtained was descriptively analysed by looking at common themes arising from the interview narratives. Insights from the interview data revealed that financial constraints, and limited knowledge on sustainable municipal solid waste management practices, policies and regulations among Kitui municipality residents were some of the factors contributing to unsustainable municipal solid waste management practices in Kitui County. Randomly sampled (399) Kitui municipality residents were enrolled in a questionnaire survey on their experiences with Kitui County waste management operation. Of the 399 questionnaires issued 390 were completed and returned. Data obtained from the survey questionnaires was descriptively analysed by determining variable frequencies and presented in pie charts, bar graphs and frequency tables. The study findings revealed that, 42.8 % of the respondents were not satisfied with how Kitui County government undertakes waste collection exercise. Additionally, 23.8% of the respondents lacked waste collection services with 61% of them undertaking open burning of their generated waste. Waste from 31.2 % ...
Original Research Article
At the start, we consider the greatest decreases in reproducing populace size that have been seen across a wide scope of animal categories. The essential imperative on such an activity is that these alleged memorable paces of decline will constantly misjudge real decays, since genuine notable populace maxima will have happened well before fishery the executives offices started gathering information on fish overflow. For most fish populaces, dependable quantitative information on overflow have just been accessible for the beyond 2 to thirty years. One incredibly helpful information base in such manner has been kept up with by Ransom Myers at Dalhousie University. In this information base, bringing forth stock size, enlistment, gets by the fishery, and fishing mortality, all assessed by the public or global organization answerable for the administration of every populace, are accessible for a considerable length of time. Obviously marine fishes have encountered phenomenal downfalls comparative with known memorable levels. These information depend on populaces for which time series reach out something like 10 years, with a mean of 25 years and a limit of 73 years. Taken all in all, the middle greatest populace decline among the 232 populaces for which information are accessible is 83%; well over portion of the populaces (58%) showed most extreme decays of 80% or more. The solid negative slant in the information, and the high middle decrease in overflow, are likewise apparent at lower ordered levels. Among 56 populaces of clupeids, 73% experienced notable downfalls of 80% or more. Inside the Gadidae and cod, of the 70 populaces for which there are information, the greater part declined 80% or more. Furthermore, among 30 pleuronectid populaces, 43% displayed declines of 80% or more. These outcomes are sobering for two reasons. To start with, a considerable lot of them have happened notwithstanding a gigantic work to keep them from occurring. Second, as indicated ...
Original Research Article
This study was to make bio-fertilizers with Azotobacteria and Azospirilum consortiums and to test the influence of bio-fertilizers on Okra plant growth. This investigation was conducted using the soil from the Biological Garden of the University of Cross River State, Calabar. Pure culture and mass production was performed in batch fermentation at optimum condition by means of specific medium for Azospirilum and Azotobacter. Organisms were isolated from the soil samples and confirmed using biochemical tests. The bio-fertilizer effect on the growth parameters of Okra plants was carried out on Day 21. The post germination, phenotypic and observations showed significant differences in performance between plant length, mass, root numbers, root length, total plant length, breadth of leaves, shoot length, root mass and biological yield. The biochemical indices exibited a significant rise (P < 0.05) in chlorophyll content (mg/ wt) as compared to Control (0.010±0.000), Azospirilum (0.016±0.000), Azotobacter (0.016±0.000) and consortium (0.018±0.000). Significant rise (P<0.05) in carbohydrate content (%) control (51.976±0.768), Azospirilum (69.690±3), Azotobacter (69).656+2), and consortium 70).190± (5). Protein content control (0.028±0.001), Azospirilum (0.040±0.000), Azotobacter (0.060±0.001) and consortium (0.061±0.000) all significantly increased [P< 0.05]. Growth is significantly affected by single injection and control when compared to plants being treated with Azotobacter, Azospirilum or both (P < 0.05). According to the findings, plant mineral fixation through nitrogen fixation and phosphorous solubilization seems to be improved by bio-fertilizer inoculation as well as their mineral nutrition’s improvement.
Original Research Article
Background: Previous studies have looked at suitability of Arabica coffee with less emphasis on Robusta coffee. Secondly, they looked at coffee suitability in terms of temperature and rainfall. Methods: This study examined the effect of climate change on soil moisture content for coffee growing in Uganda, using historical (1990-2022) and projected (2025-2050) data from Terraclimate and eight Global Climate Models (GCMs). Soil moisture was analyzed in relation to coffee crop moisture thresholds at the root zone to simulate historical and future coffee suitability under two scenarios: Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs) 245 and 585. Results: Soil moisture content in Uganda was characterized by high variability in highland areas during the March to May season among years. Furthermore, there were both decreasing and increasing trends averaging at ±1mm/Month. The future was on the other hand dominated by increasing trends over the western region and eastern-northern regions under SSP245 and SSP585 respectively averaging at 0.2mm/Month. Suitability analysis for 1990-2022 revealed that 71% of Uganda was highly suitable for coffee, while future predictions indicated an increase in suitable areas to 74% under SSP245 and 81% under SSP585. Conclusion: Generally, the higher moisture content associated with climate change will result in increased suitability of coffee by 10%, however, characterized by shifting area suitability especially for the mid-northern and south western regions where a reduction and gain in suitability is expected, respectively. This study highly the importance of identification and adaptation of site-specific soil moisture conservation practices, especially in the unsuitable areas.