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Objectives: This retrospective study seeks to delineate the epidemiological, clinical, and radiological profiles of patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) for stroke at the Essos Hospital Center, a tertiary care facility in Cameroon. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the clinical records of all patients diagnosed with stroke and admitted to the ICU between January 2019 and December 2024. Data on demographics (age, sex, risk factors), clinical characteristics (stroke subtype, Glasgow Coma Scale score at admission, clinical manifestations), and radiological findings (stroke type based on neuroimaging, lesion localisation) were systematically collected and subjected to descriptive statistical analysis. Results: Of the 100 patients included, the mean age was 63 years, with a predominance of male patients (70%). Ischaemic strokes represented 65% of cases, while haemorrhagic strokes accounted for 35%. Hypertension (75%), diabetes mellitus (30%), and smoking (25%) were the predominant risk factors. Neuroimaging, particularly computed tomography (CT), identified cerebral infarctions in 60% of cases and intracerebral haemorrhages in 30%. The overall ICU mortality rate was 40%, with key prognostic factors including advanced age, low Glasgow Coma Scale score at admission, and the specific localisation of cerebral lesions. Conclusions: This study underscores the high prevalence of ischaemic strokes and the significant role of modifiable risk factors in the aetiology of stroke. Strokes remain a leading cause of mortality in the ICU in Cameroon. Early intervention and optimised management of modifiable risk factors hold potential for improving clinical outcomes in this patient population.
Original Research Article
Introduction: Extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is a rare and severe cancer, representing less than 3% of malignant digestive neoplasms and is the second most common primary liver cancer after hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Its frequency is often underestimated. The resectability rate depends on the tumor's location (5-30% in hilar forms). Objective: Evaluate the surgical treatment outcomes of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Patients and Methods: This retrospective, single-center, and analytical study spanned from January 1, 2018, to September 30, 2023, involving 20 patients (excluding Klatskin tumors). The mean patient age was 65 years (range: 55-74), with a male-to-female ratio of 2.3. Most patients were classified as ASA I and II (American Society of Anesthesiologists). Results: Clinically, jaundice was observed in 100% of cases. Nine patients exhibited general health deterioration. The diagnostic delay averaged 9 months (range: 9-18 months). Histologically, adenocarcinoma was identified in 100% of surgical specimens. Surgery was performed in 40% of patients, while palliative care was applied in 45%. Post-resection morbidity was 35%, and mortality was 37.5%. Conclusion: Surgical resection remains the only treatment offering prolonged survival, though five-year survival rates are low, even after curative procedures.
Original Research Article
Introduction: The global progression of diabetes mellitus (DM) pandemic is a real public health problem. This growth, more remarkable in low- and middle-income countries is linked to risk factors (RF) and urbanization. This study contributes to the updating of epidemiological data on diabetes and its RF in rural and urban areas in Congo. Aim of the Study: To describe epidemiological and diagnostic aspects of DM and its RF in rural and urban areas in Congo. Patients and Method: A cross-sectional, retrospective and multicenter study, including patients in 20 centers (urban/rural) from October 2010 to 2017.Studied parameters were: socio-demographic profile, duration of diabetes, anthropometric measurements, RF, types of DM and glycaemia. Data were analyzed by Epi info, using Chi-2 and Student, with a significance threshold of 0.05. Results: A total of 4758 patients were received, including 4116 patients (86.51%) in urban areas and 642 patients (13.49%) in rural areas. Among them, 2460 men (51.70%) and 2298 women (48.30%), M/F ratio of 1.07. The mean age was 51.67±15.45 years [range 2 to 95 years].3021 patients (63.5%) were known to be diabetic, with a mean duration of 5.97 years and 1737 patients (36.5%) were newly diagnosed. The annual incidence was 248 new cases/year. The socio-professional status was dominated by the unemployed (33.80%), employees (26.2%), students/pupils (12.9%) and retirees (11.9%). T2D (84.72%) and T1D (8.53%) were more represented. RF: Hypertension (39.34%), affects 90.60% of patients in urban areas and 9.40% in rural areas (p = 0.000). Overweight (37.89%) and obesity (27.77%), predominantly urban, female and in T2D (p = 0.000)). Metabolic syndrome of urban predominance was found in 17.12% of patients. The mean glycaemia was 283 ± 14 mg /dl. Conclusion: Our study shows that DM and its RFs are common in Congo, with a strong predominance in urban areas, requiring specific strategies to reduce the impact of urbanization.
Original Research Article
Prevalence of Prediabetes among Tuberculosis Patients Attending DOTS Clinic in a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria
Sunday Adebayo Owolabi, Ayinmode Babatunde, Amoko Ampitan, Ogunjemilua Sunday Bode, Badmus Funsho Habeeb, Olugbenga Tomisin, Yusuf Adebayo Ramat, Kuranga Suleiman Ibrahim, Owoyemi Ayodeji John
EAS J Med Surg, 2024; 6(12): 384-387
80 Downloads | Dec. 10, 2024
Background: There exists a strong association between prediabetes and TB, which brings about disease activation, relapse and several other unfavourable treatment outcomes among TB patients. The association between prediabetes and TB have also revealed a concomitant increase in the prevalence of prediabetes among TB patients. This study determined the prevalence of prediabetes among tuberculosis patients attending the DOTS clinic of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH) Nigeria. Method: This was a cross-sectional study involving one hundred and eighty consenting TB patients, selected using systematic random sampling techniques. Socio-demographic data was collected using a questionnaire. Laboratory investigation was done using NICE guidelines to determine the prevalence of prediabetes among TB patients. Demographic information was entered, calculated and analysed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS 23). Results: The age of the participants ranged from 18 to 95 years with a mean age of 37 (SD ± 15.01). The prevalence of prediabetes among TB patients was 8.9%. Conclusions: The study showed a high prevalence of prediabetes among TB patients attending DOTS clinics at UITH, Ilorin.
Original Research Article
Introduction: Postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) remains one of the most challenging complications following pancreatoduodenectomy, contributing significantly to morbidity and mortality. This study explores the relationship between clinical, biochemical, and surgical factors and the development of POPF, with a focus on identifying predictors. Methods: This observational study was conducted in Dhaka Medical College & Hospital (DMCH), Dhaka, from January 2023 to December 2023. 30 patients with the Whipples procedure were selected as study subjects by purposive simple random sampling technique. Analysis was done manually by MS Word & MS Excel worksheet and SPSS. The unpaired t-test and Chi-square test were done for data analysis. Result: POPF was significantly associated with a smaller main pancreatic duct diameter (≤3 mm, p = 0.006) and soft pancreatic texture (p = 0.00005). Elevated drain fluid amylase levels, particularly on postoperative day 5, highlighted its role in the early detection of POPF. Periampullary carcinoma was the most common diagnosis overall, though only chronic pancreatitis showed a significant association with POPF (p = 0.032). The duct-to-mucosa anastomotic technique significantly reduced the risk of POPF compared to the dunking method (p = 0.00001). Other variables, including blood loss and procedure type, were not significantly linked to POPF development. Conclusion: This study highlights that postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) following pancreatoduodenectomy is strongly influenced by factors such as small main pancreatic duct diameter (≤3 mm), soft pancreatic texture, and the anastomotic technique used. Elevated drain fluid amylase levels in the early postoperative period emerged as a reliable marker for POPF risk.
Original Research Article
Background: Venous invasion is not only an important prognostic indicator in colorectal cancer, but also an important factor of deciding treatment plan for adjuvant therapy. Vascular invasion is usually assessed using hematoxylin and eosin (H & E). But the accuracy of detection of venous invasion using H & E is debatable. Verhoeff's elastic stain is a staining protocol used to demonstrate normal or pathologic elastic fibers, which can be used to improve the detection of venous invasion. Objectives: To evaluate the role of Verhoeff’s elastic stain to detect venous invasion in colorectal adenocarcinoma. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out among 91 cases of colorectal adenocarcinoma. The duration for this study was from March, 2020 to February, 2022. Demographic and histopathological variables were assessed. Venous invasion with both H& E and Verhoeff’s stains were evaluated. Results: Mean age was 51.7 ± 10.9 years. The majority of the patients were males (61.5%). The most common site of the tumor was colon (74.7%). Tumors having size ≥5 cm in diameter (71.4%) were more common. Majority (78.0%) were found to be moderately differentiated neoplasm by histological grading. The rate of venous invasion detection was higher with Verhoeff’s elastic stain compared to H & E stain. Positive results for venous invasion were observed in 21 (23.1%) and 40 (44.0%) cases stained with H & E and Verhoeff’s elastic stain, respectively. Conclusion: This study found that Verhoeff's elastic stain is better at detecting venous invasion in colorectal adenocarcinoma than H&E stain. Therefore, Verhoeff's elastic stain can be routinely employed to detect venous invasion in resected samples of colorectal carcinoma.
Original Research Article
Clinical, Epidemiological and Therapeutic Aspects in Elderly Congolese Diabetics
Charley Loumade Elenga-Bongo, Ghislaine Rachel Biwole Sida, Evariste Bouenizabila, Raissa Laure Mayanda, Larisa Abubakirovna Bugova, Chancelvie Chabrel Yidika Moussavou, Marie-Gaby Monabeka, Sergey Vl
EAS J Med Surg, 2024; 6(12): 362-369
80 Downloads | Dec. 4, 2024
Background: The global growth in the number of elderly people is associated to the increasing of CVD and their complications. The Congolese population is predominantly young, with predominance of diabetes between 40 and 60 years of age. This study highlights the particularities of diabetes in elderly congolese diabetics. Aim of the study: To describe clinical, epidemiological and therapeutic aspects of elderly Congolese diabetics. Method: Retrospective study based on the analysis of the records of patients aged 65 and above admitted from 2010 to 2016 to Adolphe Sicé General Hospital. The studied parameters are: sociodemographic, duration of diabetes, CVRF, complications, glycaemia, HbA1c, treatment and evolution. The analysis was done by Epi info, using Student's and Chi-2 tests with p < 0.05 significant. Results: A total of 2816 patients were admitted, among them 326 patients (8.64%) were aged 65 and above. 53.70% women and 46.30% men, the mean age was 72.77±5.83. Sex ratio is 0.8. Mean duration of diabetes was 5.7 years. 60.00% were known diabetics, with mean duration of 9.5 years and 40.00% were newly diagnosed. T2DM represents 98.00%. Hypertension was found in 63.50% of patients and metabolic syndrome (30%). Macro and microvascular complications: stroke (24.54%), PAD (21.00%), neuropathy (51.00%) and nephropathy (42.40%). Hyperosmolar coma represented 20.20% of acute complications, hypoglycemia (7.36%). Mean glycaemia was 3.44±1.25 g/l and HbA1c 9.94±3.54. Mortality was 8.00%. Conclusion: This study shows that diabetes in the elderly Congolese subject is not rare. Its association with CVRF is frequent, increasing the risk of cardiovascular complications.